Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tips & Tricks for SUCCESS

Due to the last few posts of my weight loss journey, I’ve been getting an overwhelming amount of questions about how I lost weight and for tips and tricks. I decided to put together a list of dieting/gym tips that really helped me accomplish my goals and keep weight off. These tips helped me so you may be your mileage may vary depending on your schedule and goals.

Tip 1: skipping breakfast. I would skip breakfast and wouldn’t eat lunch until like 12 or 1. I would break my lunch up into two smaller meals and eat one serving at 12 and another at like 3 or 4. I noticed no matter how big of a breakfast I ate I would still always be hungry for lunch so I decided to skip it. I also noticed that no matter what I ate for lunch, I’d always crave more food at around 3 or 4 before I got off of work to go to the gym. This strategy helped me because at night if I got cravings for snacks or treats I was already missing an entire meal for the day (the breakfast I skipped) so it wouldn’t hinder progress much at all.

Tip 2: healthier versions of normal snacks. If you crave cookies and milk, rather than eating chocolate chip cookies and whole milk you could eat cookies and skim milk. Save like 150 calories for essentially the same cheat meal. Another example would be fat free yogurt, diet sodas, sugar free sauces, fat free cheese, etc. The small things like this really helped reduce the amount of calories eaten per day and add up over time to significant weight loss.

Tip 3: eating satiating meals. I could eat a boat load of pasta but would struggle to finish an entire potato without feeling full. One potato has significantly less calories than something like pasta but significantly more nutrients. So my meals would be primarily potatoes for my carb source, with days of rice or pasta sprinkled in to keep my sanity in check because I love pasta lol. High volume satiating meals is key to getting full and staying full which will reduce cravings after dinner.

Tip 4: don’t make your food too good tasting. This sounds extreme or dumb but I’m not kidding when I say this. I personally gained a bunch of weight due to lack of self control when it came to eating. If I made an entire pot of friend rice, or bought an entire fried chicken, I would eat the whole thing. Once I started eating I couldn’t stop because the food was so good tasting. By eating mediocre tasting meals it really stops you from desiring to eat more and more. Like okay I’m getting full, but I really want another plate of… chicken and broccoli? Nah I’ll pass.

Tip 5: you have to do some physical activity that you enjoy and can stick to. When you’re overweight and don’t do anything physical on a day to day basis, the beginning will suck no matter what you do. I would drive to the gym and just look at myself in the mirror and compare myself to everyone there and hate myself. But I went over and over and over again until eventually it became routine. After about a month of doing something consistently it becomes routine, and you will start to see changes in yourself and becomes addicting. Maybe your arms look slightly more toned, or your shirt fits a little bit better than before. It sounds vain but this fueled my motivation for the gym and continued weight loss through my diet outside of the gym.

That’s all I got. If anyone here can apply any of these tips & it helps them in any way then this post was worth it. Keep grinding everyone!

submitted by /u/lukeiswright
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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