Monday, January 14, 2019

Encouragement from a stranger!

So, a little background: I posted here regularly-ish a couple years ago, after my second son was born, at around 227 lbs (I'm 32, female, and 5'2). I lost about seventy pounds, all while frequenting this sub.

Then, however, I started a new job, and had means for a bit more extravagance, and let my weigh loss efforts slip a bit.

Then, an IUD failure meant boy number three, which was another obvious weight loss speed bump. But of course, a great one.

I've recently re-started my efforts, and am now ten pounds down since last month, and am at about 185. My driver's license, however, reflects my highest weight ever of around 244 pounds, with the photo to match.

So now on to today:

This morning, I had a call from American Express. Apparently, while leaving Costco, I left my wallet on the roof of my car (it happens when you're loading up three little boys into a Honda Fit), and someone found it on the side of the road. The AmEx rep gave me the guy's number.

I called him, and we agreed to meet at a grocery store this evening. I dropped my boys with my mom and drove the half hour up the mountain to "upcountry" Maui. I texted him my car's description, and within minutes, he arrived and handed me my wallet, everything intact. He was a tall, thin, nice man in his sixties. I thanked him, slipped him some cash, and made my way back down the road. When I pulled into my mom's driveway, I noticed he'd left me another voicemail:

"Hey, it's [wallet guy]. I just wanted to mention something. When you texted me that you were standing by your car, I was looking for you based on the photograph on your driver's license. I really didn't recognize you. I just wanted to congratulate you on your obviously significant weight loss. You look great, and you should be really proud of yourself."

I listened to that voicemail three times before I went into my mom's house near tears. It's been a daunting thing, re-started my efforts after I let go of them for so long, but with that message, I was reminded how far I've come! Even though I put it on hold, I didn't gain it all back, and I'm still in a much better place than I was. I'll tell you, I'll never delete that voicemail, and it has been incredible encouragement for me to keep up my hard work, especially as I start back to work from leave again tomorrow.

Good night, friends!

submitted by /u/squunchkin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Irvine Half Marathon Results and Mud Run?

Hello! I ran the Irvine Half Marathon this weekend and it was packed with a few surprises! These are my results and recap – if you ran the race feel free to link your recap in the comments.

Irvine Half Marathon race course finish

Irvine Half Marathon Race Recap

Packet Pick-Up: There was NO race day packet pick-up. Boo. One of my favorite things is when races let you get your race bib (number) the morning of the race. It can be a big hassle to have to drive to the race location the night before a race…. go home… wake up at the crack of dawn to go back to that same place you were yesterday. There are a lot of races around Southern California and there are also a lot of people in here – this means there’s a lot of traffic. Since this was a Saturday race – runners had to get their stuff Thursday or Friday night. Luckily I live super close to the race starting line – but if I lived in Long Beach or near my parents… nope. I would have had to drive for hours out and back – only to have to do that again the next day.

Related: One time Skinny Runner and I were supposed to run a race in San Diego and had to pick up our stuff the day before. The traffic was soooooo bad – dead stop, going no where on the 405 bad – that we decided to turn around and not do the race.

Race Tee: Short sleeve tech tee. I liked it.

irvine half marathon race review 5

Logistics: I live close by so it should have been no problem to get to the start line – but I didn’t know what streets were closed and ended up having to detour and find a new route. I think there were directions from the freeway but not street directions. I didn’t need to get on the freeway so that didn’t really get me the info I needed.

Parking: Free. Boom!

Race Morning: I was late. (See: logistics) But there wasn’t a lot of traffic and the race started on time! The late arrival was on me.

irvine half marathon race review 3

Irvine half marathon race review 4


I was walking to the starting line when the gun went off. So on the bright side – I got some good photos of the race start! And these were the only good pictures from the race because it started to rain when I had about 1 mile left. After the race it was raining pretty hard and I didn’t want to have my phone out in it so I asked someone to snap a quick post-race pic and then made a bee line to my car. Or maybe I made a ladybug line because I’m not a bee. But I don’t know if I’m really a lady either so… Basically I rushed to the car because I was freezing.

Irvine Half Marathon results race pictures

Race Course: This is similar to the Lexus Lace Up Irvine half course… but there are a few small differences. It’s a fairly flat course around Irvine, CA neighborhoods and bike paths.

irvine half marathon race review course 3

There was one big challenge on race day in the form of a … mud pit / puddle / lake situation. The rain from the night before flooded the path and there was a section covered in muddy water that went past your ankles. When I got to this part I stopped for a second because everyone in front of me was trying to navigate this area by going to the right or left of it. There was a guy coming back on the right side so I assumed he didn’t think that was the way to go… so I went left.

Well, there was no way around it (literally). Runners just had to carefully walk through the mud water and trying to go to the side helped keep it from being too deep.

But another runner showed me a picture of their attempt to go around it to the right and it turns out – if you stayed up against the wall you could mostly get around it without having to step in the water completely.

I probably would have fallen in so I’m okay with my choice – it looked like they were completely against the wall and one lil lean the wrong way would mean stepping into it.

irvine half marathon race review course

irvine half marathon race review course 1


Finish Line: I didn’t stay for any post race party, food, free beer, etc. At that point it was raining and I was freezing and just wanted to get home and into the shower. Plus – Diego was waiting for me at home!

Irvine Half Marathon race finish line

Overall: I would do this race again. It’s so close! And the weather was the main drawback, but it’s rare to deal with super challenging weather around here. Maybe I should call it an inconvenience instead?

Race Rating Scale (640x640)

Race Grade: On a scale of 1 to 5… um, I’m going to say a 3.4.

But this is the first time I’ve used this scale so… maybe I’ll have to edit this when I start to grade more races.

Results: My finish time was 1:52:46

irvine half marathon race review finish medal

The good thing about Saturday races is Sunday rest day feels sooooo good.

rest day definition

And 1st place for the cutest half marathon medal wearing Golden Retriever is…


Diego Redvera!!

Irvine half marathon medal Monday

And in other race news… I have new discounts for you!

New Race Discount Codes

OC marathon half marathon discount code


OC Marathon and Half Marathon Discount Code

Get 10% off of the Orange County Marathon or Half Marathon May 5th

Discount code: RUNEATREPEAT10


Elite Sports Races – full, half marathon, 10k and 5k races in Southern California

Get 20% off all races with Discount Code: RER20

Check out their events page for all the upcoming races! There’s one in Jan, one in Feb… there’s a lot!


Check out the Race Discounts Page for more!


Question: Did you run this weekend?


The post Irvine Half Marathon Results and Mud Run? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

The best shape I’ve ever been in at 200 lbs - 25 lbs to go :)

The difference might not be as noticeable for others looking at my progress, but for me - I’m ecstatic. I started this process 30 lbs heavier than I am now with a 43” waist. Now, my waist is at 34.5”! My strength in the gym has stayed essentially the same - I pr’d my deadlift with a 455 lb pull, squats are steady at 350 lbs and my bench is still weak sauce at 225 lbs :( lol. I’ve learned a lot about myself and weight loss along the way and I figured I’d share some of that in case anyone is in a similar spot as me.

I’ll start by saying that growing up, I was always the husky kid. So I did something about it then became the skinny kid. So then I started lifting and became the fit kid. Then I went on a bulk that never truly ended and I was once again the fat guy. The circle of life, I suppose. I went on a dream spring break to Miami back in March of 2018 and while everything was so much fun, my appearance held me back a lot. I was self conscious and didn’t take my shirt off barely at all, even at the beach. I’m from the north so this should’ve been my opportunity to live it up but that definitely held me back. So we decided this past summer that we would go back to Miami again in March of 2019 - I promised myself I would not look like that again.

So what got me here and what will get me to the promised land? 2 pillars to all of this - diet and exercise, of course. My diet was and is pretty straightforward. I know many popular nutrition pundits claim 1 to 2 pounds per week is probably the only healthy way to do it. However, studies do not back this up. In fact, studies comparing small deficits (~5/10%) to large deficits (~25%) showed almost no difference in muscle loss and much more fat loss. So this is the route I went. I began by eating 2,000 calories for the first 12 week “block” of my diet. I say block because this diet has been separated by a phase of maintenance eating - a diet break, if you will - for about 6 weeks. This is another thing that science strongly recommends, showing better compliance and muscle retention when diets are broken up into phases. The best guess now is changes in things like cortisol and leptin production... bringing those back up through a break makes everything just work better. I picked up on a lot of this from Dr Mike Israetel, Barbell Medicine and Renaissance Periodization - all great YouTube channels that I’d be happy to link if anyone is interested. I am now on my last block of dieting and am eating 1,800 calories, however that’s subject to change if I don’t see the results I’m looking for.

The actual foods I ate? My macros are currently 200P/160C/40F . I know keto is popular around these parts, but when I have done keto in the past it compromises my ability to train hard and, thus, retain muscle. With this moderate carb approach, I’ve lost almost nothing in way of muscle or strength.

On a low fat diet, chicken breast was a staple. I boil 4-5 lbs of it and then shred it, and mix in either sugar free BBQ sauce or buffalo sauce, then make sandwiches/wraps with it. It’s very easy to keep in a Rubbermaid container. Also, I relied heavily on protein powder. I prefer Cellucor as it has the best chocolate taste, imo, and tastes good with water. Deli meats are great in a pinch. Salads with fat free Italian, popcorn, Quest bars, egg whites, mashed/riced cauliflower and the occasional grilled chicken snack wrap from McDonalds rounded out the rest. Also, I drank quite a bit of black coffee, diet soda, and flavored water.

The second part of the equation has been my activity. I lift 6 days a week doing a pretty novel split. M/W/F is strictly compound movements - squat, bench, deadlift, OHP. T/TH/S is “bodybuilding” day, basically arm/shoulder/ab work. Just some days to have fun and accumulate volume, really. The idea behind my training has been to train with moderate intensity (60-85% of my max) but not to failure, usually 1-4 reps short of it. This has allowed me to lift with much higher volumes and not get run down, which I believe in combination with the higher carbs has resulted in my muscle mass retention.

I have 25 lbs to go. I have all the tools I need to succeed. I know what my body likes and dislikes. I’m so damn excited to see what I can do. I haven’t had abs since high school, but I can feel them getting ready to make their triumphant return. I wanted to post this to see if you guys can see the progress, to maybe help someone, and to hold myself accountable - I love lurking on here and reading everyone’s successes. Let’s keep it going & I’ll be back at the end of March to show you what I’ve accomplished! 😌

submitted by /u/Ajwwr82
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Went from 190lbs to 135lbs about 5 yrs ago(Age 16), currently weighing in at 166lbs (Age 21) and I feel awful about it

So 5yrs ago I went through a dramatic change in weight. When I lost the weight I thought to myself "I can never go back to the way I was". Here I am 5yrs later having gained ≈30lbs and I have never been more disappointed in myself. Since graduating highschool I've developed many bad habits such as overeating, staying up too late etc. I am currently at the gym and am finding it very difficult to get motivated even whilst being here which makes me very sad. I used to love going to the gym and the feeling it brought to me afterwards

Back when I lost weight the first time, this subreddit was a HUGE part of that and I just wanna take a second to thank you all so much for that first push. I truly will never forget the first time I stumbled upon this community. However, I am very much in need of a second push into hopefully yet another successful weight loss journey.

If any of you would be so kind to lift me up once again I could really use it.

Thank you /r/loseit

submitted by /u/austinle12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I may have finally figured out the perfect diet for me.

I have been on diets every year for many years, I am successful at losing some weight but always fail and end up gaining more weight than my original starting weight was.

I started this diet 8 days ago at 195.55 Pound and I'm already down to 190.47, that was a 5 Pound loss in 7 days (I weighed myself yesterday).

I've learnt more about diets every time I've been on them and there are three hurdles I have overcome this time around.

The first is exercise. Normally I would go for a run outside, it would get too cold, it would be windy and rainy and I'd think 'Not tonight'. So this time I have put the treadmill in my living room. I am lucky enough to work from home so I make sure that I walk uphill on it twice a day and run on it twice a day, and on weekends I will just walk so that my legs can recover.

Then there are Carbs. I would always try and avoid these after hearing countless times about how if you cut out Carbs then it will be easier to lose weight. By doing so it means that I can't have that Naan bread with my Curry, I can't have Sandwiches and I can't even have Sausage and Mash. So this time I figured as long as I am exercising 4 times a day, having Shreddies for breakfast, a Sandwich for lunch and then fruit in-between followed by a decent home made meal for tea with nuts and dark chocolate for snacks after, then a few Carbs in the mix are not going to ruin the diet. If anything, they will mean I can continue the diet because I will not be worrying about what I eat all the time.

The next hurdle is simply pre planning. If we are out of bread tomorrow then I will get some more today. I will make sure we are fully stocked up so that I never get to the point where I question what I can have instead of my sandwich at lunch. Such small things can send these diets on a downward spiral so I am making sure I am organised this time around.

When I first started dieting years ago I remember walking round the supermarket wondering what I can eat, reading the back of labels and looking for low fat everything. Now I feel confident that I know what I can eat and provided I put the effort in with my exercise then I will lose the weight and hopefully maintain the weight loss this time.

Only 8 days in but so far its going incredibly smoothly and Jalepeno's are a life saver. A few of them on those Ham, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches will beat Mayonaise any day.

I'm sure I will be asking questions of you all at some point but just wanted to share what I consider to be working for me so far.

submitted by /u/RobJames101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat