Sunday, June 30, 2019

Starting my weight loss journey TODAY

NOT tomorrow, NOT next Monday, NOT after the holiday weekend. Today. I’m done. I’m done with hating my body, I’m done feeling self conscious. I’m done wondering if people think I’m too fat for my husband. I can’t stand this anymore.

I’ve been making excuses for months. There’s always a reason to not start, I guess I just finally found my reason too start. I’m a grown ass woman, I’m the only one responsible for letting myself get this big and I’m the only one responsible to get myself healthy for my kids, my husband, and for me.

So, to hold myself accountable I’m posting my starting stats here even if no one cares. I have personal goals written in my notes on my phone and I fully expect to hit those goals and come back here to talk about it.

SW: 208.4 lbs CW: 208.4 lbs GW: 170 pounds

My first goal is to hit “onederland” by my birthday in just over a month. Good luck to everyone else starting today!

submitted by /u/blah_fkin_blah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustration, Confusion, and Depression

F15 SW: 240 CW:200 GW:180 Height: 5'9" Activity Level: Moderate (5 times a week weights and cardio)

For the past two weeks I've been stuck in a plateau which I'm trying to overcome. I'm not yoyoing through diets or giving up because I know I've come far and done it before.

Recently I've been going through a depressive and anxious state given that I do nothing but play videogames, cook, clean, and workout while all my friends and family are out and about. Being so low in spirit made me question continuing to a lower weight but I'm set on being at a healthy weight. I can't help but wonder why I've suddenly stopped and even gained back a couple lbs.

My BMR is 1700 calories and my maintenance is around 2400 to 2700 calories. When I got to my lowest, 193, then started gaining back, my aim was to workout harder and increase my deficit by 100 calories more leaving me at 2000 calories a day. Even then I ate less than 2000 because I eat late and get full easier now. Yet, I've gained it back and I can tell it'll start slowly getting higher.

I just need advice as to how to go from here or if I'm missing out on a big piece of the weight loss equation. Is this just another ugly plateau and I'm overreacting?

submitted by /u/justforlosingit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Half Way through 2019 / Half Year's Eve

So it's June 30th, we are now just about half-way through 2019, and what I like to think of as "Half Year's Eve."

And yeah I've messed up a ton since the start of this year. I have Binge Eating Disorder; it's been going really bad and I have gained a LOT of weight so far (40lbs yikes). So I'm going to call the first half of 2019 a flop.

Usually I do the whole "New Years Resolution thing to lose weight (for real (for real (FOR REAL!!!))) this time" thing. But I don't want to wait until the end of the year before I have another serious moment of self-reflection about improving myself. And now at the midpoint of the year, I think it is a good time to reboot. I can consciously try to make sure the second half of 2019 goes way better than the first!

Because there absolutely is still time to lose the weight I've gained, and also a bit more as well. So yes, maybe I won't have the "Stunning full-body weight loss transformation of 2019" that I had originally envisioned. But it definitely would be great to start out 2020 at a lower weight than what I started 2019 at. So that is my big Half-Year's Eve Resolution for 2019!

Does any one else have any Half-Year's Eve Resolutions? Or if you don't believe in resolutions, goals you want to focus on for the 2nd half of 2019?

submitted by /u/xoxoahooves
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help with my weight loss

Hi everyone !

A few years back I decided to lose weight, I didn't want to diet so I started to change my habits : I cook myself almost every meal and try to avoid processed food, last year I started to count calories and now I try to exercise more. I walk 1h-1h30 every day and do some exercise at home, I can't afford to go to gym for now since I'm unemployed but I have plenty of time.

I'm a 29 yo woman, I'm 1,70 m and 103kg, I managed to lose around 17kg but now I can't lose anymore. I eat around 1900 calorie a day, until now it was enough but I think I have to eat less calories.

I'm afraid to go below 1800 because I heard about basal metabolic rate and that it is not good to be under that rate.

What am I doing wrong ? Do you have any advice ?

Thank you for your answers and sorry for my english

submitted by /u/Naandira
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Sunday, 30 June 2019? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m done

Hello my name is Bailey and I am a 18 years old female. All throughout high school and to this day I have been on the endless cycle of restricting my diet too much and then binging a few days later. This cycle is so frustrating and I’m done. Recently I have gotten better but I keep binging after a week of two because I start eating too little and get so hungry that I just eat everything in sight. I’m so tired of this and I want to stop this cycle and stop focusing on weight loss. I want to be healthy and I want my fitness to improve and so I’m posting this to hold myself accountable. I am going to just eat healthy and watch my portion size. I want to stop my bad habits and replace them with healthy ones so I can move on with my life. I hate binging with everything In me and I never want to binge again. I feel like such shit afterward I have gained so much weight from it. I know this post is long but I just want to be healthy and proud of myself. I’m restarting the Kayla Itsine workout program and will update this after the 4 week beginner+12 week program. I’m so excited to have a goal and I just want to be happy and proud of myself. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.

submitted by /u/S362296
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] SIGN UP for the European Accountability Challenge: July 2019 edition

Welcome to the signup for July 2019 edition of the European Accountability Challenge! The perfect way to stay on track for your weight-related and other goals.


What is it?

It’s a month long challenge, with a daily post that goes up in the morning hours of European time zones. The aim is to set goals and keep track of your progress on them. Be accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people. You can check one of the threads from the June challenge as an example. Anyone and everyone is welcome!


Ok I want to join! How can I participate?

It’s simple! Choose some goals, introduce yourself and let us know what you'll be working on! Most people set goals for the month but you can also set daily or weekly goals if that works better for you.

Some tips for success:

  • Think about how you will achieve your goal and how you will measure success. You may find it helpful to set more specific goals (for example, ‘eat x number of calories per day’ vs. ‘lose weight’); I do but everyone is different. Take a look at these guidelines for defining SMART goals.

  • Post on here regularly, we will cheer you on! And please do the same for everyone else, this challenge depends on you to make it fun :)

  • Ask for help if you’re struggling or need some motivation, people on here have quite possibly gone through the same thing and usually have good ideas and encouraging words


Can I still participate if I don't have time to comment daily?

Yes! It's up to you to decide how often you want to check-in on the threads. We do encourage you to set a regular schedule as it can make things easier (e.g. daily, or only every Mondays & Thursdays, etc).


So what are your goals for the coming month? Besides straight up weight loss or maintenance goals, we see all sorts of things on this challenge. Goals related to fitness, logging, nutrition, sleep, mental health, learning, happiness, productivity, dogs...anything you can come up with! It’s completely up to you and no goal is too small. If you’re in, tell us some more about your goals in a comment here.

Wishing you all a great month! We got this!!

submitted by /u/nobeanoforme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat