Wednesday, September 2, 2020

NSV- I've had to go back to Old Navy TWICE this summer!!

I am so amazed at the changes my body has gone through over these three months!

In spring, the quarantine really hit me hard. Staying home worsened my depression by a landslide, and I was constantly binge eating out of a desperation to fill the void. At the end of May I weighed about 165 lbs (I'm 5'2") and had a new big ol' muffin top.

I graduated from university and moved back home, and decided it was time to fight my depression and feel healthy again. I didn't set specific hard goals, but instead just focused on "doing my best" and being kind to myself. I ate some healthier foods, tracked with CICO, and did some yoga and light pilates. I just aimed to feel better.

By July 1st, my shorts could not stay on my waist!!!!!!! I was wearing size 14s, went to Old Navy to get resized and it turns out my waist had shrunk to a size 10!!! Wow! So I got two new pairs of shorts that day.

I continue my relaxed routine, and towards the end of August I notice that my shorts are a little too loose again. On the 31st I went back to Old Navy and got sized again. I couldn't believe it- I am now a size 8!!!!

My total weight loss from May 31st to August 31st was about 25 lbs. But I am amazed at the inches lost- and now I've got a flat tummy!!! I wasn't expecting this sort of victory- and I've never been so happy to spend money on new clothes!!

submitted by /u/anatiropita
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Niece is noticing my weight loss, how do I respond without giving them a complex for the future?

My niece (5) is starting to notice my weight loss. She told me last week that my face at Christmas used to look round (she traced a big circle around their face) and now does not (she traced her own face). I just responded with “I guess I have different faces!”

Later she noticed my ribs while laying down. And saw my collar bone. She asked what that was (pointing to my collar bone and ribs). I made her shrug so she could feel her own collar bone and explained it’s bones we all have.

My nieces are very slim and active. My other female relatives are overweight, and as I continue to lose weight, my niece is noticing that I have bones or differences from the other female adults.

How do I approach this subject when they ask? Do I tell them I am losing weight? Do I say bones stick out in some people and don’t in others? They went on a run with me twice when I was visiting. They know I’m becoming more active. I just don’t want them to think they have to be small or big or look any way. I don’t want to give them a complex. They already have some sense of body items (asking me to pull down my bathing suit to cover more of my bum) and I don’t want to add to it.

submitted by /u/THROWaway87351
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit my goal weight and then regained again...

To preface, I’m a 164cm (5’4) female in her 20s and my goal weight is 55/54kg (120 lbs). I started my weight loss journey in 2016 and at my highest weight I was probably 70kg.

I’ve hit 55kg twice now. Once in early February and again in late July, and I really liked how I looked even though I still had a bit of belly pooch even at that weight. But I struggle so much with maintaining that weight and have always managed to fall back into unhealthy eating patterns quickly and gain weight again until I’m around 58-60kg. And then I feel like shit because I know how great it felt to be at my goal weight and all I’m mad at myself for not maintaining it.

The last few weeks I’ve been bingeing on junk food pretty badly and I always look bloated and I feel awful, and I’m not sure how to gather the motivation to lose weight again and keep it off this time. I thought I’d include some patterns in this post that I’ve noticed that hinder my weight loss:

  1. I go too hard, too fast: I make my deficit too large and I drop pounds quickly but eventually I can’t handle the restrictiveness so I end up overeating badly.
  2. I get so disappointed by one or two days of bad eating that I feel like I’ve failed so I keep eating higher than my deficit for the rest of the week
  3. I eat sugary food and trigger foods after dinner which makes me want to eat more. Snacking after dinner is probably my biggest weakness
  4. I get frustrated when I don’t see weight changes quickly enough and then I feel like giving up.
  5. I definitely don’t drink enough water.

This time around instead of starting hard with a 1200 deficit, I’m aiming for 1,500 calories a day. I’m also going to eat more filling food at night so I don’t feel the urge to snack afterwards and if I do then I’ll have some fruity herbal tea or low sugar chai instead. I’m also going to be logging everything eat into MFP, even if I go grossly over my daily calorie amount just so I can hold myself accountable. I also eventually want to start intermittent fasting again.

Sorry, this post didn’t really have a main point, it was more just me rambling and trying to make sense of things. I guess the main takeaway is that make sure your weight loss plans are sustainable because reaching your goal weight is only half the battle.

I’d love to hear any tips you guys have about how to avoid the urge to binge on snacks or just any weight loss tips in general!

submitted by /u/Wyn_Rose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What has been your biggest realisation or behavioral change since you started your weight loss journey?

For me, the biggest revelation I've made is that feeling hungry almost never feels like a rumbling tummy, or hollowness, or anything I used to associate with needing/wanting food anymore. Instead, I've noticed that when I need more fuel, I start feeling sluggish and unfocused. I don't really get to the point where I feel ravenous anymore, so it's been easier to avoid unnecessary snacking and to stop eating when I feel full.

The only time I notice myself getting "hungry" in the sense I'd been used to is if I've had some junk food lately - it was startling to realize how quickly my body started craving junk again after one "cheat meal" from my favorite Indian take-out place, for example. After having it for dinner, I woke up "hungry" and had more trouble with cravings and eating only what I needed throughout the day. It really hammered home how addictive unhealthy foods can be.

How about you? I'm curious to hear how other people's perspectives have changed since starting to pay more attention to their bodies!

submitted by /u/sebeth204
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Wednesday, 02 September 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

90 days. 65 pounds, and dumped high blood pressure and cholesterol at the same time. None of my clothes fit, but I feel so much better! Here's how I did it, and what I learned during the process.

Sorry for the long post. There's a lot to cover. The TL;DR is at the end, but I'd recommend reading the whole post if you actually want to try what I did, because there were a lot of little (and not so little) lessons that I learned along the way, both good and bad.

On June 1, my life was fucking awful. Two months prior, my wife moved out with 2 days' notice. I had no idea anything was wrong, and she wouldn't even tell me why at first. I found out later that she'd just been putting on a smile and pretending everything was fine, when it wasn't.

I was in school, and my grades had tanked. I was in danger of losing financial aid. I was about to have to move. I was losing my wife, and she wanted to take my 5-year-old daughter 50% of the time, with that same 2-day notice. On the Holms-Rahe Stress Inventory, on a scale that maxes out at 300 points to determine how close to a stress-induced health breakdown I was, I scored 753 points. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, and really severe ADHD. Life fucking sucked.

But I decided I was going to work on personal improvement instead of wallowing in self-pity. I started weighing myself while trying to figure out how to change the numbers on the scale. I wanted to try something like calorie counting and intermittent fasting, but I just couldn't stop eating crap. Tons of it.

When you're diabetic, and you don't eat, you kind of get the shakes. You feel a little uneasy, maybe stressed out, irritable, and possibly dizzy or nauseous. But when your whole fucking world is dumped on its head, you feel like that all the time. I forgot to eat for three days, because all of those warning signs were just what it was like to exist at all, all day, every day.

At 8:30 pm one night, I realized I was hungry. I thought to myself "Huh. I'm hungry. When did I last eat? Wait, when did I last eat?" And that's when I realized it had been three days.

I weight myself. The scale said I'd lost 11 pounds in those three days. I was shocked, for two reasons: I had lost an astonishing amount of weight during that time, and I had managed to fast after all. The next day, another two. 13 pounds in 4 days. I decided I'd better call my doctor, because there was no way that was safe. I wasn't able to schedule an appointment right away, so I had to wait a week or two. Meanwhile, I decided to use my new-found willpower and try out this whole /r/intermittentfasting thing. Specifically, OMAD, or One Meal A Day.

Surprisingly, my doctor wasn't concerned when I finally reached him. By that point, I'd lost roughly a dozen more pounds, and had started to exercise. But he said it was normal to experience extreme weight loss with extreme changes to diet and exercise. He put me on a blood glucose monitor to ensure my blood sugar didn't drop to dangerous levels since I'm diabetic, and warned me that I wouldn't keep losing at that rate forever because it wasn't sustainable. Much of it was water weight, and eventually it would slow down. But until then, "Enjoy it while it lasts," he said.

I targeted 1,250 calories per day, all during one meal (over roughly an hour, since I often snacked on the meal's ingredients as I cooked), and tracked everything using MyFitnessPal. Just the free version - I haven't needed to upgrade to the paid version yet. I also tracked my exercise using a smartwatch. I started setting goals, like targetting 175 pounds by December 15, or 6 months after I started. According to the math behind my loss so far, this appeared to be possible.

A side note on MyFitnessPal: don't link it to your smartwatch. If you do, it starts to give you calories back as if you've "earned" them. But if you do that, you'll eat more than your target, and you'll stop losing (or worse, start gaining!) weight again. The paid version allows you to disable this "feature", but I found that you can just unlink your smartwatch account and that works just as well.

And I kept losing weight! With the guidance of a dietician in my doctor's office, I started targeting the following proportions on my plate:

  • 50% vegetables
  • 25% protein
  • 25% (or less) carbs

At my request, my dietician agreed to let me switch protein and veggies. (She said it wasn't ideal but it also wasn't a huge problem. My dietitian was blown away by my weight loss. I'd also recently had an A1C panel done (A1C is your blood sugar over ~3 months, as opposed to the instant, but short-term result that a glucose monitor provides), and my A1C had dropped from 10.1 to 8.6! My dietition mentioned that, with my latest A1C test result there was actually the possibility that I could eventually reverse type-2 diabetes!

So, at this point, I was on 1,250 calories per day, with specific targets for food type proportions, and eating it all in a single meal, usually at night. And I was losing an average of ~6 pounds per week this way. My doctor eventually asked me to start eating my one meal in the morning instead of the evening, since I was getting irritable and shaky in the late afternoon. By doing this, that feeling didn't occur while I was awake, and disappeared by the time I woke up the next day. In addition to losing all of the weight, I started paying more attention to my diabetes and blood pressure mediation. After a couple of weeks of doing so, gradually increasing the dose of my BP meds, I finally got my blood pressure under control, and my doctor was finally comfortable with me taking my ADHD meds without risk of a stroke. But he warned me about rebound weight, and how quickly I could gain it all back if I wasn't careful. I needed to stay true to my goals. He also expressed concerns about my goals. He wanted to be supportive of my desire to get to 175 pounds, but he felt that doing this in 6 months, and my thoughts of reversing diabetes by then as well, might be "ambitious", as he put it.

I gradually started to change what I ate, as well. Calorie counting meant I had to immediately dump some things, like candy bars, but others (like boxed mac n' cheese, milk, etc.) were still fair game. They increased my carbs and didn't give me much that was healthy, but this was a stepping stone. I started having smoothies for breakfast every few days. Eggs and bacon instead of sugary cereals. Broccoli or green beans with my meals. Etc. And, over time, I discovered that I was craving unhealthy stuff much less, and started enjoying things like dried fruit for snacks (apricots and mangos, mmm!) that I didn't used to go for much. Tastes change when your body starts getting used to the idea of not having everything be oversaturated with added salt and sugar.

At this point, I also started seeing a therapist. I wanted to address my anxiety and depression before I did something stupid, and I wanted to stop letting ADHD run my life. Even more than I knew it was, at the time. I was also concerned about the possibility that I was a narcissist, which is something my ex accused me of being when she finally told me why she left.

But then a new problem cropped up. (Warning: poop details.)

So, there's a thing called "dumping syndrome". It turns out that, when you eat a gigantic meal, it isn't all going to fit into your stomach where it can be digested and used by your body. Instead, your body "dumps" it into your small intestine once it runs out of room in your stomach. Well, when non-digested food ends up in there, it acts as a solute and pulls a bunch of water out of your intestinal lining, resulting in cramping and somewhat uncontrollable diarrhea. This is the same reason those with lactose intolerance get cramping and diarrhea: lactose is a sugar that your body can't process, and it does the same thing once it ends up in your intestines. So, yeah. I'd eat a huge meal, then I'd have to make sure I was always close to a bathroom because there was going to be a reckoning real soon now. And, sometimes, I didn't make it in time, or I made the mistake of leaning too far, too fast, while trying to get there. It wasn't pretty.

I asked my doctor about this, and also if there was a significant difference between OMAD and just limiting calories, but over multiple meals, he said no; there was no data to demonstrate that there was a statistically significant difference between the two methods. The only differences were that it can be hard to stretch 1,250 calories over three meals, and you'll spend more time making three meals instead of one. When my doctor explained all of this to me, we both agreed that I should stop doing OMAD and try to switch back to three meals a day, still restricted to 1,250 calories. At this point, I'd been on OMAD for roughly 8 weeks and had lost somewhere around 40 pounds. And, after a little while, the dumping syndrome symptoms mostly disappeared.

At this point, I decided I wanted to put more effort into my exercise. I joined the same dojo as my 5-year-old and started taking kempo karate. And I discovered a new problem: head rushes. When I started exercising intensely, I started to get pretty severe head rushes. I had already experienced them, and my doctor said that, yeah, that can happen when you aren't eating much. But they were WAY worse during karate sessions. I started to lose vision at the edges as it disappeared into a sort of grayish-brown static, and then it wasn't just at the edges. Eventually, the static turned red. Yikes. I was pretty sure that hallucinations weren't a good sign, and I was worried I'd have to change my diet enough that I'd stop losing weight.

Fortunately, it wasn't that bad at all. My doctor said that, basically, my brain was getting starved of glucose because my muscles were using it. This resulted in my visual cortex getting starved as well, and the aforementioned light show. He told me to stop exercising when that happened. I suggested upping my calories to 1,500 per day, and he agreed that was a good idea. It also had the benefit of being easier to spread over three meals. The head rushes and hallucinations disappeared. But I kept losing weight. Awesome! But my doctor had warned me, fairly early in the process, about the potential of gaining it all back too quickly if I didn't stay on top of my diet.

Then I met a girl. We went on some adventures. I stayed at her house a few days at a time. I started forgetting to take my meds, because they weren't in front of me, because I wasn't staying at home anymore.

But... about those meds. I hadn't realized that I'd forgotten them until I was in my doctor's office for a follow-up on something else. When they pulled out the cuff to take my vitals, I immediately thought "Ah, crap. I've been forgetting my meds for DAYS! My BP is going to be high again."

But it wasn't. It turns out that, when you lose 40+ pounds, start paying attention to macro proportions, and start hiking regularly, it lowers your blood pressure. Who knew? My doctor was pleased. I was ecstatic. Two days later, he permanently removed high blood pressure and high cholesterol from my chart. That's two out of three pills I didn't have to take. And then he started talking about something else. "So, here's the process we follow to remove diabetes from your chart," he said. He described continuing to test A1C levels until they are at normal, non-diabetic levels of ~5.7. Then they take me off my meds, and keep testing for a year after that. If I remain at non-diabetic levels, he said, they'd remove diabetes from my chart. He just said it matter-of-factly that day. As if it was a matter of when, rather than if. As if it was a foregone conclusion. I guess he changed his mind about me. :-)

So, that girl. We were having a good time togehter, and I stopped worrying as much about specific calorie counts, allowing myself to go a few hundred calories over each day. After all, I was still NOWHERE NEAR my original calorie count before this insane diet, right? And I gained 11 pounds back in only 6 days. Holy cow! My doctor was definitely right about the rebound weight! Fortunately, I got it back down after about 10 days. But lesson learned!

One of the recurring themes in this journey was the need to listen to my body. I needed to listen when I was getting head rushes. I needed to listen when I was suffering diarrhea. And I needed to listen when I was full. After a while, I started forcing myself to slow down, and I realized that I could get full WAY faster than I thought, but I just hadn't given my body enough time for my stomach nerves to figure it out and signal my brain "Hey. I'm full, dumbass. Stop eating."

I discovered a bunch of non-scale victories along the way, as well. Clothes not fitting was a big one, but there were some seemingly small events that had a REALLY big emotional impact when they happened. I went on a cave tour, and someone had to squeeze by at one point. Well, prior to that, turning sideways did nothing for this. I was basically a circle from above. But this time, I sucked in my gut and turned sideways, and it made a difference! Man, things like that felt good. I've also started out outpace my friends on trails and other activities. And when I dropped below 250 pounds... man. Okay, so there is a ton of stuff in life that has a weight limit of 250 pounds. That's basically what the country thinks is the limit of "normal" weight. And don't get me wrong; I'm not faulting this. It's basic structual engineering: things can only take so much weight. But it sucked when ladders creaked and bent, or I couldn't go on a trampoline, or I wasn't allowed to go skydiving. Now, I can! I got a monthly membership for my kid to go to a local trampoline park, and I'm allowed to jump with her! Ladders don't flex and move around when I stand on them. Hell, I can even go skydiving now, something I've always wanted to do! (Not that I can afford to, but at least I'm allowed now!) The number of life changes that have occurred is staggering!

It's been three months, as of today, since all of this started. Here's a before and after from the last 3 months. Yeah, I'm still a fat fuck. But I'm WAY LESS of a fat fuck than I used to be, and I'm continuing to lose weight every week. I've lost almost twice as much as my kid weighs! And while it's slowing down a little, it's definitely still going strong. None of my clothes fit anymore. Nothing I've purchased in the last 3 years, anyway. And roughly 3 years ago, I packed a ton of things that were too small into plastic bins for "when I lose weight". Yeah, those clothes? Most of THEM don't fit anymore, either! They're too big! That's the difference 65 pounds makes! But now I have to buy new clothes and I can't because I'm a broke college student that's also a recently-single dad. Oh well. I guess that's a pretty good problem to have!

So, for you.

This is the beginning.

This is how it starts. With the moment looking in the mirror. With the moment of realization: "I DON'T LIKE THIS." And, then, "so I'm going to CHANGE this."

And then you do.

And it sucks, and it takes time, and some days you move forward, and some days you move back, and it feels like a yoyo sometimes.

But you keep going.

And, after a month, you look at yourself in the mirror again.

And you're disappointed. Maybe even disgusted.

But you keep going.

And after two months, when you look in the mirror again, you shrug and go "Huh. Okay. This is actually starting to look a little different."

And then you keep going.

And then, three months later, you look in the mirror again.

And then you smirk.

And then you smile.

And then you can't stop smiling.

And then? You keep going, because you're committed to the change you started...


Congratulations on taking this first step. It's the hardest one. Some others will seem harder in the coming weeks/months. But this one, this first one, is the big one.

And you took it.


  1. Sometimes you just need a fucking catalyst. The biggest obstacle to getting started was my belief that I couldn't.
  2. Use an app like MyFitnessPal RELIGIOUSLY. Don't fail to log a SINGLE THING, even when you feel crappy about your calorie choices.
  3. Losing weight can sometimes go ridiculously fast, but be careful and check with a doctor as you go.
  4. Losing weight leads to good things, like lower blood pressure and cholesteral (and maybe reversing type-2 diabetes!), but can also lead to head rushes, dizziness, mild hallucinations, so listen to your body.
  5. OMAD can lead to nasty things like dumping syndrome. Again, listen to your body.
  6. Try some new foods. Start with things you like in them, even if they aren't as healthy. You'll be surprised how much your tastes change as you get healthier.
  7. You are going to be successful. It'll take time, but it'll work, and Enjoy yourself! It's going to suck at first, but things are going to be AMAZING in a month or two. You'll feel completely different, and you'll find that it's much easier to stick to things as time goes on.

I hope this helps someone. It sure as hell helped me. :-)

submitted by /u/LiftThis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Rant: I keep sabotaging myself.

I'm sure you've all read plenty of posts that sound just like me by now on this sub, but I'm so frustrated with myself. I'm a 26 F and just cannot seem to get myself to adhere to making lifestyle changes over the long term. I've been obese essentially my whole life, even when I was swimming competitively 5 days per week while growing up. I've had body image and self esteem issues for as long as I can remember. I've recently reached a new low and just feel myself slipping into a state of complete lack of caring, and I honestly just don't know what to do anymore.

When I was in high school I severely restricted my diet and increased my physical activity level and managed to drop from the 210s to the 180s over the course of 6 months, but I managed to put the weight back on within the following year. I've fluctuated between the 210s and 230s since then.

In May this year, weighing 228 lbs, I enlisted the help of an online registered dietitian to help guide me to making better eating habits, hoping that the accountability and financial investment would make me more likely to stick with the program, but about 10 weeks into the program I fell off the wagon and haven't been able to regain progress since. I managed to drop about 4 pounds by reducing portion sizes, reducing carbs and increasing the amount of fresh produce in my diet, but I found myself eventually making excuses and reverting back to my old ways. At the beginning of August I decided to spend the money I was spending on my RD appointments on weekly personal training sessions instead; however, since I'm only consistently getting a good workout about 2 times per week, I haven't noticed a significant difference other than my DOMS the day or two after my sessions.

I recognize that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I've found myself binge eating very frequently over the past month or so, eating until I'm uncomfortably full for no apparent reason. I feel myself spiraling out of control and I don't know how to break the cycle. I don't have the money or time to invest in professional counseling at this point. I'm getting to the point where my clothes aren't fitting, and I honestly hate myself for it. I'm currently 233 lbs, which is 1 meager pound away from my highest weight ever.

I really, truly want to be better. I'm hoping to start CICO with 16:8 IF and being more committed to getting to the gym etc. I acknowledge that I'm the one who got myself into this situation and I'm the only one who can dig myself out. I'm just so frustrated that I've even gotten to this point, and I'm scared of what happens if/when I inevitably fall off the wagon again, or if I keep failing to make progress on my weight loss, and I think those fears are causing some part of me to hesitate about implementing new changes.

I guess I don't know what I want out of making this post. Any guidance or words of advice are welcome. At this point I just feel like I'm at a complete loss. I feel ready to get started again, but my fear of failure and repeating my cycle of self-sabotage seems to be holding me back.

submitted by /u/Sesquipidalianism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat