Saturday, July 31, 2021

[SV] [SW: 364lbs, GW: 189lbs, CW: 197.6] My three year journey! How I lost 166.4lbs!

First and foremost, here's the progress pictures! Long post ahead!

They say the hardest step is the first one and once I took it, I never looked back. I started this journey three years ago after an almost successful suicide attempt. I was not happy, in a career I hated, lonely, and just hated everything and drank daily. I moved home and got help and really sat down and asked what happened to me. I wanted to take my life back.

And so I started. I could barely walk, barely wipe my ass, and I could barely do anything without being extremely winded. I started off slow. Just walking 30 minutes which was brutal on me. At one point, I got so lazy that I was like, I'm going to just lift instead of doing cardio because it sucked so much! It was so hard, but I knew this was the change I was needing. I asked a friend if he'd help keep me accountable and he did so by having me send him a picture of something at the gym so that he knew I was going. If I didn't send him a picture, he would get on my ass about it. He wouldn't let it go, but you know what, that's exactly what I needed. Eventually, I switched to 3 days of cardio and 3 days of lifting. Each day was a damn battle though. Each day was hard, but over time, my routine became easier to do. I moved from just walking, to doing elliptical work, to increasing my times spent on both of those things. No longer did my ankles hurt from the sheer weight of myself.

I just kept at it. Day in and day out. After about a year of successfully making it a habit to go to the gym, I asked my same accountability partner if he'd critique my food and what I was eating. I had lost the first 70lbs intermittent fasting, but quit because I felt it was better to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. And so I sent pictures and he'd critique me. Always asking me where veggies or fruits were or suggesting replacements for better things like switching from potatoes to sweet potatoes. My dietary habits changed and I had to relearn everything. Portions, time spent eating, tracking calories, monitoring for CICO, etc. I had to learn to love vegetables and fruits, and now my dietary palette is much broader. I ate at a pizza buffet the other day and had two plates of salad with spinach instead of heaping pizza piles. It wasn't something I had to think about, it was just so natural to opt for the healthier option. So much of my success is to retraining myself to have a healthy relationship with food.

As I kept working out, I set goals along the way. In 2019, I completed a triathlon at around 300lbs. It was rough, but I trained for that thing for months. I always opted for a goal to keep me ahead of myself and to keep me going. This past year I was even training for a half-marathon until I suffered from some tendinitis on the medial side of my knee. Was up to nine miles running before it! I know one day I'll get back to it! But, the key things for my journey have been consistency. I wake up early, about 4:15am, and I'm to the gym and going by 4:45-4:50am. I split my days as such: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are cardio, Tuesdays are legs and back, Thursdays are chest and core, and Saturdays are arms and shoulders. I know it's an odd split, but it's what I've done in the past when I've lost weight two other times. I have varied my lifting routines from drop sets to high weights, low reps, or low weight, high reps. Nothing crazy, nor do I follow any real lifting guide. My cardio has been all over the place and I have done my best to set goals in cardio even! For example, one goal I set was to climb as many floors as I could in 45 minutes and I think the best I got was 200. I had to work damn hard in all things both lifting and cardio, and sometimes I forget the beginning struggles! I am so much happier than I have ever thought possible and this is my third and last time losing this weight. I think it's been so successful because I've ultimately made it a full lifestyle change and kept the weight loss to a good average of 55lbs a year! I know this time I'll be much more successful and I remind myself everyday of how proud I am of myself. I will never forget the moment I stepped on the scale and my weight started with a 1. I cried with sheer joy!

But, I want to end my post with talking about the mental health side of my weight loss. For about six months, I went through purging disorder in my attempt to lose weight. I became a little too obsessed with the goals that I would feel extremely guilty, and purge my food if I thought I ate too much. I struggled hard and knew it was wrong, but felt so ashamed and guilty that I didn't tell anyone. But it was happening regularly 2-4 times a week where I would purge. I finally reached out and got the help I needed. The other thing, and maybe it's just been my battle, but is the end game and switching from losing to the maintenance phase. I set an end goal of 189 and decided to keep a weight range of + or - 5 pounds. I did this so that it would help me keep a goal without me becoming too obsessed with going lower or thinking I needed to keep losing. I want to avoid that pitfall and make sure I don't find myself dropping too much and being underweight. I have felt sad to see that my end is near, but I know that it's not an end, it's just another chapter is ending and a new, lifelong one is opening up! I'm not sure how common it is for people to feel the way I have at the end of my journey, but three years of constant losing really rewires your brain, so I've made sure to identify things that could be unhealthy and have talked to a therapist about it. I have also dealt with loose skin and body dysmorphia, but have slowly been overcoming that too. I am starting to see my loose skin as a badge of honor versus a disgusting, no progress thing. I can see the changes and how I've slimmed down as well now whereas before I couldn't! But now, my physical, mental, and emotional health have all greatly improved!

So, yeah, that's the journey I've been on and I'm proud of it. This community has always inspired me, so I hope that someone reading this is inspired like I have been to make the changes. I appreciate everyone who has helped me along the way, and as I leave my 20s in October, I'm glad I'll be going into my 30s the best possible version of me!

TL;DR- Lost 166.4lbs by staying consistent, eating healthy, CICO, and working out!

submitted by /u/Popensquat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My biggest revelation in my weight loss journey this year has been realizing that I can still lose weight eating whatever I want, AS LONG AS I FOLLOW CICO.

32M 6'3", 290. SW 370ish. I used to be a big fan of counting carbs, paleo, IF, long term fasts, etc. I've been on many different diets, and have lost and gained weight back a few times throughout my life, usually going on a "diet" like keto or paleo and then falling off it. I've delt with type 2 diabetes at 30 and am now in full remission for 1.5 years with my A1c at 4.9. I beat the beetus through long term fasting.

Covid was not good for me. I let myself eat way more then I should have and my A1c was going up to pre-diabetic levels again, 5.7 and I regained weight to 335. I have an app on my phone called Carb Manager, and I decided I was going to be diligent and track my calories, weighing highly caloric foods like peanut butter and meats. I decided I wanted still eat bread and other things but still kept my carbs around 100 a day, net value and calories around 2100. I work in Healthcare and am on my feet but not as some folks.

I went in for my check-up after tracking my calories daily and low and behold, I still lost weight, even though I had drank alcohol, ate bread and gone out. I was just honest with myself on my food intake. CICO really is the answer and will allow me to take my life back without feeling the constraints of a diet. If you struggle with diets, I would suggest the following: Weigh your food and be honest with your activity level. Find the right amount of food you can eat and still lose weight. Be consistent with your calories and activity. Don't let an off day throw off your entire week! We are all in this together!

submitted by /u/Smilodon_Rex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

'Restarting' my weight loss journey after veering right off course for the past 4 months...

Hello, I'm new to the r/loseit community. I was in need of some weight loss inspiration, advice and tips, so I thought I ought to join!

I am an 18 year old female. I started my first weight loss journey when I was 17. In February/March of 2020 I was the heaviest I had ever been, at just over 210lbs. I hated the way I looked and really wanted to feel good about myself when I looked in the mirror. I started an 'eating regime', as I called it. I cut out most main carbs and all foods that were high in artificial sugar, and had around a 900 daily calorie deficit. However I hardly got out of the house, due to my mental health at the time. Therefore I did little to no exercise. I mainly stayed in my room playing video games. Looking back, this was not healthy, but at the time, it felt like an advantage. The videogames took my mind entirely off of food. Especially junk food. I started to only want food if I was hungry or if it was a certain time in the day, not because I was bored or craved junk.

By July 2020, I had lost 38lbs. By then I had also been having 1 cheat day a week for a while, with no consequences. At this point I felt really good about my weight. However my 1 cheat day eventually turned into a 'cheat weekend' every week...

I then pretty much stopped weighing myself, only doing it on the odd occasion. However in April of this year, on the Easter Monday bank holiday, I said to myself, "I'll extend my 'cheat weekend' to three days this time, just since it's a bank holiday..."

Since then, ever since I broke my 'only junk food on the weekend' rule, I've been eating junk through the week. The number on the scale has been going up quite a bit. I haven't had the motivation at all to get back into my healthier eating habits. I'm not back up to the 210lbs I was when I was 17, but the pounds have been slowly creeping up... I'm currently 190lbs and am starting to dislike the way I look again. I've also felt my clothes getting tighter and tighter. So I've decided that from today I'm going to try my very best to stick to a low carb diet, count my calories and start to encooperate exercise into my daily routine. I'd like to lose as much weight as possible, especially within the next month since I start back at college in September and would like to feel as confident in myself as possible.

I'm going to throw away most of the sugary foods in my house (not all of them, since I live with my parents and they wouldn't be pleased lol) and hopefully that will make it easier for me.

However any other advice you might have on getting back on track with healthy eating habits would be very much appreciated. And if you took the time to read the whole of my post, THANK YOU!! ♡

submitted by /u/typical_aquari_les
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve gained almost 40 pounds in 8 months

I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. When I first started my weight loss journey I was close to 400 pounds, I managed to get all the way down to 189 about 8 months ago. Pretty sure I have some type of body dysmorphia as well because I feel like I’ve looked the same no matter what weight I’m at. Had some life stuff happen like everyone does and I kinda fell off the wagon. Things just seemed to keep piling up on me as of late. Currently at 228 as of this morning and I just feel like I’m on a dangerous path back to where I was. I know what I’m doing wrong, for example I’ve slipped back into bad eating habits and things I had cut out of my diet I’ve started eating again. Also I’ve just lost motivation to fix my diet and start exercising again. Just wondering if anyone else has been in this spot and what could be done to get going again. My original goal was always 185, I got so close. Forgot to say in the beginning but I’m a 26 year old male and a little over 6’4.

submitted by /u/PmMeReasonsNotToDie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is Ranch Water? The Summer Cocktail You Need to Try

Losing weight in the summertime can be tough. From unhealthy picnic food to drinks at the beach bar, it can be hard to resist the warm weather temptations that try to sabotage your success. However, with a little planning and some simple swaps, you can stay on track with your weight loss goals while still partaking in some summer fun! All you need is some healthy recipes for the grill, some summer-inspired sweet treats and a go-to, weight loss-friendly cocktail that you can sip on all season long. For us, that cocktail is Ranch Water; the refreshing beverage that’s easy to make, easy to enjoy and easy to incorporate into your weight loss plan!

What is Ranch Water?

ranch water tequila cocktail with lime and sparkling water

In short, Ranch Water is the trendy summer cocktail that’s perfect for chilling out and staying cool in the summer heat. It’s a super simple drink that only requires three ingredients to make:

  1. Ranch Water ingredientsTequila
  2. Lime juice
  3. Topo Chico Mineral Water1

Never had Topo Chico? This refreshing water is a naturally carbonated mineral water that’s imported from Mexico and bottled at the Cerro del Topo Chico spring.2 While you can easily swap in ordinary sparkling water or seltzer water into this summer cocktail, Topo Chico is the recommended mixer for its unique taste and mouthfeel.1 The bubbles aren’t as intense as standard seltzers and the minerals add a distinct taste that’s light and refreshing. Topo Chico and Ranch Water are very popular in Texas.3

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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Ranch Water on Nutrisystem

ranch water tequila cocktail with lime and sparkling water

If you’re losing weight with Nutrisystem, you can still kick back and relax with a cold Ranch Water cocktail this summer. Just watch your portion sizes and stick to a maximum of two servings of alcohol per week (we recommend spreading them out and not having them on the same day). One shot or one and half ounces of tequila is considered one serving of liquor.

The rest of the ingredients in Ranch Water—lime juice and Topo Chico—are both considered Free Foods on your Nutrisystem plan. That means you can use as much or as little of them as you’d like when preparing your Ranch Water. You don’t have to measure anything out except for the tequila. Garnish with a fresh slice of lime, grab a straw and chill out with this weight loss-friendly cocktail!

 Healthy Hacks

tequila cocktail with grapefruit and sparkling water

Because Ranch water is so easy to make, it’s also easy to customize! Swap out the lime juice and wedge with another citrus fruit that you like, such as lemons, grapefruits or oranges. Fresh berries would also be a tasty addition. Want to spice things up? Toss in some sliced jalapenos or coat the rim of your glass with a chili lime seasoning blend.1

You can add a touch of sweetness to your beverage with a little bit of zero-calorie sweetener like stevia or monk fruit. As we mentioned earlier, regular seltzer or sparkling water (plain or flavored) can be used in lieu of Topo Chico Mineral Water. However, keep in mind that it will change the classic Ranch Water taste. Topo Chico also comes in different flavors that you can use.

Looking for more diet-friendly cocktails for your weight loss plan? Click the link below for some inspiration!:

8 Lightened-Up Cocktails for Your Summer Menu

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The post What is Ranch Water? The Summer Cocktail You Need to Try appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

14 Brilliant Ways to Use Avocado

If green foods scare you, you’ve never had an avocado, or found the right ways to use avocado. There is a reason for all the guac-induced madness that exists in American society today. Little omega-3 pushing miracles, these fruits—yes fruits, not vegetables—pack all of the right nutrition and flavor into any meal.

Avocados dish out heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. And, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), a study by researchers at Ohio State University found that the fat from avocados helps people better absorb carotenoids, a type of antioxidant found in many veggies, like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach. Plus, avocados are a good source of fiber. Talk about a superfood!

Avocados have a very delicate taste, making them a versatile addition to any dish. Even if you absolutely despise the color, you’ll find yourself surprised and impressed with how they can rise to the flavor occasion. An eighth of an avocado (or one tablespoon pureed) counts as one Extra on Nutrisystem. And with all of these crafty way to employ them, consider all three Extras accounted for today!

3 Reasons (Healthy!) Fat is Not the Enemy

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Here are 14 fantastic ways to cook with avocado:

1. Sub for mayo.

There is nothing worse than a dry sandwich. Unfortunately, mayonnaise and traditional hoagie spreads are ingredients to use with caution when dieting. So, slather up your meal with something better. Mashed avocado is that extra something special your sammy needs, so you can really enjoy your healthy meal—not choke it down.

2. Add creaminess to sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes are the perfect blend of sweet and savory. But there’s one way to make them even better: Next time you’re roasting up some of this sweetness, mix some ripe avocado into the finished product. This creamy mash will taste better than ever. No butter or milk necessary.

3. Bake cookies.

If you’re on the cutting edge of the cooking-for-health scene, maybe you’ve seen this before. It is now 100 percent possible to bake awe-inspiring cookies—with healthy fat! Adding the nutritious punch of avocados, these diet-worthy recipes leave the bad stuff behind.

3 Avocado Toast Recipes Customers Are Buzzing About

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4. Create salad dressing.

You would be absolutely shocked how unhealthy salad dressings can be. Topping your hearty bowl of greens with some of these crazy bottled sauces can result in absolute diet disaster. The ones that aren’t total calorie-bombs are typically still bad news because of their sketchy ingredient lists. Save yourself any future regret, and make your own dressing by blending up mashed avocado for the creamy base to your acid of choice. Avocado oil also works wonders.

5. Sneak it into brownies.

Yes, just like you can use avocado for cookies, brownies are incorporating them too. Trade the saturated fats for omega-3s and eye-enhancing antioxidants like lutein.

6. Top salads.

Your body needs healthy fats to help it absorb all of those wonderful nutrients lying in your vegetables. Slices of avocado take salads to new heights with a creaminess no one can deny. Maybe you’ve already tried topping your Mexican-inspired taco salads with this superfood, but be adventurous. Have you ever had a spinach salad with roasted red peppers and avocado? To die for!

6 Foods That Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

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7. Sauté veggies (or meat.. or anything).

One of the biggest perks about the avocado is the oil it produces. Avocado oil, like coconut oil, has a much higher smoke point than extra virgin olive oil. When you cook with oils well past their smoke points—many people make this mistake with olive oil—the outcome is less than stellar. According to the Mayo Clinic, nutrition goes down and so does the flavor. Next time you’re taking to your pan, go for the avocado oil, instead.

8. Green up smoothies.

Why do nut butters get all of the love when it comes to smoothies? Avocado is an excellent addition to any hearty drink. It brings that velvety texture any smoothie junkie wants in their cup. Berries and the rest of your fun additions can mask the taste and the color. Let the cold, sweet satisfaction begin.

9. Moisturize.

Using foods as moisturizers is nothing new, thanks to the arrival of coconut oil on the healthy skin scene. It seems like everyone will slap coconut oil on today—hair, skin, and so much more. Avocado can play a similar role. Consuming more avocados means more good fat to keep the dryness away and your body in tip top shape. Applying a small amount of avocado oil directly to your skin and hair can form a protective barrier, keeping it nourished. And goodbye fly-aways!

How to Make the Best Guacamole Ever

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10. Make more nutritious tuna salad.

As we’ve said before, fatty mayonnaise doesn’t always fit into your diet when you’re trying to lose a few pounds or keep them off. But again, how realistic would it be to never ever enjoy your favorite deli salads again? Tuna salad, salmon salad, chicken salad and more need a thick and creamy base to essentially glue all of your delicious ingredients together. Just mash up some ripe avocado with a fork (maybe adding a hint of lemon or lime juice) and add it to chopped pieces of your favorite protein.

There are some really exciting ways to get creative with your avocado-based salad recipes. Explore some of the options posted here, like the Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwich or Skinny Avocado Egg Salad or take things into your own hands and get experimental.

11. Spice up popcorn.

We can agree: There is definitely a time and place for butter on popcorn. But we can also attest that this might not be the best option if you’re trying to hit a weight loss goal. Avocado oil makes a fantastic change of pace for popping and flavoring up your bowl. Add a light sprinkle or pop your kernels with the stuff and the sky is the limit. Chili powder for something smoky, cinnamon when sweetness is in order… whatever you like!

12. Cradle an egg.

Did you know you can bake an egg in an avocado? Cut an avocado in half, remove the seed and break an egg in its place. Bake it until the egg is done and you’ve got healthy fats and nutrition for days. It’s indulgent, in the most wholesome way possible. Eating the whole thing would be just over the limit for Extras, so stick to 3/8 of the avocado. It’s also totally acceptable to share this breakfast with your sweetheart.

Eating Healthy? The Real Reason You’re Not Losing Weight

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13. Treat yourself with pudding.

Avocado has another use that couldn’t be sweeter: An awesome base for pudding. Dieters are thrilled to know that they won’t be blowing their diet, next time they feel the need for a childhood favorite. Avocado serves as a base for pudding with a bit of cocoa powder and sugar-free honey (one tablespoon of sugar-free honey is one Extra on Nutrisystem). Snack Packs can’t top this whole-food alternative. Completely delectable and no belly fat consequences.

14. Assemble salsa.

Everyone does guacamole. But, combine the Mexican dip favorites—guac and salsa—for the ultimate party-starter. Chili spice, roasted vegetables and fresh tomato are powered up with chunks of avocado or cilantro-studded guacamole, for an unbelievable pop of flavor. You’ll start to rethink any fear of foods on your plate touching when these get mixed together.

The post 14 Brilliant Ways to Use Avocado appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Saturday, 31 July 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat