Monday, January 3, 2022

This is for my kids!

Hi, everyone. 38M, father of 2 here. I'm tall, 6'8", so I wear my weight well, some say, but I'm close to 300 pounds and it's got to go. Most of my clothes don't fit, but the real kicker is that it's hard to get up off the floor or stand up when holding my kids. I'm too young to feel this heavy and weak. I want to be strong, quick, and full of energy for my kids, and for myself.

So I started tracking with myfitnesspal about a week ago. No weight loss yet, but I immediately am cognizant of my portions and I feel more energy throughout the day because I'm not weighed down by excess comfort calories. This is my year. I aim to lose a pound a week this year for a total of 50 and a goal weight of 240. Progress photos will be posted. Just wanted to say hello, and good luck!

This is for my kids!

submitted by /u/MomsSpaghetti83
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am finally in the middle of Beginning my weight loss journey!

As nonsensical as the title sounds, I mean exactly what it conveys.

I am a 22( F ) who began a PhD program this fall. As a life sciences student I have always known the importance of health but these last 5 months was a test of time with new beginnings in a new country, first time away from home, and me being a vegetarian- struggling and learning to cook and eat regularly. Snacking was so much easier and I had got into an unhealthy eating pattern for sure. Looking back, I know now that it would inevitably lead anyone to my current situation.

Last month my period skipped. This was the opposite of what I expected since the month before, I had had severe pain on the first day so much so that I had to reschedule a midterm. When I came back home, I went to the doc to get it checked, and my three month hba1c revealed I am borderline pre-diabetic and scans revealed that I had a small number of cysts kinda like early stage pcos. (The docs also mentioned that it was stress induced and I neednt worry and just have to reduce my weight).

My mum has always been encouraging me to follow healthy diet habits and my dad even got out of the pre-diabetic stage with the help of diet and exercise too.

And now I finally got the push I needed to start taking care of myself. The first semester was hard, and I was missing home a lot, the loneliness was killing me inside and the new environment was nice but I didn’t know hoe to manage it all.

Bit joining this subreddit and 2 others gave me an idea of how things work and I am going to do my best to cultivate better habits this upcoming semester, count calories, set exercise goals that I actually complete and make sure I cook and eat better. I hope to stay accountable and hence typed it all in this post.

TL;DR: New grad student ready to begin losing weight in a healthy and conscious manner.

submitted by /u/bookbutterfly1999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am shocked but I needed to be

I went through a major weight loss journey 4 years ago and was working to maintain when I stopped weighing myself in April 2020 during the first lockdown. I realised all the media around home work outs and glow ups, alongside having nothing else to focus on, were severely affecting my mental health. I was down to allowing myself only 800 calories and day along with 2 daily workouts. So I quit weighing myself and tried to relax. I got into a relationship later that year and we now blissfully live together. I’ve never been happier but i was aware I had put on weight and when we went back to the office none of my work clothes really fit but I just shrugged it off. Everyone just called it happiness weight, lockdown pounds, everyone gains weight when they’re in love. Now I don’t want to buy myself a whole new wardrobe so I wanted to get on the ‘New Year, New Me’ bandwagon and keep myself accountable.

I weighed myself today and I am shocked. This is the heaviest I have ever weighed, even before I started my last weight loss journey. I’m horrified, disappointed in myself, and scared I might end up falling into restrictive habits again.

But I want to be accountable so as a long time lurker I want to do this right. F27, H: 164cm CW: 89.7kg GW: 60kg

Wish me luck, any help/ advice appreciated

submitted by /u/ragnarokable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Good evening everyone! I’m starting on my weight loss journey tomorrow and am pretty excited! I’m at 375 right now and my first goal is 275. Does anyone have any advice that can help with cravings and cutting out sugars and unhealthy snacks? I do work a pretty physical warehouse job, so working out shouldn’t be an issue, but I know diet is the biggest thing for me. Thank you everyone and looking forward to 2022!

submitted by /u/Bminks71
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 2, 2022

I am so annoyed I gained weight over the pandemic. Almost 15lbs.

It was first only 2-3lb. Then a solid 5lb. Then 8lb. Then 10lb. Now I'm standing at almost 15lb gained.

I just can't believe how it crept on me.

Thinking back on it, I think this is how I let go:

  • I stopped weighing myself. It used to keep me accountable and help me make healthier choices. Since I stopped, I was effectively burying my head in the sand.

  • I stopped thinking about my meals. It wasn't about a healthy lifestyle anymore. I just wanted to numb myself, and I wish I just had ate at maintenance instead of thinking "a few extra meals/pounds won't hurt".

  • I stopped following healthy food and fitness Instagram/YouTube accounts. I even stopped coming here on r/LoseIt and various other threads. This meant, I had no positive influences that would help me prioritise healthy, balanced eating and lifestyle.

  • I stopped believing in myself. I'm not sure why, but I think I honestly felt a strong feeling of "Fuck it. Why bother. What's the point?" This is still a feeling I'm trying to move through. I'm at a point where it feels like this weight is never going to come off, but it's exactly this type of thinking that got me here so I need to reverse it.

So my plan going forward is this:

  • I am going to weigh myself daily. I won't expect the scale to move down every single day, but purely for accountability so I can see the trajectory of my actions and my weight.

  • I am going to plan every single meal. No more mindless eating, or mindless grocery shopping. No food is going into my mouth until it's tracked first. I need to be at a healthy calorie deficit weekly. No more guesstimating.

  • I am going to start following healthy food blogs and weightloss/fitness content creators again. I will actively seek out weight loss story and fitness journey videos to keep me inspired.

  • I am going to tell myself everyday that I deserve to look great, feel great and be at a healthy BMI again. I need to truly love myself, even as I am right now. I need to begin to believe in myself again, and I don't know where or how to start on this, but I just need to keep going.

  • I will also be joining the January Challenge on r/LoseItChallenges. It's been a few years since I've done the last one. I really want and need to stay accountable!

Thank you for reading, and if you have a similar story and have tips to share on how you got back on track after post-pandemic weight gain, I'd love to hear it.

Hope you are all doing well and sending lots of well wishes to your weight loss and fitness journeys! 💪

submitted by /u/yahaha__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Within two pounds of my goal!! F/49

Back in May I started weight loss involuntarily after a very stressful life event meant I couldn’t eat for a few weeks. But when I started to feel better I realized I had a jump start on a weight loss journey and decided to keep it going in a healthier way.

I don’t know my starting weight because I hasn’t weighed myself in ages, but my highest recorded weight at the doctor’s office was 278. I’m pretty sure I was close to that weight when I started out, and maybe about 260 when I decided to keep it going.

My goal weight is 200. This morning I’m at 201.8.

I downloaded the Lose it app and started tracking all my calories as best I could. I deliberately decided I’m not going to be “obsessive” about it so I don’t weigh my food or create my own recipes - I just find the closest thing in the database and do the best I can. I know that weighing food will results in much more accurate calorie count, and kudos to everybody who has the headspace for that! But for me, I need to maintain a more relaxed attitude or I get into a bad mental health space.

I already had a pretty good diet because I am a good home cook, so I just focused on portion control (my bugaboo) and trying to get enough protein. Also trying to have my go-to high calorie snacks in the house at all. I don’t usually eat junk food, but I do go for high calorie snacks like a couple ounces of cheese, a handful of nuts, and some dried fruit. It’s not that nuts or fancy cheese are bad for me - it’s that that snack plate has about 600 calories! So now I eat a cup of unsweetened yogurt with frozen berries (150 cals) or some baby carrots with hummus (80-100), or even a few slices of salami if I’m craving something salty and fatty (60-100).

That’s about it for my diet rules. I can eat whatever I want and I’m not even very strict about daily calorie goals - as long as I’m staying under maintenance by even a little. But I’ve really upped my exercise a lot.

When I say I exercise a lot, I mean for ME. I was almost 300 pounds, with severely fucked up knees and other joints. A one mile walk was a major big deal. So I started walking in 10 minute increments, between appointments. I made sure I got in a mile of dedicated walking every day but I didn’t have to do it all at once. I aim for 11,000 steps overall daily, exercise and regular activity together. I hit it about half the time, but I find that setting a high goal keeps me active. The days I don’t make 11k, I usually make 10.

Since it was summer when I started, and I live in a place with a nice lake, I did a lot of swimming. Swimming is great for really fat people with joint issues, like me. No pain and no sweat!! Now that it’s winter I really miss swimming. After I lost thirty or forty pounds, I upped the exercise again. I started doing yoga for twenty or thirty minutes almost every day (shout out to Yoga with Adriene on YouTube). Or some short body weight workouts. And I started doing HIIT on my treadmill. Only ten minutes at first, but it helped a lot. Now I’m up to 15 minutes at a time.

I get discouraged. I’ve been through some REALLY long plateaus where I was doing everything the same but not losing any weight. One lasted 8 weeks. During those times I try to focus on NSV - non-scale victories! And there’s always something. Maybe it’s a skirt I couldn’t wear before that now I can. Maybe it’s a compliment from a friend. I tell you what it was a great day when I could make love in the missionary position with my husband again!! Maybe it’s just “I’m not as tired as I used to be.”

I only have two pounds left to get to my goal. That might be next week or it might take a month to get a weight where I can reliably have a weight that starts with a “1.” But I’m gonna make it.

Good luck everybody! If this fat old broad could do it, you can too.

submitted by /u/aimeed72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Officially down from Obese Class 2 to Class 1!

I relocated to a new place and haven't got the chance to weigh myself for two weeks. Today my new scale is finally here and I weighed myself. Guess what? I'm officially classified as Obese Class 1, down from Obese Class 2 and 3 for the past 11 months of weight loss journey! :')

Can't wait to see myself being classified as Overweight - another 10-11kg (22-24lbs) to go! I'd be so over the moon if/when this happens because my last Overweight was 15 years ago!

You, you and you: You can do it, don't give up!

submitted by /u/imlps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat