Sunday, September 3, 2023

(repost) I need help seeing if im actually making progress in my weight loss journey


wanted to use imgur but for some reason google drive and imgur hates me

Old photos are from around April and new photos are from today

I have been doing weight training for around 5 months now, I try to go to the gym every other day and have been fairly consistent with that, but I was at the gym yesterday and looked at myself in the gym mirror and all I could think was "you're still a fat fuck" and I started looking at my old photos and I just feel like I haven't made any progress, which would be my fault and would mean i'm still eating too much. I need advice on if I'm just being an impostor to myself, or if I really haven't made any progress and maybe some tips if you have any.

submitted by /u/I_Love-Lasagna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I really need help

Hi Everyone,

Sorry about the vague title but I wasn't sure what else to put. Long story shot, I'm classed as 'morbidly obese' and I'm miserable. I've been trying to lose weight for the last 8 years and just cant seem to do it. I don't have any medical issues and there's nothing wrong with me to stop weight loss, I just cant seem to do it.

I try and eat better, count calories, slimming world, weight watchers, keto you name it i've tried it. I just don't know why i cant stick to anything. I try and exercise too but I eventually just get that 'cant be bothered feeling', i think what doesn't help is how heavy I am, i ache a lot. When it comes to exercising, i just really struggle to push myself to do it. I have a treadmill in my shed, set up and ready to go, I use it a couple of times then just give up. I genuinely don't know why.

with my eating, I think im just impatient. I know weightloss doesnt happen overnight but when I weigh myself I expect to be losing a lot even when I know it doesnt work that way. I know our bodies can fluctuate so when i weigh myself and im a couple of pounds up, i just get disappointed even though i tell myself its normal. I'm constantly starting again and im getting so fed up.

I went to the doctors who referred me to a specialist but because i wasn't obese enough to be accepted and the doctors had to ask them to take me on, i felt like they thought i wasn't worth helping. I had one phone call and told them, I'm always hungry, struggle with eating etc and was just told to try the 5:2 diet (never again!). I got a check up call about 4 months later and obviously i only lasted a week with the 5:2 so they told me to just watch my portion sizes and then discharged me.

If i had to pick a weight loss method to stick to it would be calorie counting as i don't feel so restricted but its the sticking to it. Back when i was 20 years old, i lost 4 stone and felt amazing, i was only able to do it because i was in an unhappy, abusive relationship and losing weight gave me a sense of control. I was eating 1200 calories a day or less sometimes and was doing a 30 min aerobics dvd (sometimes twice), walking to work everyday (40 minutes each way) then doing an hour walk at night. I stuck to that no problem, even though it was unhealthy and unsustainable.

I just want to be healthy and happy. I have a holiday booked to Crete with my family next may and I want to feel comfortable with my body. all holidays I've had in the past 8 years I've been overweight and have constantly felt shit. Just for once i don't want to feel self conscious.

My stats are - Female, 30yrs old, 5'6, about 18 stone ish

I just don't know what to do. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/AnonymousCupcake93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calories in, calories out?

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 6 months now, I’ve lost a little over 20lbs in this time. I’ve tracked my calories for most of this time and it’s worked well, though I’m curious - everyone says a pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories, but does that mean that eating an extra 3500 calories will result in the addition of a pound of fat to your body?

Like for example, my goal is to lose a pound per week, so my calorie deficit is 500 calories per day. Let’s say one day in the week I overeat by 3500 calories (The Cheesecake Factory will do that to you lol), does that then negate the caloric deficit and place me at a state of maintenance?

Or if I’m eating at maintenance and then one day eat 3500 calories extra, would that then result in the addition of a pound of fat on my body?

My instinct says it would mostly be excess water retention and glycogen weight that would be easily shed by continuing the caloric deficit, though I’m no scientist.

submitted by /u/danqestmemes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 2, 2023

I know weight isn’t linear but it’s annoying regardless

I’ve been eating at a deficit for a while but I decided to raise my cals a few hundred a few weeks ago because I added strength training. Nothing significant changes which was good. Then I added more rice and bread to my diet the last two weeks because honestly I eat a fair amount of it and felt like it’s a false weight loss to avoid eating bread if that when I eat it normally. Plus I had added strength training and so maybe it’ll be ok.

I gained back 1.7 of the 4 lbs I lost sighs. I feel better because I’m eating less restrictive and I feel good but it’s really annoying to see the scale.

I know the amount i want to lose is insignificant compared to others struggles but I’m still annoyed and wanted to vent.

submitted by /u/theorigamiwaffle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing 3 inches off waist alongside overall weight loss

I'm 21f with a 26" waist and I would like to get it down to 23". My bust and high hip are both 32" which is why I don't think my waist goal would be all that bad. The issue is that I'm 105 lbs and don't want to lose an unhealthy amount of weight to achieve this (anything less than 90 to me is unhealthy since I'm already petite.)

Most of my body fat goes to my thighs and chest; I'm not interested in spot reducing. If I have to lose weight everywhere, that's fine. I also don't care about having an hourglass figure. My body type is more spoon/rectangle.

I have began to do more core exercises and eating healthier, but I'm limited to working out at home with no exercise equipment.

I'm just wondering what else I could do that could help achieve my goal. Again I just started to do core exercises and am attempting to do the 'le sserafim' workout.

submitted by /u/Electronic-Today-632
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hair loss with weight loss?

Hello all, first time post here for me. I (40 f) have been working on losing weight and have been successful with losing 42 pounds over the last 6 months. I am doing it as healthily as I possibly can i.e. taking the stairs exclusively at work, cut out the sugary monsters for sugar free, etc. I noticed approximately 2-3 months ago that my hair started falling out a little more so than the normal shower hair loss. It very well could be a vitamin deficiency so I plan on stepping up my vitamin game, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? And what was your fix?

submitted by /u/JavachickFrappucino
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

lost 5 lbs in 2 days?

i (16F) have been on a weight loss journey for almost a year and lost 50 lbs but recently i have been eating a lot less do to school and stuff so really i eat breakfast at most is 300 calories and dinner around 700 , ik this is not enough and but i feel good but i think it’s making me lose to much weight honestly, so i weighed at 253 on Thursday and then i weighed in at 250 yesterday and then today i woke up and i’m 248, imma eat a little more today and see how that goes but idk if that’s normal.

submitted by /u/Dependent-Phone-7525
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from loseit - Lose the Fat