Friday, March 7, 2025

how does one stay confident after losing?

I've started weight loss over this past month? (always been bad with times, please excuse me) and im getting close to losing 60 pounds total (around 41 lost). I mainly started because I was tired of being out of breath and I wanted to be more conventionally attractive and move away from sweaters that give me heat strokes in the summer. But everytime I think about all the loose skin im going to have I get queasy. If I save enough I could afford surgery, but I'd rather not because of the risks associated. How do people who have lost stay happy and confident? Ik some take the "its a sign of your progress" view, but when youre losing so you can feel less ugly that really doesnt help, especially because it feels more of a punishment than anything.

For the record, loose skin does not mean i'm going to stop losing. Being ugly but slim will be 10x better than ugly but fat. I just dont know how ill ever wear anything other than sweaters, or how to love myself if no matter what i do i cant anyway. Is there something other than surgery I can try to tighten the skin? Ive heard muscles help, and I suppose it is an option, but ive always preferred a smooth plane to muscles. Anything is appreciated.

submitted by /u/raccoonmidlifecrisis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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