Tuesday, April 30, 2019

10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now

Often labeled as a superfood, blueberries are chock-full of antioxidants. But they offer so much more than that. Blueberries contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Manganese, which is necessary for the body to build and maintain bone and connective tissue. These yummy little berries are also a good source of dietary fiber when eaten with the skin intact. Nutritious and sweet, blueberry recipes are the perfect go-to for those summer months.

Besides being such nutrition powerhouses, blueberries are also quite delicious. Their sweet flavor makes them wildly popular when baked or blended into dishes—or even just used as a yummy topping. They can be served atop oatmeal, yogurt, tarts, baked goods—or even just eaten plain and whole.

There are so many healthy ways to incorporate blueberries into your day. While you probably have lots of your own ideas for how to eat more blueberries this summer, we’ve rounded up our favorite blueberry recipes that you’re going to want to add to your list. After all, now is the time that this delicious fruit is in season.

12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat

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Check out 10 blueberry recipes that are perfect for summer:

1. No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake for One >


Few recipes are simpler than those that are “no-bake.” This recipe involves layering delicious ingredients, including a crumbled Nutrisystem Blueberry Lemon Baked Bar used for the “crust,” into a small dish or ramekin. When complete, it counts as one Nutrisystem Breakfast, one SmartCarb and one Extra. While this dish tastes incredibly indulgent, the cheesecake topping is made from healthful ingredients like fat-free ricotta cheese, blueberries and just a touch of honey—making it quite nutritious.

2. Blueberry Burst Energy Balls >

blueberry energy balls

Energy balls are all the rage and for good reason. They are easy to make, portable and packed with healthy ingredients that give you a burst of energy when you need a nutritious snack. These energy balls feature cashews, rolled oats, dates and blueberries. Everything is blended in a food processor to form a dough, which is rolled into balls—two of which count as one serving at 197 calories. On the Nutrisystem program, a serving also counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

5 Foods that Boost Your Brainpower

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3. Baked Blueberry Oatmeal Tart >


This is one of our favorite blueberry recipes and couldn’t be easier to make. It involves heating up and then topping our Nutrisystem Baked Blueberry Oatmeal with nonfat Greek yogurt and blueberries. Though it only requires simple assembly, it will give you the taste and feel of a warm homemade breakfast. And it’s healthy, too. It’s very hearty and filling, yet this breakfast is only 168 calories. And it counts as two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

4. Blueberry Nut Sweet Potato Toast >


If you like having toast in the morning, then give this no-bread, more nutritious alternative a try. It uses a medium sweet potato, cut into slices, as the base. After being crisped in the oven to create a “toast” texture, it is topped with cottage cheese, cinnamon, blueberries, nuts and honey. It’s absolutely packed with flavor and boasts the nutritional benefits of the sweet potato, including fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and several other vitamins and minerals. And for all that taste, it’s only 176 calories, counting as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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5. Blueberry Lemon Chia Jam >

blueberry jam

If you’re looking for a tasty but nutritious topping for your whole grain toast or crackers, then you’re going want to make this delicious jam. It combines blueberries and chia seeds, which are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and even provide a boost of fiber. Combined with the juice of a lemon and just a touch of Stevia, this jam is sweet and flavorful without being high in calories (it only has 40 per serving!). It also counts as one Extra.

6. Instant Blueberry Crisp >

blueberry crisp

Though delicious, traditional blueberry crisp is made using quite a bit of sugar and butter—and usually served with whipped cream or ice cream. We developed a healthier version that is still full of flavor and has a lot less calories and fat—plus some great health benefits such as fiber and antioxidants. It combines a package of Nutrisystem’s oatmeal (either Maple Brown Sugar or Apple Cinnamon—your preference) with a cup of blueberries. It’s really that simple! On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one Breakfast and one SmartCarb.

It’s Fruit Season! 11 Tasty Dessert Recipes Featuring Fruit

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7. Blueberry Almond Nice Cream >

blueberry ice cream

It might sound too good to be true, but with this delicious dessert you can satisfy your craving for ice cream in a healthy way. At just 131 calories, the smooth and creamy texture of this “Nice Cream” is made from combining a frozen banana with frozen blueberries and almond milk. It’s sweet and delicious while also being totally guilt-free. In addition to all the antioxidants you’ll get from the blueberries, the banana packs in some added potassium, fiber and a variety of other nutrients. This dish counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

8. Blueberry Green Tea Smoothie >


If you love smoothies, then this is one of our blueberry recipes you’ve got to try. Combining a cup of iced green tea with frozen blueberries, nonfat Greek yogurt, Stevia and ice, it’s blended to smooth perfection. This is a smoothie you can feel good about sipping. Between the green tea and the blueberries, it’s absolutely brimming with antioxidants—and only has 108 calories. It counts as a half of a SmartCarb and a half of a PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem plan.

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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9. Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes >


This patriotic breakfast is packed with protein thanks to its use of a Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake and egg whites to make the “pancake” batter. It’s then topped with a sweet berry sauce made from blueberries and strawberries and finished off with some sliced bananas. The recipe makes three pancakes, all of which count as a serving. It clocks in at only 251 calories despite being a very filling breakfast. On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one SmartCarb and one-and-a-half PowerFuels.

10. Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie >

blueberry recipes

The last of our blueberry recipes is another yummy smoothie to add to your list. This patriotic drink combines the flavors of strawberries and blueberries with vanilla for a sweet treat that is both delicious and nutritious. It uses a package of the Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake for that indulgent vanilla flavor. Counting as one PowerFuel and one SmartCarb, this smoothie will also give you a big boost of vitamin C.

The post 10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf http://bit.ly/2XXufd8

On the road to recovery...

Hello all,

I hope everyone is making progress on their goals.

For myself, I've finally decided to do something about my intimidating weight gain. I had my wake up call when i step on scale recently and saw I broke over 200 lbs, first time in my life. My story is typical of most veterans: get out, stop exercising, eat anything, then get fat. Trouble is when you have no more restrictions, you do not hold yourself to any standards.

I'm joining this community to start holding myself accountable. I've decided to commit to several methods for weight loss: Caloric intake management (1500), Intermittent fasting (8 hour), Biking to and from work (10 miles total), & Orange theory (on off-shift days). I just gotten through the first week, 7 lbs so far. Was rough but at least I'm through the breaking in period. Now just the hardest part is just sticking with it. Which is why i'm joining this community to see it through.

30M 5'7

SW: 205
CW: 198
TW: >160

submitted by /u/p12om3th3us
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Lel078

How does r/loseit feel about weight loss surgery?

I’m a 23 year old guy with Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex. If you’d like to know a little about it here’s a great blog post that goes into a little more detail and gives some insight of what it’s like to live with.

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. The more exercise I do, the less I’m able to be on my feet. It’s a vicious cycle. I finally decided to go through with weight loss surgery, sleeve gastrectomy to be exact, on 4/22/2019. I’m extremely excited for this lifestyle change and looking forward to the journey ahead.

My question is, do the fine folks of r/loseit view weight loss surgery as a crutch? Do you feel like it’s cheating? I’ve tried every diet under the sun, but I am simply unable to put in the necessary exercise to lose the weight without being unable to walk. I’m interested to hear how you guys and gals feel about it.

submitted by /u/Burkolicious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2ZMr6yz

Weight loss and agoraphobia

Hi all,

I am new to this sub but having looked through some of the posts here you all seem a great bunch and hopefully someone may be able to give me some advice.

My wife has agoraphobia and anxiety and finds it very difficult to leave the flat, however she is quite overweight and has been wanting to get in shape for a long time as it's now starting to become a health risk. She's asked me to help her find some ways to lose weight, but everything online suggests the best exercise to start with is walking, which obviously would require going outside.

We're working on the anxiety problems as well but anyone with this will know it's a lengthy process.

Can anyone recommend any exercises which might be useful to try?

submitted by /u/brashboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IPblSj

Monday, April 29, 2019

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vun7ck

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2UOamDx

I'm So Frustrated! (Need to vent)

Over the past several years, my weight has slowly but steadily been increasing. I've thought for a long time that I need to lose weight, but I never had any real motivation to do so. Well, in January, my doctor ran some routine blood work, and we found out that I have high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and pre-diabetes. THAT was the kick in the butt I needed to get serious about weight loss. I don't really care about clothes size or how I look, but those numbers (especially to blood sugar) scared me. So on Feb. 1st, I started a low-carb CICO diet. I cut out all junk food, and my husband and I stopped ordering take out. I'm now on a 1200 calorie/day diet, watching what I eat, minding portion sizes, and I've upped my activity levels.

The good news is that I'm dropping 1-2 lbs a week, and in 12 1/2 weeks, I've lost 20 lbs! That's 9% of my starting weight. But yet, I'm so frustrated! I really don't care what size I wear, but I have not changed clothes sizes AT ALL. Nothing. 20 lbs down, and I'm STILL wearing a 20W. How? Just how? NONE of my clothes or jewelry fits any differently. I can't figure out where I'm losing the weight from. My eyelids? I always see people say they lost 20 lbs and dropped two dress sizes and such, but not me. I know it's not water weight, because (due to a medical condition I have) I drink 3-4 L of fluid--mostly water--every day. Second, and along the same lines, my husband started a CICO diet 4 1/2 weeks after I did, because he is also overweight and pre-diabetic, and he's lost 28 lbs, and he's down 2 pants sizes and 1 shirt size. We saw family for Easter, and several people mentioned that my husband looks like he's lost weight, but no one said anything about me. I'm really happy for him, but grrr! I know I shouldn't compare myself to him, or anyone else, but it's annoying.

The thing that is really bothering me though, is that I bought a glucometer on the advice of my doctor, and I'm checking my blood sugars regularly, and they are still in the pre-diabetic range. My doctor said that losing 5-10% of my weight should help all my numbers. Granted, I can't check my liver enzymes or cholesterol at home, but I was hoping to see some improvement in my blood sugars at least. But so far, nothing. (On the upside, my husband's blood sugars are now normal.) Plus, I'm not feeling any better than I did. I don't have more energy, and I still have a lot of joint pain. People always say they lost X number of lbs and feel so much better now, but that's not happening for me either.

I went into this planning to change my eating habits. I know I need to eat WAY healthier than I was. I figured if I was fairly strict initially, I'd break my addiction to junk, and once I am closer to a healthy weight, I should be able add a couple hundred calories a day back to maintain. I knew it would be hard initially. My husband and I opted not to have lavish meals to celebrate Valentine's Day, our anniversary, or my birthday. I skipped my annual Valentine's day chocolate covered strawberries and decided to forego a birthday cake this year. We didn't have any Easter candy, and we were very cognizant of what we ate when we got together with family on Easter.

I know three months isn't that long, and it's a short period of time to see major changes. And I know that overall, these changes I've made are really good for me, and I will get healthier over time. I check back with my doctor in a couple weeks to discuss how things are going, and if we need to make other changes. I know I'll end up much happier in the long run. But for the moment, it's just so frustrating, because I feel like I've given up a lot, and I'm not seeing the results I thought I would. Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/splatgoestheblobfish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IPQNcB