Wednesday, July 31, 2019

*Help* losing 70 lbs.

Hey all! I need some advice on losing weight. I’m a 6”5 M weighing at 291lbs (132kg) and fit into a size 42 trousers (U.K.) and aiming to jump down to 220lbs.

I have been eating relatively well, cutting down on carbs and eating less in general (I will admit I need more protein)and going to the gym 3 times a week to work on a mix of cardio and weights. so far Iv done this combo for about 2 months. I also work in physically demanding job (walking around a lot, moving heavy stuff and working in wide range of environments).

My problem is I don’t seem to be losing any weight? And by that I mean the scales don’t move much and my measurements don’t seem to change.

Because of this Iv been kinda put down and feel like it’s a hopeless cause. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Anything to promote weight loss? I am willing to take on any help at this point.Cheers.

Edit: I’m 20 as well.

submitted by /u/Gazzamurphy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] 430 -> 294, harder to lose weight. Now what?

23, M, 6'2", SW430lb, CW294lb, GW200lb.

Quick backstory, you can skip if you want. Growing up, food was used as a reward mechanism in my family. This eventually spiralled into a binge eating disorder, alongside other addictive tendencies such as alcoholism. Before too long, I found myself eating a family-size calzone with half a handle of Everclear to wash it down. I was miserable, living in a flop house with people that only encouraged my behavior.

2 years later, I have the same feeling of dread that I had at my lowest point. At 430lb I felt worthless, like nothing I did had any effect on improving my lifestyle. I recently went to the doctor, and weighed in at 294-- more than a few pounds above what I was last month(286). Granted, some of that must be fluid retention, but not all of it. For whatever reason, I just don't have the motivation to push toward my true goal(sub-200).

Part of my lethargy is definitely the weather, since the coastal US is upwards of 90°F basically all day. I can't do any outside cardio because of the weather, and that was my go-to solution for the last 150-ish pounds. I've tried the gym a handful of times, but anything over 4mph on the treadmill leads to huge blisters on my feet that last for weeks. Honestly, I've all but lost my focus.

The weather is making me feel physically sick, and I'm up all night typing this since I can't sleep. So, is there any activity for someone my size that will contribute to weight loss as much as cardio? Is there anything else besides walking I can do to supplement my regimen? Is there a magical third option outside of driving to the gym in my car with broken A/C, or running in 80°F weather at midnight? Honestly I don't know what I'm asking anymore. Maybe I just need encouragement and someone to validate my progress.


Weather is awful, making me feel severely ill. Affecting my cardio schedule, which has made me depressed. Is there other stuff I can do indoors to at least keep some weight off?

submitted by /u/NeedleSpree
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How far do I (M/32/5"7'/178lb) have to go

I'm new to this community and weight loss. I've always been fat but, after letting myself go too far recently I decided to do something about it. Pics of my current body state:

I have lost approx 10-12lb - from 190lb down to 178lb (in approx 5 weeks) but I have a few questions about what the future should hold:

How much more weight should I look to lose before I am no longer 'fat'. I'm not looking to be ripped, but just until I look healthy. Is another 12lb about right?

So far the belly hasn't really changed. Is this because it is likely to be the last thing to go?

submitted by /u/llyamah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why you should exercise during your weight loss

Hi all,
I've been on this subreddit for a while and noticed that there are still people that don't exercise during their weight loss journey. I can't stress enough how important exercising is in general for your body. There is research that shows that losing weight without exercising doesn't make you healthier. Also does exercising reduce cravings and mental problem that usually hold you back on progress.
To give you all some extra information about the importance of exercising, I've put together a guide to explain the benefits of exercising. It includes the research I mentioned before.

submitted by /u/loseweightbyyourself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s the little things that can keep you motivated.

Lately I have been going through a lot mentally, emotionally and just came across challenges that I felt were impossible. I have been on my weight loss journey for over a year and a half now and have had some bumps along the road, but I still manage to keep going. Lately I haven’t been able to do much but I have kept my weight steady and today I’m ready to keep going.

Over the course of a year and a half— I have lost about 30 pounds and people can totally see the difference in my face a physique. Sure I have my days where I don’t eat okay or work out, but I always have my weight on the back of my mind.

Tonight I went out to eat Panda Express (yeah I know it’s not authentic Chinese and not good for you!) and was complemented by an employee. The employee told me, “Hey, you have lost some weight haven’t you— how many pounds have you lost?”, I was so thrown off by what she was saying because never would I imagine a complete stranger complementing me. I replied back and told her, “30 pounds” and she said, “Well 30 pounds made a huge difference and keep it up”, this small comment almost brought me to tears.

I feel that it’s these little things that will keep me motivated and keep me going for my goal of 180lbs (currently at 247lbs).

submitted by /u/hauntedhallow13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I will always be fatter than when they knew me

Up until I was 23 years old, I was skinny. Throughout college I was about 125 pounds. Now I weigh 188. I've lost ten pounds this year and I am proud of that! But I am going to a bridal shower on Sunday where people from high school and college will be. Many of them have not seen me since I was sixty pounds lighter. I am terrified. I don't want to go. I want to hide in my house. None of them know or care that I lost ten pounds. They will all see me and say "Wow, she got fat!" No one from my past will ever look at me and think "Wow, she looks great!" I will always be fatter than when they knew me.

The chances of me hitting and maintaining 125 pounds again are slim (I carry pretty curvy and was really only able to maintain 125 because of young metabolism and unhealthy habits), and even if I did, pretty much everyone I am close to in life knew me when I was skinny. Me being skinny again won't matter. No one will ever compliment my success or realize how hard weight loss is for me. Maybe they'll just stop being disappointed I got fat.

I know it's shallow and I know their opinion doesn't matter - my health and happiness are why I'm doing this. I know that this is a stupid feeling. I know I need to get over it. But I am jealous of people who get these waves of compliments from people. Even though I crave validation, I don't get to have the motivation of old friends complimenting me. I will always have "gotten fat." I will always be fatter than when they knew me.

Sorry about the rant. I just needed to post this somewhere. I wonder if anyone else out there feels a similar way.

submitted by /u/bobfoxsky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Almost halfway to my weight loss goal!

This’ll be long, sorry!

(I’m a 5”9 female, was 175, now 161) About nine months ago I looked in the mirror and realized, oh boy, those are rolls! I absolutely did not like what I saw, and I pained over how ugly I thought I looked for another FIVE months before I actually had the will to change how I ate and lived, because I finally realized the only way to stop looking how I did was with actual effort. It also didn’t help that about 8 months ago, I met my would-be boyfriend around the time I tried to start working out. It just faded when I met him since we hung out so much, and we both liked food. A lot. We went out to eat multiple times a week and ate fast food and snacks often.

Anyways, starting four months ago, I started simple, and downloaded an app to keep track of what I ate (my sister suggested the app, and it was a total game changer for me). It wasn’t long until I realized just how terrible my diet had been for so long. That 16 ounce Wawa cream smoothie I’d have a few times a week? A whopping 760 calories, on top of typically getting a massive sandwich with it, maybe even some candy. I never tracked anything I ate, hell, I never even looked at nutrition labels. If I wanted it, I’d eat as much as I’d like, and that was that. I know exactly when I really started to gain weight, too.

When my family moved across the country, crap happened and we were a family of 7 living in a tiny one bedroom hotel for a year. We were a two minute walk away from a McDonalds. So what did sweet, depressed 17 year old me do? Go there as often as possible, wolf down a milkshake, fries, nuggets, the whole deal. It made me happy. When I was 16, I was 145, by 19 I was 175. Thirty pounds overweight. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but my weight really snowballed when I moved, and I think I actually gained those last 20 pounds after coming here.

I never even gave what I ate a second thought. I had lots of candy, juice, sweets, fast food, and a whole lot of snacks. But by taking it one step at a time, in the last four months, I’ve lost 14 pounds. It’s accelerated as of late as I’ve been taking it more seriously, which feels great! When I started I didn’t increase my activity at all, but I did start watching what I ate more carefully. I’ve been sure to keep goals small and attainable, as I don’t want to cause my own downfall by having such high expectations that I couldn’t possibly reach and killing my motivation. At the start my goal was merely to lose thirty pounds in a year, and in just four months I’m almost halfway there.

My goals are more than just physical now, and I genuinely want to be healthier, not just thinner. I exercise up to two hours a day now (I worked my way up to it, I started with only 20-30 minutes of walking on a treadmill and maybe a 10 minute cardio session every once and a while).

Personally, I don’t believe I can ever truly return to my old ways at this point. I couldn’t just sit down and eat a Big Mac with a milkshake and not think about what I’m doing to my body. Of course, I still eat some garbage. The main thing is that I portion it, I keep track, and I don’t feel any qualms anymore about taking my mini scale to a restaurant to know what I’m putting into my body. In fact, I feel much more of a need to weigh and track funnel cake over an apple. An apple at most will be 100 calories of nutrients, natural sugar, and yumminess all wrapped in a filling six ounce snack. Funnel cake is a not-so-great 125-200 calories PER OUNCE.

I’m learning how to hold myself accountable, have self-control, and be happy with how I am now and look forward to what I can become. I’ve also been learning a lot about myself, and how I ended up the way I did in the first place. It isn’t just my relationship with food I’m fixing anymore, it’s how I am in general. I’m also seeing how changing myself in a positive way is effecting those around me. My sister says I inspire her a lot, and she looks to me for motivation now with becoming the best version of herself, and even my boyfriend is picking up healthier habits with me. He’s lost 15 pounds so far, and he isn’t even trying at all, just paying attention to the way he eats! 14 pounds down, 16 (and possibly more!) to go!

submitted by /u/qu33nofwhat3v3r
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from loseit - Lose the Fat