Sunday, November 24, 2019

Is protein powder worth it?

So I was 313 when I started my weight loss journey less than 2 weeks ago and I’ve lost 2 lbs since then from just eating better but now I’m trying to focus a little more on macros to maximize weight loss and I’m having a hard time getting more protein and less carbs so I was considering protein powder. I found some that my mom has but doesn’t use and it’s from the brand huel. It has more carbs than protein and full of calories so idk if it’s a good idea to use it

I am going to the gym 4 times a week now and I was doing the elliptical 15 min at a time and today I made it to 30 min and I’m incredibly proud of myself. I know protein powder is good for working out so if anyone has any advice please let me know.

submitted by /u/estrella_99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

PSA: Binge eating STILL SUCKS just as bad at goal weight

I posted here a lot a couple years ago. I lost 80 pounds, and the great part of the story is, I’ve mostly kept it off! I went from 205 to 120, now hovering in the 120-130 range (5’5” tall female). Most normal days, I feel really great about my body and what I’ve achieved.

The bad news - I had binge eating tendencies when I was overweight, and instead of dealing with them properly, they only intensified if anything as I lost weight. And I’m back here to today to tell everyone out there that binge eating sucks just as bad after you’ve lost the weight as it did before.

I still balloon up the day after. I still feel bloated, sick, tired, in pain, depressed, hopeless and defeated. I still have to deal with the immense urges and cravings to keep on bingeing even more. I still have to figure out how to deal with the guilt and disgust, and how to power through the next couple days to get back on track. I feel just as fat after a binge now as I did when I weighed 200 pounds. I’ve gotten better and better at “dealing” with the aftermath, but it feels just as awful every. single. time.

I see a lot of posts from people asking how to deal with a binge. I wish now that I had answered that question to myself with a different focus. Instead of trying to figure out how to compensate for a binge, the real question should be “what can I do to prevent this from happening again?” I’ve gotten great at “making up for” binges by restricting or fasting after, feeling better by doing an extra intense workout the next day, and not gaining too much weight back. But that did nothing to solve the bigger problem of breaking the habit altogether.

Maybe this is incredibly obvious and I was the only blind one. I don’t know why I assumed I could lose weight and either automatically stop binge eating, or that when I was thin it somehow wouldn’t matter as much. I just wanted to share that in case there’s anyone else out there with the same issues. Don’t feel bad about prioritizing healing from your binge eating, even if it means slower weight loss, or a temporary pause. At the least, make sure you are working not on how to lose weight in spite of binge eating, but how to eliminate the binge eating altogether, whatever that takes.

submitted by /u/BewilderedFurniture
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost my period

Hi all,

My period which was very regular until now has failed to make its appearance this month.

I weighed in at 134 this morning. At 5'9", (23f) this is within the healthy weight range of 126-170. My SW was 157 pounds in mid-August. I have steadily been losing weight the past 4 months for a total of about 20-23 pounds lost. I eat about 2000 calories per day which has me losing at a nice rate because I am so active. I read online that sudden weight loss can stop a period. Is this sudden? I feel like I eat wayyyy more than other people here so it could not be sudden.

Is losing your period dangerous? Have people who lost their period gotten it back while remaining at the same weight (in other words, is my body just adjusting)? Does this mean I am lighter than my body wants to be and should sit at 140ish where I still had my period? Is it possible that some people are healthier somewhere within the BMI range and not at the bottom? I used to lose my period as a teenage swimmer regularly during the swim season but I never thought much of it. I want to get pregnant someday (not soon) and I don't want to hurt my fertility.


submitted by /u/Joy_Clements
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Holy crap my date picked me up! First time that's ever happened.

I went on a date with a really cute sweet guy last night. After a great night we were back at his apartment and I was sitting at his computer chair talking to him. Suddenly in one swift motion he scooped me up out of the chair and carried me onto his bed. I was STUNNED. I'm a tall girl, 5'10", and I've never experienced something like that. I've always been SO aware of my size during romantic encounters. I still can't believe it happened, I didn't know someone my size could even be picked up. wow.

I'm currently 33 pounds down since August. I've been sticking to 1200cal/day CICO by way of OMAD. Dating has been a little hard with OMAD since I don't feel comfortable eating all of those calories in one sitting in front of someone I'm interested in. I try to split calorie allowance into two meals if I have dinner plans with someone. I tried for years to lose weight with a regular 3 meals a day CICO schedule and failed miserably. I actually just kept packing on the pounds because I was never satisfied after each small meal.

I suffer from binge eating disorder(self diagnosed via the Internet.) It seems counter intuitive to use OMAD to lose weight since it's essentially a binge, but I feel like it's a win/win. I get that pleasure from a large filling meal that I've grown to love since I was a child, but I also don't get the guilt afterwards because I know I'm still eating at a defecit. I highly recommend this to people who have a similar problem. OMAD/IF has absolutely changed my life in terms of more energy and confidence. Having my weight loss now affect my dating life for the better is even more motivation to stick with it!!

submitted by /u/saltlamp94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you eat like a "normal" person?

(21M 5'10 168lbs. Gym/Lifting 30minx5days/wk. Desk job otherwise)

One of the things I've realized recently, is that I've never eaten like a "normal" person.

For most of my life, I was severely overweight. Hit 200lbs in 6th grade, kept creeping up all of my life. Had a weight loss kick in high school where I did 270->220, but gained it back. I spent a lot of that "blind" eating, where I just kinda just ate until I was full, and didn't care what was in front of me.

For the past 2 years, I've been eating at a deficit. The beginning was easy. I started at 285, so I could eat like 2,000-2,500 calories a day, which was super easy to meet. Some simple substitutions. Chicken for burger. Fish for steak. Whatever, I could still eat 'well' for the calories I had budgeted.

As I've gotten closer to my goal weight, which is right around 160, I've been struggling a lot more. My intake is right around 1,500 calories, and it feels like I've been overthinking everything. Can I really have creamer in my coffee? Can I really add some nuts to my morning oatmeal? I've spent way too much time debating like 30 calorie differences than I'd like to admit.

Here recently, I've started to go to the gym on lunch 5 days a week, which has required me to up my protein intake. This is where I'm struggling. Right now, my 'lunch' is a protein shake I drink before I go to the gym, then two ProteinOne bars that I have during breaks (runs about 335 calories). It works, it gives me protein, but I don't want whey protein to be a significant portion of my diet. Really, I think having so much "fake" food is really starting to bug my stomach.

It seems like I went from one extreme to the other; gorging myself to feeling like I can barely eat anything. I think I'm going to wean off my deficit a bit starting this week, and focus more on a 'recomp' diet.

So, my question is, how do I eat like a normal person?

Even more "natural" protein bars would make me feel better. Something that's a good source of protein, but one that's not mostly whey. However, those run about double compared to what I'm eating now, and don't have as much protein. Even homemade recipes have me going "How am I supposed to eat something called a 'snack' that's almost 1/5 of what I'm supposed to eat a day?" People also praise like nuts and other foods as being "high in protein", but they're still like almost 200 calories a serving.

How do people even eat snacks? How do people eat like most of the stuff I see at the store? 99% of the time I look at something that seems healthy and looks good and I'm like "oh this is 200 calories and I can't eat this?"

I guess I'm more looking for advice on how to move to a maintenance diet, coming from a place where I have to have to always choose the lowest-calorie option available. I'm looking for something that is more nutritious, and sustainable.

Right now, my day pretty much looks like this:


  • 1/2 cup oatmeal (sometimes some nuts, dried dates, or pumpkin puree if I'm feeling it)

  • Break-free eggs

  • (Swap eggs for the following if I have it): Breakfast wrap containing Low Carb Tortillas, Break-Free Eggs, 1.5oz chicken, and whatever vegetables I have

  • Total: ~250 - 350


  • Protein shake

  • 2x Protein One bars

  • Total: 335, does not change


  • Whatever my family has, which will change when I move in a few months

I guess I'm not really looking for like a single solution diet, but some advice for moving to a more sustainable/healthy diet.

submitted by /u/thanks_daddy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and the journey to a better self

This has been a while coming. I don’t often, or really ever, post. I have been a lurker here for quite a bit of time. I have used this place as a form of support and ideas on my journey to a better self. I think that is the concept that I have settled on for how I look at what I have done for the past year and a half, working towards a better self. I feel like I might have something to share with this group that may help out someone in their own journey as well.

The background:

I have been on a weight-loss journey before in my early 20s. I started in the higher 260s and worked my way down to the lower 220s, with the lowest hitting 218. Being 6’2”, this was a pretty weight for my build. I was eating less, and running more. But the running was my downfall. Looking back, I had started running too soon with too much weight to carry. I hadn’t built up the strength in my core and around my knees to handle the continued distance and speed I was throwing at it. After about 2 years, my knees couldn't take it any more. I hated the feeling of not being able to run or intensely walk at the same rate. I had put so much value in the cardio of running that I didn’t feel like going to the gym anymore to just use the weight machines. Looking back now I think I really enjoyed the endorphins of running. The elliptical didn’t do much for me. Stationary bikes are not my cup of tea.

This is also where the lesson of “You can’t out run your fork” was learned. My eating was only less, not better. I was still eating crap, but just not as much. I knew nothing about Macros, just maybe cutting down on processed sugar. At home things were fine, but work was another story. Muffins, candy, happy hours after work that turned into dinners were not handled with much thought. If food was there, I ate it. When the running stopped, the food really caught up with me. The lack of a healthy relationship with food maintained during the weight-loss also played a part. When stress got high, food was consumed. When something good happened, food was consumed. I always tried not to eat too much, but I didn’t even try to figure out when I would hit the “too much” level.

I stopped moving with intent to lose weight. I stopped caring about what was coming into my body. I thought life was fine. I thought, “you have lost the weight before, you can do it again… later” I had a stable job, good friends, so why worry about the extra wings or nachos or pizza. It was for a reason, right?

The lead up:

This continued for years. Life had its ups and downs. My weight added up. 280, maybe I should hit the gym again? 7 times, then nothing. 295, getting married, got to do this for us. Nope. 310, ok, now this is too much and we have a kid on the way. Lost ten pounds, broke my toe and the donuts consistently won the battle. Still life moved forward. I had been hanging out at this weight for a while, but I started to notice it was getting a little harder to sit in my office chair for longer periods of time. There was this pressure just below my sternum. Pants didn’t fit, Sweaters that were comfortable in the past, felt tight. Button-up shirts strained across my middle. Walking kept getting to be more and more of a chore. It was easier to wait for the next bus, if I saw the one I wanted to catch pull up and I was 15 ft away. I knew I needed to make a change in how my life was going. I had stopped sleeping the same as my wife due to my snoring keeping her up.

The next steps:

I had a weight taken for some life insurance we were updating. I had hit 342 in March 2018. This was definitely too much. Right before this I had started to look at various Youtube channels, ObesetoBeast and Boogie2988 had recently had his surgery. I was really starting to look at how I was living my life. Knowing what had moved me to stop working out before, I wanted to focus on strength. I also knew that I had to get my eating in order.

One of the self discoveries I made through the years, I like routine and process. I found this with learning to DE / wet shave, learning to properly smoke a tobacco pipe, and to some degree through computer programming. I downloaded MyFitnessPal as many others have here. That worked very well for me to weight out and log my food. The data aspect really helped me get a handle on what I was putting in my body. For the strength training, I wanted something that I hadn’t done before, but seemed like it might help. I started with StrongLifts 5x5. I had always been curious about using a barbell, but thought it was rather dangerous. I researched the basic 5 lifts of the program. This absolutely filled the check box for routine and process for me. The cues, the movements, all fit right in with how I approach things. I knew that ultimately I wasn’t going to get super strong with this type of approach. I was cutting too many calories for that to happen. But I am getting stronger in a general sense. I set a long term goal of losing 150. Getting to that point will put me in the normal range for my body type. Now, I know those ranges are some what set by math alone, but I just would like to be a weight I haven’t been since 6th grade.

After about a year of work and lurking here for support (although, I did ask a question about shoes once), I had used the StrongLifts program with some simple walking as cardio and CICO to get down about 80 lbs.

The current situation:

Here is were the true change comes into play. I was laid off. Then my wife was let go as well. This was hard. But we had made plans to help deal with situations like this (thanks to r/personalfinance for the recommendation of an emergency fund). I was still able to continue on the journey. I hit 100 lbs down. Then my mom passed. This was very, very hard on me (and still is to some degree). Lots of stress, lots of emotion. Then got a new job. More stress. I have been able to maintain my weight loss. I have still been able to go to the gym and lift and walk.

I feel like I am not using food as a crutch. I do know that I need to eat more protein and fiber though. I have been at a plateau for about three months, but I am okay with that. I don’t feel like I have stalled. I mean I would love to see more downwards trending happen with the weight. I do feel like I am getting stronger. I have been really looking at the technical side of the lifting and my numbers in that area have been improving. Maybe with this I have been building more muscle to replace the fat? I don’t know.

While weight-loss is the start of the goal, getting a better sense of my self and being in control of how I eat and when I eat has been the greatest change for me. While I do have the gym and the eating going for me and I have returned to same bed as my wife, I am thinking that maybe there is more to explore within myself. I am in the process of looking for a therapist to help unpack some of this. Also, I probably need to start weighing out my food again to re-calibrate what is going in my mouth.


*For me, I found it easier to think about eating like the weight I wanted to be at, rather than losing 1 to 2 lbs a week. It was just a mind set that worked for me.

*Routine for me was the biggest help to keep going. Get up and go even it is for just a little bit.

*Wipe off your equipment and put away your weights when you are done.

*Walking works wonders. Find your rhythm to go a little further. A music genre podcast helped me. Giving the type of music I liked, but a wider variety, didn’t get as repetitive as a playlist.

submitted by /u/thingsinstuff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I thought only a plastic surgeon could make me beautiful

After losing 15 lbs with another 30 lbs to go the thing that has surprised and motivated me is how much more attractive my face looks to me. Before I started my weight loss journey I was looking into cosmetic surgeries, kybella, coolsculpting, and anything else I thought might help me feel more confident. The price tag stopped me from acting on anything and I started to focus on my health and weight loss instead. I’ve already gained much more confidence and my skin is looking better than ever since I’ve been drinking more water and eating healthier foods. If I can do this, you can do this. And it is so worth it.

submitted by /u/bippityboppity73
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