Sunday, November 24, 2019

Holy crap my date picked me up! First time that's ever happened.

I went on a date with a really cute sweet guy last night. After a great night we were back at his apartment and I was sitting at his computer chair talking to him. Suddenly in one swift motion he scooped me up out of the chair and carried me onto his bed. I was STUNNED. I'm a tall girl, 5'10", and I've never experienced something like that. I've always been SO aware of my size during romantic encounters. I still can't believe it happened, I didn't know someone my size could even be picked up. wow.

I'm currently 33 pounds down since August. I've been sticking to 1200cal/day CICO by way of OMAD. Dating has been a little hard with OMAD since I don't feel comfortable eating all of those calories in one sitting in front of someone I'm interested in. I try to split calorie allowance into two meals if I have dinner plans with someone. I tried for years to lose weight with a regular 3 meals a day CICO schedule and failed miserably. I actually just kept packing on the pounds because I was never satisfied after each small meal.

I suffer from binge eating disorder(self diagnosed via the Internet.) It seems counter intuitive to use OMAD to lose weight since it's essentially a binge, but I feel like it's a win/win. I get that pleasure from a large filling meal that I've grown to love since I was a child, but I also don't get the guilt afterwards because I know I'm still eating at a defecit. I highly recommend this to people who have a similar problem. OMAD/IF has absolutely changed my life in terms of more energy and confidence. Having my weight loss now affect my dating life for the better is even more motivation to stick with it!!

submitted by /u/saltlamp94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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