Monday, August 2, 2021

Down 13 pounds in 6 weeks!

I am so happy I am screaming lol. All last week my weight held steady. Today I got my period and woke up to the lowest weight I’ve seen in a couple months- 179.0. I have been DYING to get out of the 180s. My loseit app exported my data for the week and it looks like I really stepped it up. I burned 4000 calories this week just from exercise. That’s not even all though because I underestimate my exercise calories by cutting and reporting only half of them. I also am always wearing a chest strap and HRM for accuracy. I probably burned 6000 😁 Even through I had intense cravings last week since it was the week before my period i didn’t give in. I went carb free and stuck to meats and eggs. I am so so happy right now. My final goal is around 125. At this rate I can be there in a few months. I am surprised by how much better I feel?! The weight loss is just a bonus, the feeling is better honestly. I have so much energy and finally sleep somewhat normal compared to having insomnia before. I feel happier and more calm. I cannot wait to see the 160s this month. Good luck to everyone! If you put in the work, be honest with yourself and stay consistent you will get there!

submitted by /u/thisaintasurfinmovi3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about my weight loss.

I’m 14 I eat at a 1000 calorie deficit and go to the gym 4 times a week. In my first week of losing weight I lost 6 pound ( I know this a lot but I read this could be due to water weight) , in my second week I lost 2 pounds and in my 3rd week I lost no weight. Can someone explain to me what’s going on? Over the summer I tend to wake up at 12pm and skip breakfast and just have lunch with my family, could that be the cause? I also sleep quite late. Edit: would also like to add I understand it could be that I gained muscle as I look mor muscular but surely it shouldn’t completely cancel out the fat I should’ve lost this week. My dad thinks it could be because I’m eating too low calories.

submitted by /u/Daniel0327
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are you looking forward to once you lose the weight you want?

I remember back in the summer of 2013, I had a hot boyfriend, I was 141, and feeling amazing. I was 6 lbs away from my goal. I was able to wear shorts!!!

Almost 10 years later, I am married, 199lbs and not happy with my body. I suffered from binge eating disorder, and gained 60lbs. I stoped going to the gym and seeing my personal trainer.

All I wear are leggings now because jeans feel funny on me. These are my motivational goals; what are yours?


• One of my biggest goals was to do a pin up photo shoot or a boudoir photo shoot. it’s been in my mind for a long time.

• finally buy some new outfits (with shorts!)

• get a new tattoo (I already have several)

• go on vacation with hubs and finally wear cute outfits

• get extra money from my work for losing weight (they have programs that give you extra money on your HSA for weight loss)

• have a cute baby bump when we start trying next year

• go on more adventures with hubs/friends

What are your motivations for losing weight?

submitted by /u/Uhhlaneuh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained the weight back, seems harder this time

In 2019 I dropped from 230ish down to 180 using this sub (AFAB 5'10"ish). Then I got into a loving relationship, moved in with my partner, weathered the worst (hopefully) of COVID, had a suicidal episode over my shitty job, changed jobs and depression meds, discovered I am on the spectrum and officially have adhd, and between all of that shot back up to 200 since October.

Thing is, it seems way harder this time around. I come in between under 500 and maintenance every day every week and I still always go up a pound -- so I must be counting wrong somehow, right? But last time I did this, I still estimated and still lost. Maybe the high dose of antidepressants isn't helping.

And 1500-1900 calories just doesn't seem to go as far anymore. Last time, I was able to eat 1500 a day. Now I struggle to stay under 2000. Working from home doesn't help.

The worst thing is that I started making a cosplay back at my lowest weight in 2019 that I planned on finally wearing to a (safe) con in 4 weeks ... that semi-fits with alterations now, but boy do I feel like shit in it, as it shows my stomach. (Alexstrasza from HoTS if you're wondering). I still want to go because of all the work I put into the cosplay, but it hurts knowing I'll be "fat alexstrasza" and might cause people to cringe in disgust from the sight of my gut and arms. Or worse, to tell me how "brave" I am to show my misshapen body in public, to dare attempt something reserved for the beautiful people of society.

I feel like a disgusting failure. I was tracking the whole time, thinking each pound increase was hopefully a minor fluctuation, and suddenly I look the same as I did before the whole weight loss thing.

I just don't know how to get back on track. Cooking, planning, weighing all feels so hard. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for here -- I guess just venting.

submitted by /u/Morveniel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on strength training while losing weight?

I started doing Juice and Toyas full body strength training (just bodyweight) 6 weeks ago and since then I went from losing between 1.4 and 2.4 lbs per week to .4 - 1 lb per week. On the one hand, I started because I wanted to be stronger and try to minimize muscle loss. I am starting to feel stronger but my brain is fighting me because seeing the scale not budge as much feels like failure. Yes, I know chasing numbers on a scale is not healthy. Yes I know that slower weight loss will be better for my skin, body, maintenance etc. I KNOW all those things and yet my brain is struggling to adjust to the change. I think part of the reason is I really wanted to hit the healthy bmi range and I'm wicked close - only 7 lbs! I cant help think how I would already be there if I had just stuck with cardio.

I guess I'm not looking for advice because I feel like I made a healthy choice, just wondering if anybody else struggled with the same thing

34F, SW:218, CW: 157, GW: 132

submitted by /u/CapK473
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am morbidly obese and i want help

Hi, im 16m, 5'4 and currently (or at least 3 weeks ago when i was at the doctor last) i am 274 pounds I've always been "chubby" when i was younger, when i was 13 and around when I turned 14 i was like 5'1 and ~175ish, in the summer of 2018 (Around August) I was probably 210 or so and my mom's ex bf started making sure I lost weight, i stopped drinking so much soda and had basically no snacks, and had to walk 15 minutes to get to my bus stop, there and back, I was down to the 175 I mentioned by the end of October, When he died suddenly. Then I had no one controlling it and because I didn't care as much, I went from that to 240 by May of 2019. I stayed there through the entirety of 2019 and the pandemic until around August 2020 when I gained another 20, and then last time I was weighed I was 274 like I said. My mom's pretty chubby, (she's like 4'8 and probably 140), my real dad is pretty short I think and he's also fatter than me too I think. So that's why I think I'd always be at least a little fat even if I do lose weight, and why if I could be back down to 180 or so I'd be happy, even though I know that's still obese for my height. (But I'm also pretty sure if I can manage to be that skinny again, I could manage a normal weight as well. This might just seem like me trying to find excuses too, but i also have adhd, very likely autism and clinical depression too, and I know stuff like that can be linked to not caring about yourself and people like me. I do try not to be gross though, i do shower every day and i take care of myself. I've always felt bad about my weight, but it never really hit me until I saw the 274, and even harder when my mom and her current bf and I were at the fair, 2 nights ago and by the end of it I could barely walk like 10 steps without feeling like I was gonna pass out. Even now, still my entire body hurts from it. The biggest problem is no one in my family knows how to cook at all, and we always have snacks and garbage food too. My mom has another baby with her new bf who's almost 2 now, and with him getting into everything its probably going to be impossible for anyone to cook real food. Ive told them I wanted us to learn how to cook stuff like real chicken and steak for example, none of that processed stuff, and to stop buying snacks and stuff. I also mentioned getting a bike again or something like that, cuz that would actually be a fun way. I also downloaded a weight loss exercise app as well. I tried to put off this until I was 18 or living with myself but I've realized if I do that I will not survive at all. That or it would just be harder. I'm sorry for rambling so much and I'm not really sure how on topic this is, but I just kinda want any more advice honestly.

submitted by /u/ResearcherGrouchy395
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you make your last 'Day One' different to the others or more meaningful?

It's Day One for me - I have had many, many 'day ones' and I'm trying hard not to walk into making healthier lifestyle choices without the baggage of feeling like I'm doomed to fail. I know I need to change something with my mindset and I'm looking for advice.

I've lost a good amount of weight a few times before so I'm trying to realise that I can do it but I have a nagging voice that also reminds me that I've gained back all of the weight time and time again.

I've recently gained 7lbs back over the pandemic from my 30lbs loss that took me a whole year and I'm feeling so miserable with it. I know it isn't catastrophic but it feels like a giant slippery slope and what's making me even more nervous about the whole thing is that my usually very healthy partner is joining me on the slope and is making this even harder (ordering takeaways, cooking unhealthy food, buying lots of sweets etc.) This is something we've talked about but not the point of the post - just an extra thing that's making weight loss this time round feel harder as I don't feel I have my usual support/inspiration of seeing his healthy choices.

I'm very much an 'all or nothing' weight loss person which is something I've been trying to change for a while so I can stop yo-yo-ing.


What do you do on your 'day one's' that make them more effective?

Do you have any advice for overcoming self doubt/defeatist thinking?

Any tips on how to wean yourself away from saying yes to all the tempting junk food in the early days?

Any tips on making weight loss more sustainable and consistent?

submitted by /u/ConfusableArgus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat