Monday, August 2, 2021

Question about my weight loss.

I’m 14 I eat at a 1000 calorie deficit and go to the gym 4 times a week. In my first week of losing weight I lost 6 pound ( I know this a lot but I read this could be due to water weight) , in my second week I lost 2 pounds and in my 3rd week I lost no weight. Can someone explain to me what’s going on? Over the summer I tend to wake up at 12pm and skip breakfast and just have lunch with my family, could that be the cause? I also sleep quite late. Edit: would also like to add I understand it could be that I gained muscle as I look mor muscular but surely it shouldn’t completely cancel out the fat I should’ve lost this week. My dad thinks it could be because I’m eating too low calories.

submitted by /u/Daniel0327
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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