Tuesday, June 27, 2023

My journey with weight gain & now loss


Near the end of 2021, I noticed I was getting a little thicker. I knew it was likely due to my increased drinking of beer/seltzers, but I didn’t pay any mind to it because I’d never gained a lot of weight before. At that point I was at about 137-138.

It didn’t really hit me until I weighed myself again a few months later in early 2022. I freaked out at the fact that I was coming into the 140s, but again, I did not really do anything about it because of my mental state at the time & just not wanting to accept it.

And from there, the weight just started packing on ultra fast. Only a few months after the freak-out, I was knocking at 170s door. By the end of 2022, I was in the 180s. The weight gain slowed down a bit, but about a month ago I noticed I was approaching 190. I guess that’s what I would call my rock bottom realization moment.

I could not bear to see the angry stretch marks anymore, I could not bear to watch myself sink further into the depression that is only made worse by the weight gain, and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to have to go through buying a new wardrobe ~again~

For the past few weeks, I have been counting. And by counting, yes I mean calories. From everything I’ve heard, I fully expected my brain to explode (especially because of my obsessive tendencies and anxiety). But no, I’ve just taken a sec before every meal or drink to see what I’m getting into — logging it, and then using that as a way to learn how to budget out my calories better for the coming days. From there, I’ve entered at about a 500-700 deficit to what I used to eat. Still not at the ideal deficit for weight loss, but I figure easing into it is better than rushing my body.

Over the course of this process, I’ve dropped 6 pounds. To say that I’d been drinking and eating in a huge surplus (and not really realizing it) is a vast understatement. My drinking is still an issue, but I’m tackling that as we speak by getting on naltrexone under my psychiatrist’s supervision and guidance.

I don’t know, I’m just proud of myself. I rarely allow myself to become passionate or inspired about things that can help me, so I usually just wallow in the misery. I can’t wait to see where this goes, and I’m excited to not feel like my own prisoner anymore. Hopefully.

ETA: Just wanted to say that I do not think going into a deficit is always an easy thing, or that I don’t think others genuinely do struggle with it. I am sure I’ll encounter bumps along the road, and things will probably become more difficult at some point. We’ll see I guess.

submitted by /u/snarltoothedseether
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hJxm0dC

When did people start noticing your weight loss?

This isn’t the first time I’ve lost weight. A few years ago I went from 230lbs down to 162lbs. I thought my weight loss would’ve been noticeable after 20lbs or so, but it wasn’t until I was about 165lbs that people started to compliment me. That’s a whole 60lbs difference for others to see the change in me 🥲

After gaining it all back, I’m now back to square one and even though I’ve lost almost 40lbs, no one has said anything, BUT I now know when people will notice again due to that past experience, so I’m not too bummed

When did people notice your weight loss and how was it?

submitted by /u/kewpiemoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/P3eucqE

20lbs in 60days

Started my weight loss journey, again, back in March. Starting weight this time 301. I did a lot of cardio and calorie counting and dropped 33 pounds between March and May. June wasn't the best, I maintained but didn't really lose anything.

I have an upcoming vacation in 60~ days and I've decided to challenge myself to lose 20 pounds in 60 days! I need some sort of accountability to keep going so I've decided to post daily updates!

Day 1 of 60

SW: 266

CW: 266

60 day goal: 245

Daily steps: 12,598

Treadmil miles: 3

60 Day weight loss total: 0

submitted by /u/JMMT86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/OTuebPF

Celebrating achieving the lowest weight Ive been in over 10 years reaching Onederland and getting closer to my goals

It’s been such a long road to get to this point, I feel like I could cry. Mostly happy tears though. On the top of the combined screenshot is my MFP progress graph from the start of my current weight loss journey, and on the bottom is the graph with all the data MFP had. It goes back to May 2013, but I used MFP before this, even back in high school, but that data is gone for whatever reason, but I digress.

You may wonder, “Why were you weighing yourself and logging it so frequently if your weight just kept going up?” The answer is because despite all the challenges I’ve faced in life, some part of me is still an eternal optimist and always believed that “Today is the day I take control of my weight, and get serious about weight loss”, so most of those were either “Day 1 of weight loss” measurements, or follow-on measurements of short-lived weight loss journeys that usually lasted about a week or so.

Honestly I don’t know the number of weight loss journeys I’ve been on at this point, it’s probably dozens. I’ve either been on one, or taking a break since senior year of high school, but I am happy to say that come hell or high water, this will be the last. When I do ultimately reach my goal of ~10% body fat, I’ll switch to maintenance, and plan to still track calories, weigh myself regularly but less often probably.

More details for the curious, but there were 2 “phases”. The first was last June when I attempted a version of One Meal A Day, and achieved about 10 lbs of weight loss. I wasn’t calorie counting though, fell off the wagon, and eventually gained back about 5 lbs.

The second phase is when I read about the Mediterranean Diet and the decades of research (since the 60’s!) showing how beneficial it is in various ways. Fun fact, it isn’t a weight loss diet (though most people do lose some weight) but a longevity and heart/overall health diet originally based off the traditional diet of Crete. Also it’s very flexible for different cuisines and palates, which is why I see myself sticking with it in the long term. Since the MD isn’t a weight loss diet, I had to count calories, no surprise there. My goal has been 2 lbs per week of weight loss. Food scales have been SO helpful with this btw.

For those who looked closely, the graph is very spiky because I weigh myself (nearly) everyday. That’s what works for me, but everyone’s got a different rhythm that works for them. Also there’s a couple of places where my weight drops quickly in the graph and then plateaus for a bit, and that is because I got sick a few times over the last year. Idk the mechanisms involved, but it all seemed to even out to about 2 lbs a week of weight loss in the end so.. 🤷

Stats and goals: - 6’5 (195 cm), 34 yr old man - SW: 265 lbs (120.2 kg) - CW: 198.4 lbs (90 kg), 19.4% bf per bathroom scale, 16.6% per calipers (I’ll get a more accurate estimate next week at a fitness assessment in my gym) - GW: ~10% body fat, not a specific weight.


Long post, but thanks for reading if you did! Wish you all the best of luck with your goals whatever they are!

submitted by /u/subtlebulk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/i9vh2gQ

Monday, June 26, 2023

In a good groove

Anyone else just feel like you've hit or are in a good groove with weight loss? Like many of you, I'm someone who's been losing and gaining weight my whole life but I finally feel a sense of peace and sustainability with it for the first time in my life. I'm at a weight and activity level where as long as I eat under 2000 calories per day, I'm losing weight and I've been finding it weirdly easy to stay at 1600-1700 calories daily. I've been counting for about a month and a half now and already lost 10 pounds! My goal is to lose 50 total in order to reach a healthy BMI so 40 more to go. It just feels so awesome reaching a point where you calculate your calories for a meal (I cook a lot so use MFP to put in all the ingredients in the recipe) and put it in and go "wow I get to eat all this amazing food and feel good and still lose weight?!". I've been having creamer in my coffee, takeout, still eating candy, etc but just feel like I've finally reached the point of balance in my life where I can just have a bite or a smaller portion of something and be happy and still have maintenance or slightly over days and feel good about that too and still be losing. I know weight loss can feel like a struggle a lot of the time but I'm just really enjoying how easy, effortless (besides constantly weighing things haha) and well this is going! Anyone else in the same boat? :) And for anyone who's not, it's possible to get there!!

submitted by /u/spilltheteal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BT7rVem

I don't know how I did it.

I honestly don't know,time went too quickly.

I don't realize how I managed to get here,I honestly didn't have it in me.

I have been working consistently on my weight loss for 237days and I'm actually towards the end.

I don't know how I actually stuck to it. What was that about that specific day that made me so determined.

How did time go so fast?How have I managed to come so far?

Just 2kg away from my goal weight,2kg away from never being attacked about my weight,where nobody can EVER make a comment about it again.

My advice to anyone wanting to change,don't wait,the sooner you start,the sooner you can look back and get mad for not doing it sooner

submitted by /u/ItjustHappens123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/U0nDFl2

I'm overweight!!!!

And it's a good thing! FINALLY, after literally years of struggling, cycling between hating myself and eating everything in sight because "life is short, I'd rather be fat and happy", I stepped on the scales today and am half a pound into the overweight BMI category.

I've been obese for a painfully long time (university and the pandemic were not kind to me), and last month I decided I'd really had enough this time. I leveraged a period of illness where I wasn't eating much, and stuck with that pattern. I'm sticking to recommended portion sizes, stopping eating when I'm full rather than forcing it down, and reaching for apples instead of chocolate bars.

Exactly a month later, and I'm down 16lbs. I feel like my relationship with food is much better, and I've had absolutely no urge to binge eat, which is unheard of for me. I'm a little cross that I could've been doing this the entire time, but I get such a feeling of satisfaction every time I step on the scale and see the number's gone down. I even pulled on my jeans today and couldn't figure out why they felt different, until I clocked that I didn't have to pull them hard to button them up, they just went on.

I don't notice a visual difference yet, looking in the mirror, but I'm guessing that'll come with time. I just feel like my whole attitude and mindset has changed.

This is the first weight loss journey I've been on where I've not counted calories at all. Sure, I'm more mindful of them and will choose a lower calorie option over a higher one, but I'm not keeping track. Every time I have, I've become obsessed with weighing every single thing I eat, and spending ages obsessing over finding the 'right' calorie count for homemade meals. I figured that wasn't working for me, so while it might be controversial, I've ditched logging altogether - and it's working for me. I feel so much less guilt about eating 'bad' foods, and as a result feel no need to binge them.

Idk you guys, it just feels like a switch has flipped.

submitted by /u/stalesun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FATeMHr