Friday, January 25, 2019

An After Losing the Weight Issue That (hardly) No One Addresses

I am 41F who has lost 282 lbs and kept it off since beginning in 2012. At the time I began I weighed 432 pounds. Now resting at a comfortable 140 pounds, I have a large amount of excess skin. I did not have weight loss surgery- rather it was the diagnosis of MS that made me begin to move my body and change my lifestyle. Even though I am now very physically active and have an improved sense of self esteem, I can't look at myself with my clothes off. It makes me cry to look at what basically looks like a melted pile of flesh hanging from a frame. It doesn't drive me to eat, but it does cause my depression to go into overdrive. There are days that I wonder what good it is doing me to continue on, & I don't mean exercise. At this point, activity is the only thing that keeps me going. Insurance won't pay for skin removal- so that one is off the table. I have days that I am scared of my thoughts.

submitted by /u/fujoshifangrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice needed on current body, realistic weight loss goals for 5'11"/174lb male (Shirtless pictures in description)

Hi all,

I am currently 21 years old, male, weighing 173.4lbs (78.65kg) and 5' 11" (180.34cm). I have struggled with my weight for quite a while and really would like to shred this extra fat and try to become more lean. I am not looking to get ripped with muscles (huge arms chest, defined six pack, etc), but just trimming down.

Pictures (shirtless ones)

At my peak weight I was 190lbs (86.18kg). At that point I was consuming one or two 12-oz cans of soda, or Snapple (16oz) a day. Additionally, I always had some kind of candy with my meal (e.g. sour patch kids, chocolate, etc). My actual meal though was typically 'real' food since I cook a lot. A typical meal could be garlic marinated salmon, oven roasted veggies and chicken, chicken parm, pasta, etc. I really don't like fast food (thank god) so that's generally limited. After weighing myself, I really began limiting myself to those items, to maybe once or twice a week now. I found La Croix to be a great substitute to beat the cravings. In addition to limiting it, I began running more (2 miles/3.2km in 20-30 minutes) about five times a week.

Other than that, my health is generally okay. I do not smoke, drink rarely, and no past medical history. My blood pressure is around 120s/70s and HR 70s. My physician said at my last annual physical all was good.

So, seeing my pictures, hearing my background, what are your suggestions? How can I slim down just a bit more? I would think a goal weight of 150-160lbs (68kg-72.57kg) would be good and still let me stay in good health. How is my body now? Average/overweight/etc? Thank you!

submitted by /u/healthygoal839
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New Year, New Me

Hello Everyone,

I am a long time lurker and have been so encouraged by everyone's story that I finally had enough and decided to make a change myself. I am 5'7" and have always struggled with my weight. When I was in college, I really let myself go my sophomore year. I got to my heaviest weight which was 220 pounds and really hated everything. I felt embarrassed just to walk around campus and going to class because I just felt so out of shape.


I finally took some steps and decided that enough was enough and lost 60 pounds in a relatively short amount of time through intermittent fasting. Ever since I lost that much weight, I felt great and confident.


Fast forward about 6 years and I was around 215 pounds on New Year's Eve and was looking through all the pictures of when I was thinner. I have tried to lose weight off and on throughout the past few months but was unable to stick with it. Losing a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time was a blessing and a curse because I always had the mentality of "Hey, I did it before, I can do it again!" but it's definitely not that easy this time around.


I am happy to state that I have actually stuck with my New Year's Resolution to get back to intermittent fasting and have lost around 20 pounds in 25 days. I am just getting discouraged because the first week, I lost a lot of weight (to be expected) and I have obviously slowed down even though I feel as if I am better disciplined and making better decisions than when I first started. I feel if I even have the little "treat" I just negate all the hard work I did the week leading up to it.


My goal is for my in-laws to notice my weight loss because I haven't mentioned anything to them. I saw both of them a few days ago and they haven't mentioned anything to me yet so that motivates me to continue this weight loss journey for a healthier 2019. I am happy to say that I have gone from 215 pounds to 190.6 since January 2nd. My weigh ins are every Wednesday and I have been tracking it on a chart I put up in my bathroom so it's right in my face and I can't run from it. I feel like I'm doing great so far this week so I am excited to see what the scale tells me next Wednesday.


I wanted to thank all of you for continuing to share all your personal journeys to help me get back on track. I just recently lost my uncle to diabetes and my mother was just diagnosed with it last month. It runs in my family and nothing terrifies me more than not being around for my family and I am hoping to set a great example for my future kids. Nothing is tougher than fighting the cravings of food but we are all doing it together. Thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes that no one can make this change but me and I should not hide behind any excuses anymore.

submitted by /u/JustinShorter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting out strong!

Good morning everyone!

I've always struggled with revolving weight since my teenage years & after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year I finally decided it was time to get it under control if i want to be around for my 1year old son. ( Ideally back to 180 like i was 5 years ago in college doing strenuous weight lifting... etc )

Back in September of last year i had a very disabling MS episode ( Though i wasn't diagnosed until December )

And to top it all off I was also at my heaviest ( 265lbs )

At first I started Lazily counting my calories and was able to drop to 258 over the course of 3 months.

Come January i really started to take this goal seriously & started substituting my overloaded coffee in the morning with Green tea & Earl Grey, and then i took it a step further and started using Huel in tandem with Intermittent Fasting ( 16/8 )

I am proud to say that today when i weighed myself the scale only showed 242!!

My next weight loss milestone will be to hit 235 Which i hope to accomplish by the end of February!

As a long time lurker of this sub I want to say thank you for all the great success stories!

You are all awesome & I can't weight to reach our goals together.

submitted by /u/BrokenhandsV2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please stop spreading weight loss woo

Starvation mode isn't real, if you're not losing weight after 6 weeks you're not in a calorie deficit.

Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it's simply more dense and therefore takes up less space than fat does. If you've started a new weight training or strength training program you might be retaining water but if you've only been lifting for 5 days you have not gained 5 lbs of muscle. Muscle building takes time and dedication. No one accidentally Arnold's. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger would tell you he put in a fuck ton of hard work, and possibly some enhancers, to look the way he did.

Cheat days only work if they don't turn into binges, if you feel like this wouldn't be beneficial for your weight loss, don't do it.

Your TDEE can go up or down based on activity and weight. If you lose weight it goes down, if you move less, it goes down. No foods speeds up your metabolism. This is literal horseshit.

Please take advice you're given here with a grain of salt and do your own research to be certain you're being given correct information.

submitted by /u/MadLeahPeacecraft
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bum Knee

I am hoping this is the correct sub to ask for advice on. Recently, I took a hard tumble and landed on my right knee. No real damage (thank god) but a very deep bruise and some swelling that will take a few weeks to heal completely. Part of my diet and weight loss routine was cardio on the treadmill. It is just too tough on my knee currently. I don’t want to lose out on weeks of cardio while I wait for everything to heal! Does anyone have any suggestions (preferably in-home options seeing as I don’t currently have a gym membership) to make up the cardio time I am losing? I already have a HIIT workout that I’ve modified. Just looking for cardio suggestions.


submitted by /u/redshoesalphabet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on Homecooking

Hey All,

I've been preparing food out of packages for the most part which makes tracking my calorie intake easier for myself but I also cook for my partner and I every night and kind of struggle in terms of figuring out how many calories I'm taking in during our dinner meal. The only way i can think to figure it out is to keep everything separated and weigh them out for myself but there has to be a more efficient way. I'm still keeping on my weight loss plan set by myfitnesspal and have lost ~ 6 pounds from when I started weighing myself. I'm just trying to keep my weight from going down without going to prepackaged dinners or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This sub has been good inspiration for me and I just wanted to say that I'm proud of all of you and to keep pushing yourselves!

submitted by /u/DaddyJackhammer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat