Friday, August 30, 2019

No one at that gym is going to give you trouble if you are overweight

I’ve been up and down the weight roller coaster over my 35+ years. I’ve observed many people on here sharing concerns that someone may judge them if they are overweight and starting the lose it journey. I had the same concerns when I started working out years back.

I just want you to know .... Over all that time, and when I’ve been 180 or 240+, no one has ever said anything negative to me at the gym. Not when I’ve been overweight, not when I’ve been more lean. Seriously, never.

So don’t be worried getting started or too afraid to take that first step. Everyone else at the gym is just focused on knocking out their routine. No one is going to call you our for getting started with lifting or cardio. No one is going to give you any trouble. Don’t let the fear of someone judging you from getting started.

And to all those who are starting their weight loss journey today - cheers to you! You got this!

submitted by /u/travels-often
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: My Wedding Band Fits!!!

SW: 225 CW:210 GW: 150

This is my first small victory, but since I started IF/CICO a couple weeks ago, I can comfortably put on AND take off my wedding band. I had the jeweler size me properly, but by my wedding in July, I was bloated and my hands were almost too swollen for my husband to even put my ring on (I involuntarily told him to "spit on it" during the ceremony to get it to fit... oops). The day after the wedding (July 14, 2019), I took it off and I haven't put it on until today. It probably helps that it isn't hot as balls out anymore, but still I'll take it as a small win and motivation to keep on keepin' on.

I'm sure that my initial weight loss is mostly attributable to drinking 2.5-3 litres of water per day and that it will slow in the coming weeks, but it's still motivating despite not seeing any physical evidence (until today, that is). I have been doing IF 16/8, skipping breakfast for a green tea or maybe a black coffee. I thought skipping breakfast would be impossible but I don't even feel hungry until noon. I weigh out my food, 5 oz of lean protein, 5 oz of higher cal veggies (as many low cal veggies as I want, usually a salad), 5 oz of fruit and maybe rice cake. I do that for both lunch and dinner. I also stopped cooking with butter, oil, etc. and use chicken broth or low sodium soy sauce instead. If I get the "munchies", I'll just have some veggies or an apple or something under 100cal. I've also quit drinking and have replaced my nightly beers with zero calorie fizzy drinks (like Canada Dry). I'm not doing any intense exercise, just a 45 min walk with my dogs in the evening.

So far, so good! After struggling with my weight for so many years, I am finally making a difference and committing to losing weight for good.

submitted by /u/CheapestCucumber
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One week into my weight loss journey, and I already feel better

I'm a 21M and 300lbs. My goal is 200lbs in about a year. I haven't been active since high school besides my semi physical job for two years that did more harm than good. In my new job, I'm sitting in an office the entire time.

I finally bought a gym membership and have gone for 6/7 days the last week. My first day, I struggled to speed walk a mile and a half. Today, I can speed walk 2 miles with some breathing, and I jog a quarter of a mile to finish. That's what I warmed up with the last two days. Then I weight lift for another 30 mins or until I physically can't. I'm not sure if it's a mental thing feeling that I've improved, but I know I feel better.

I've been trying to keep my calories under 1500, which I've done the last 5/7 days, but I think I'm going to settle for 2000. After an intense workout I get really hungry. I'm not following a specific diet, just significantly cutting back on sugar and carbs. Say my parents get some twinkies or something, and I'll just have one for the day, but make sure I consider it in my calorie count. I tried to do keto before, but I have a terrible sweet tooth, so I figured I'll not deprive myself of what I want as long as it's in moderation. I also have a cup of coffee about an hour before I leave work, with 3 shots of creamer and 3 packets of sweetener. I’m working on drinking the coffee without those.

I try to only eat two meals a day. One when I wake up, and one after the gym. I work graveyard, so days for me are kinda funky. I just consider it a new day when I wake up. Basically, a day for me is 8PM-9AM. I eat at 8pm before work, and again after the gym at around 7:30am. I try to sleep around 9/10am, and then the cycle begins again.

I haven't weighed myself yet. I'm more so looking at how I feel on a daily basis and how my clothes fit. I will weigh myself next week though, to see if I've made any progress. If anyone has any advice for working out or my diet based on this info, I'd appreciate it a lot.

submitted by /u/drakeanddrive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight slowly is not a bad thing!

I don’t lose weight quickly. I try, and I fail and I keep trying. But the fastest rate of loss I can manage is a little less than a pound down a week. But I’m still down 114 pounds. Sure it has taken me almost 2 years but it’s still happening. It will probably take me another year to lose the last 44lbs, but it’s ok! That time will pass anyway.

With all the people who post on this sub with their wonderful 20 pounds lost in a month, it’s easy to feel bad about slower progress. But you don’t need to feel bad about it. Us slow losers will still make it! I just wanted to make a post reassuring people like me that slow progress is still a good thing. I am proud of how much I have lost. And I am proud of the fact that I have been doing pretty darn well at balancing weight loss and enjoying life to the fullest while accomplishing my goals.

Who else out there is getting to their weight loss goals tortoise style? What are your thoughts on losing weight slower than than you might want?

submitted by /u/Allidish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] I didn't stress eat

SW: 225 CW: 215 GW: 180

Today I didn't stress eat. I've tried to start eating better and losing weight many times over the past year. It's been hard with kids and a job that is getting more frustrating everyday. I'm a stress eater, and it's been a rough year or two for stress in my life.

I've been going strong with intermittent fasting for 2 weeks now, which is the longest I've gone in a year and a half. My wife and I also joined a new gym that we're pretty excited too. I'm down 8 lbs already so I'm feeling pretty motivated.

Today though, I wanted to stress eat and give up. I have a person in management above me in my office who makes terrible decisions that affect me and my co-workers just about everyday. Today was no exception with a rather large blow on a project, and I started getting the urge to snack to help cope.

Not today Satan.

I went for a run around the neighborhood (I work from home some days). When I got back, I felt better, and I didn't stress eat. I've never been able to do that. I don't know what was different today, but I manage to fight the snack urges.

I have a long way to still, but this gives me hope that this is the last time I'll be starting a weight loss journey.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/csnewbie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to eat when you're stressed

Each day we encounter a number of different physical, emotional, physiological, chemical, nutritional or environmental stressors that we need to respond or adapt to. Whether it’s stress induced from a workout, the pressure to hit a deadline, harsh chemicals looming in the air or mending a difficult relationship, the way your body physically reacts to stress will always be the same—the same physiological systems will be involved and the same hormones will be released. While not all stress is bad, when we experience too much for too long, there can be serious consequences to our health. 

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

PCOS and weight loss

Hi! I’ve (f24, 5’5, 180lb) yo-yoed with weight since middle school. I’ve weighed all the way from 115-200 pounds. I was diagnosed with PCOS in high school and I’m always struggling with maintaining/losing weight. I get so so so frustrated by how easy it is for me to gain weight, that sometimes I just give up and binge- which is literally the worst thing I can do lol.

I’ve tried every “diet” in the book- what usually works the best for me is just balancing healthy foods and plenty of exercise.

My question is- does anyone have any experience with PCOS and weight loss? Any encouraging success stories to help a sister out lol? I get so sad, so defeated, so often about my weight. Trying to be at peace with my body but also not give up. Thanks y’all!

submitted by /u/lilmommatime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat