Monday, September 2, 2024

How does my weight loss plan sound? Advice please :)

Been trying different things for a bit but getting serious about weight loss now.

I am 29 5’5 179 lbs. SW 187, goal 138 My maintenance calories are about 2,100 when I don’t work out.

Diet (for me this is about health as much as weight loss): going dairy free pescatarian with no refined sugar and very little refined carbs. Goal of 100g protein a day. I’ve been pescatarian for a while but the other changes are new additions (I’ve been eating way too much cheese lol!)

1 fasting day a week but including pickles and bone broth that day. Been doing this for 2 weeks and it has sped up my weight loss so far.

I’m thinking my overall calories should be about 1,600-1,700 per day on average (like factoring in the fast). I’ve been at 2,000 per day on average for a while but want to speed up my weight loss.

Workouts: I’ve been doing Pilates at home 2-3 days a week but want to speed things up so I’m adding 2x a week heavier lifting at the gym in addition to my Pilates.

Health conditions: none other than high cholesterol and asthma

Goals: I really want to do body recomp. I want to lose like a pound a week at least. Health! Not all the diet changes I listed are about weight loss, I also want my LDL levels to get better and to be a healthy person with a healthy lifestyle.

I used to be anorexic like 5 years ago and I got down to 128 mostly fat because my body couldn’t support much muscle (too few cals to have such metabolically expensive tissue I think). So I’m sure my metabolic rate went to sh*t. When I started eating more my weight crept up and up and up, at first becuase my body couldn’t handle eating like a normal person, then I just developed bad overeating habits.

I promised myself I would never be anorexic again and I would only ever lose weight in a healthy way. I’m not worried about slipping into old patterns becuase over the past 5 years, no matter how bad I’ve felt about my looks, I’ve never given into the temptation of hurting my body and health to get to a lower weight!

I’m also keen to build and keep muscle because ive heard it’s basically an anti aging tissue that will keep your metabolic rate high, keep you healthy and therefore keep you hot as you age 😎 I want to be in this lifestyle for the long haul and look better longer, not look better way quicker.

With that being said, ofc I’d love to be at 150 by Xmas though but that may be a pipe dream haha.

If you’ve had success and achieved it in a healthy way, please let me know any advice, modifications, anecdotes to help me succeed 🥹 also words of encouragement are always welcome 😂🤍 excited to get serious about changing my life!

submitted by /u/Maleficent_Mud_437
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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