Saturday, January 30, 2021

I’ve lost over 100 pounds... but only now do I understand what gaining weight feels like and it’s awful.

To explain, I started gaining weight when I was 12 years old and didn’t stop growing until I was 18. At 250 pounds, I moved away from home and instantly dropped 40 pounds. Over the next 7 years, I consistently and slowly lost weight and by the time I was 26 I weighed 140 pounds. You guys... I. Looked. AMAZING! I totally did it! I was fit and active and healthy! And the best part was, I was so happy and the “lifestyle” came naturally at that point. It wasn’t hard to maintain my weight or work out or resist eating a donut. I was just a skinnygirl. I made it.

The thing is, I’ve lost a loooot of weight in my life, and I’ve lost it well. But I’ve never actually experienced the feeling of gaining weight. In the entire 110 pounds I lost, my biggest yo-yo was probably 7 pounds (3-5 of which could usually be explained by constipation and/or a party, and would be gone within a week or two). I got fat because I was a carefree kid with an unhealthy understanding of food. Sure, I wish someone told me I would regret the stretch marks, but I don’t fault my kid-self for allowing it to happen. I’ve never had to actually look myself in the mirror and say, you did this... now fix it.

  1. The scale crept up and I didn’t stop it. January 1, 2021... I weigh 165 pounds. This isn’t just binge weight. It isn’t constipation. It’s been here for 6 months This. Feeling. Sucks! The truth is, I don’t care about the 110 pounds anymore. Losing that weight was not “an accomplishment” as everyone tells me when they find out, it was a necessity. I can’t remember how to want to work out. I can’t muster up the feeling of being equally content when I don’t eat pizza. And I can’t even believe I did this in the first place! I know I’ve done this to myself. I know I could have prevented it. I know all of the motivational quotes are true: “if you stated when you said you would, you’d always be finished””nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”, etc. And worst of all, I KNOW that I can fix this. I’ve already done it! I’ve already lost 110! What’s a measly 25?! Losing this 25 pounds is not the difference between obesity or health. It’s not necessary but it’s sure as hell needed. I honestly feel like I am back at the starting line.

So... here’s to the very beginning of my weight loss journey (ugh). Realistically, I know it’s gonna take me a good 6 months to do this in a healthy and effective way. In the grand scheme, it’s not that long. But I’m terrified I’m going to fail.

submitted by /u/PantherSquirrel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSFW (18F). People are having concern over weight loss. Is it warranted?

So, I am new around here. A bit of a lurker I suppose. But, I'm an 18 year old female. About 5'7" tall. Well more like 5'6.5". I have lost some weight over the past 6ish months. As far as I can tell, I'm under a bmi of 20 as I haven't stepped on the scale in a long time but from pictures based on where I used to be, I could be considered a bit smaller. Im not sure if I am underweight but I've gotten a few comments about my weight lately.

The links show the pictures. I want an honest opinion if I appear to have gone too far. I don't see myself as underweight at all since I do have quite a large stomach and pretty substantial thighs and arm flab.

submitted by /u/throwawayleoxc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it really just water weight or is it real weight?

I started losing weight January 2nd. I went from binging 2500+ calories most days to trying to eat around 1300 calories a day. I probably exceed my goal half the time, but for the first time in my life I feel a level of commitment where most days that happens I only eat around 1400-1600 calories. I also go on 2-7 mile hikes, anywhere from 2-7 days a week, depending on the week. I have lost 7lbs in 28 days, going from 152.6 to 145.6 (5'3 F, 22). I tried to tell myself that it's just water weight, but I've been tracking my daily weight (except a few days I fell off the bandwagon) and my weight loss is very consistent, there's no curve of any sort in the data to indicate a sudden drop followed by slower gradual loss. I also got off track for a few days last week, eating 1800-2200 calories a day for 4 days, but my weight didn't go up at all. Am I really just losing water weight, or is it for real?

Here's a chart:

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Sound_31
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss and skin? will i look old?

so i’m 20 years old, male, 6”1’ tall, weight: 250 ish pounds. I wanna lose like 100 pounds and wonder if it will destroy my skin. I am already using daily spf, moisturizer and tretinoin to maintain the collagen and elastin on my skin.

I eat a very protein rich diet, take a multivitamins, fish oil, coq10 and L-Cartinine (is that how it’s spelled?)

will i sag like crazy? especially on my face? will i look old? is there anything i can do to prevent that (besides a face lift and fillers)

i am worried that i’ll look older because i am obsessed with skincare and all that.

i plan on losing like 40 pounds in 3 months and the rest in 6 months.

submitted by /u/Bloodinka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Fat loss

Be positive . Be patient and be persistent -it's a long journey. This change won't happen overnight . Habits take time to be made. Advertisements and Instagram models will try to sell you quick fix herbal teas, belly wraps or miracle gummies that will "help "you drop weight but what they DONT tell you is that the weight you lose is mostly just water weight ...not fat...and most people who use it end up gaining all the weight back plus some. Don't get caught in a fad diet. There is NO magic skinny pill. What WILL help you lose weight is eating healthy ( no processed foods, little to no sugar, high amounts of vegetables and fiber , proper hydration ) and exercise ! You don't have to go to the gym for 2 hours/ 6 days a week to see results ! I go to the gym around 4-5 days a week for about an hour but when I first started I only went about 3 days a week for 45 minutes . This journey takes a lot of trial and error -figuring out what works for you and what doesn't . Don't allow your past failures to prevent you from future success . Write down your goals and stick to them -NO MATTER WHAT! The only person that can change you is you. No one else can live your dreams for you or reach your goals other than you . So discipline yourself . Make habits . Stick to them . And you got this πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌYou can transform your body and life RIGHT NOW! All you have to do is take the first step!

To Learn more contact: healthbody07@gmail. com (remove space)

submitted by /u/HealthyBody0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Needed some motivation.. not binge eating is hard.

I always struggled with my weight since I was a kid. I took to food as comfort as far back as I can remember in 1st or 2nd grade. In high school I was at my largest about 210lb and 5’3. I’m a binge and emotional stress eater and over the past years with finishing school, moving, first job out of college, and now covid my weight had been coming up. I haven’t weight this much since during my weight loss. Currently I am 160lb from 168 since New Years. Some might be water weight but I’ve been working hard and working out since New Years!

Here are some before and after photos Again not sure if you can tell the difference too much yet. I do tend to proportionally gain weight. Just hope that I can stick to it and get down to 145lb my goal weight. I’ve also always been self conscious about my hip dips.. but learning to love my body the way it is.

What I usually do is use my fitness pal. It really helps me stay accountable. I know people don’t always agree with calorie counting and being super strict but giving myself too much leeway in the process In the past has made me go off track so I do what works for me. Depending if I workout or not I’ll eat around 1200-1500 cal a day. I get one cheat meal a week otherwise I only eat my cooking. I do love to cook which is a real plus.

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Top_3616
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

90lbs+ down but I still weigh the same.

Hear me out.

Throughout Jan I've lost 7lbs (3.2kg). But it's the same 7lbs I've been gaining and losing for years.

Ive been through these 4 weeks so. many. times.

So while I was ecstatic to see the number on the scale, I was also filled with dread and the knowledge that this is usually my turning point.

"It's been 4 weeks! Time for a cheat day" "Ive been counting calories for ages, I can guess the weight of this bread" "I'm closer to my goal. I'll take a break for a week"

In Jan 2020 I hit my highest weight (25F - 5ft8 -185lbs (84kg)) - about 2 stone into the overweight BMI category, and 7lbs above my normal weight. I lost those extra 7lbs just by cutting out the takeaways.

Then lockdown came and I planned to lose more weight. And I did! I lost that second 7lbs I've been losing for years.

Then I gained it back. Then I lost it again. Then I gained it back.

So in 2020 I lost 21lbs! ...But I was only 7lbs lighter.

When I stepped on the scale today, I thought about my failed weight loss last year and I realized I've done the exact same thing 2 or 3 times a year since I was 17/18. (I'm now 25F).

At a conservative estimate - that is 7 years X 14lbs = 98lbs (44.5kg).

Ive been through allllllll of those weeks, all of that frustration. To be in the exact same position.

Fortunately, I think this time things will be different. I have a weightloss/fitness support chat with some family members. With friends I used to meet at the pub, we now go for hikes. I'm also more flexible with my CICO and plan for maintenance days rather than all out cheat days. I've also learnt to like my body, so I'm not losing weight because I hate my rolls. I'm losing weight so I feel better, can exercise more, and so I have the confidence to date the kind of guys I fancy.

So fingers crossed this is it. The last time I'll lose those 7lbs. And the first time I go on to lose the next 7lbs. And again until I reach my goal. (Although that goal is a bit fuzzy as I know my weight might change as I build muscle - all part of the journey, eh!)

Anyway. I know my immediate family and friends have all experienced cycling though the same few pounds. So I thought my realisation might resonate with some other people. Has anyone else broken through their weightloss yo-yo? What was different the time you finally made it stick?

submitted by /u/poppyyea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat