Saturday, January 30, 2021

90lbs+ down but I still weigh the same.

Hear me out.

Throughout Jan I've lost 7lbs (3.2kg). But it's the same 7lbs I've been gaining and losing for years.

Ive been through these 4 weeks so. many. times.

So while I was ecstatic to see the number on the scale, I was also filled with dread and the knowledge that this is usually my turning point.

"It's been 4 weeks! Time for a cheat day" "Ive been counting calories for ages, I can guess the weight of this bread" "I'm closer to my goal. I'll take a break for a week"

In Jan 2020 I hit my highest weight (25F - 5ft8 -185lbs (84kg)) - about 2 stone into the overweight BMI category, and 7lbs above my normal weight. I lost those extra 7lbs just by cutting out the takeaways.

Then lockdown came and I planned to lose more weight. And I did! I lost that second 7lbs I've been losing for years.

Then I gained it back. Then I lost it again. Then I gained it back.

So in 2020 I lost 21lbs! ...But I was only 7lbs lighter.

When I stepped on the scale today, I thought about my failed weight loss last year and I realized I've done the exact same thing 2 or 3 times a year since I was 17/18. (I'm now 25F).

At a conservative estimate - that is 7 years X 14lbs = 98lbs (44.5kg).

Ive been through allllllll of those weeks, all of that frustration. To be in the exact same position.

Fortunately, I think this time things will be different. I have a weightloss/fitness support chat with some family members. With friends I used to meet at the pub, we now go for hikes. I'm also more flexible with my CICO and plan for maintenance days rather than all out cheat days. I've also learnt to like my body, so I'm not losing weight because I hate my rolls. I'm losing weight so I feel better, can exercise more, and so I have the confidence to date the kind of guys I fancy.

So fingers crossed this is it. The last time I'll lose those 7lbs. And the first time I go on to lose the next 7lbs. And again until I reach my goal. (Although that goal is a bit fuzzy as I know my weight might change as I build muscle - all part of the journey, eh!)

Anyway. I know my immediate family and friends have all experienced cycling though the same few pounds. So I thought my realisation might resonate with some other people. Has anyone else broken through their weightloss yo-yo? What was different the time you finally made it stick?

submitted by /u/poppyyea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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