Friday, January 29, 2021

[Progress Post] Went from 260lb to 170lb over the course of the last 4 years.


Whenever I first got to college, I basically somehow brainwashed myself into no longer being addicted to food(how to do this is easier said than done) and I slowly lost 90lbs(it is shocking to me that it is that much). I still plan to lose a bit more(also been doing a very light strength regiment recently), but have been losing more slowly lately.

I do have a few questions, one is the loose skin/fupa. When I weighed so much, I also used to stick out my gut(like an idiot idk why) and so my abs are now very weak. I also have bad stretch marks(pics included). I have been doing work to strengthen these muscles, and I was just wondering how effective this will be in removing the fupa? Or if anyone has any other tips. I see people sitting at the beach, for example, and get jealous that their stomachs look a lot better sitting down than mine, and wonder if it is even possible for mine to look that good due to loose skin. I've also heard about ex-overweight people having issues with muscular imbalances, does anyone have any recommendations on workouts to deal with that?

Overall, I feel a lot healthier than I used to. Lots of things I didn't even realize about being heavy(beyond the self-esteem/body image issues), likely because I am fairly young, but looking back I realize now how much extra effort I was exerting just to carry my massive self around.

Edit: also my waist band went from 38/40 to 30!

Also, advice for anyone who wants it: just be patient with yourself. It took me many years and I barely weighed myself the whole time(had no habit of doing it at least). You have some times where due to stress, etc. you need to eat more and weight loss is harder, that's fine. For the times where you don't have as much stress and it is easier, that's where you need to take advantage. Really look at it like saving money, you put off a meal at a fast-food(skipping a meal and relying on your fat stores or eating something healthier at least) so that your future self will be happier and not have to work as hard to look good(and be happier than that Burger king burger will make you, 100%). Other than that, all the cliche advice applies!

submitted by /u/marcu90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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