Sunday, January 31, 2021

My Strategy to go from Obese to 'Normal' BMI in 2021

Hi all,

I'm sharing this as a way to reinforce it to myself and it might help some one somewhere. My first post and a it's a loooong one...

So I did the weight loss thing when I was 21, it took 2 years and I lost around 25kg (4 stone), I got my BMI down from 32+ to 24. I kept it off for 5+ years but then I went to college....fell in love and now at age 35 I'm back where I started.

But this is ok, for the past 5-10 years my health and fitness dropped way down my list of priorities and I think sometimes you should forgive yourself that if you've had a lot going on.

So this year I'm getting serious about it. What worked for me the first time around was calorie counting and exercise. Though I did a lot of yo-yo'ing and I know I focused on the wrong foods.

One other thing I've promised myself is that this is my main hobby or priority outside of work and family time this year. If I don't focus (or vaguely tell myself I'll eat less or exercise more) I lose track and don't get anywhere.

So I'm using an app called Trello (Google Keep or even a pen and paper works too!) and wrote down health goals for the year. Not weight loss goals yet, I went with health first as I want this to be a new lifestyle that will take me running, jumping and squatting into mid-life and beyond.

I made a daily manifesto:
Fasted exercise in the morning (can just be short walk)
Plan my meals each morning for the day to remove decisions (I love to make bad decisions!)
Focus on fruit and veg intake (not protein)
Limit added sugar
Exercise every day (this can be a workout or a walk)
Don't eat in the evenings beyond 6-7pm
Track calories on My fitness Pal

That sounds like a lot to remember and it is, so my morning routine now is to go for a short walk after waking up. Then when I get home take 5 mins to read the points above and decide what I'm having for my three meals.

Using the MFP app calculates my calories for me, I've set it to lose 2lbs a week. If I didn't use this app it feels like I would naturally eat 3000+ calories.

Sooo... I started on Jan 1st. The first 3 days were horrible, cutting out my sugar habit felt the same as when I gave up cigarettes. There is a real addiction issue there which I think is related to emotional eating...but that's a whole other thread. To get past the emotional eating I'm trying to stop and let myself feel stressed or sad or whatever it is that bothering me, rather than trying to bludgeon the emotion away with food.

Myself and my partner have been doing a home fitness routine from youtube (Caroline Girvan epic program), and we do that most nights or go for a 60 min walk if we don't do a workout that night.

So far since Jan 1st, i've lost 10.8lbs, lost 10cm from my belly and gone down two belt notches (that one is really satisfying!). With the focus on eating vegetables I really honestly have barely felt much hunger over the month so far.

I do think the lack of hunger is also down to the restricting of the sugary snacks from my diet, once those cravings for chocolate bars disappeared this has been soo easy. And i could have eaten my own weight in chocolate previously.

So in summary:
Decided to take massive action on my lifestyle
Focusing on health and sustainable lifestyle choices
Eating lots of berries, seeds, fruit, vegetable
No starving myself
Exercise every day even if it's just a walk
It's been a month and i'm super excited about changes I can see on my body already

Congrats if anyone made it to the end of my first post :)

submitted by /u/quickdrawmagraw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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