Thursday, January 28, 2021

After 7 months of work, I’ve reached my first goal weight! (progress pictures at the bottom)

F/23 5’2(158) SW 207(94) CW 152(69) GW 121(55)

When I set my first weight goal as 69kg 7 months ago (July 3rd, 2020) - I really did think I was being so funny. I really didn’t imagine ever reaching it too, but here I am - 25kg lighter and absolutely in love with the results.

I’ve lost my weight with the help of CICO and exercise. During the first half of my journey I ate 1200 calories a day and then eventually I bumped that up to 1500 when I started exercising and going into work. I track all of my food by weight and once every couple of weeks, when I see my friends I usually order takeaway, drink alcohol and forget about counting for a day. It’s important to say that on these days I don’t binge eat, I simply choose to enjoy an evening with friends without being that crazy calorie lady haha. I never feel like I’m missing out on all the fun, because I’ve chosen to be part of it like I’ve always been. For exercise, I continued cycling (that I started about a year ago) both for fun and to and from work, later on I also started the couch to 5 program. Now I can comfortably cycle 50km or comfortably run 5km in 30 minutes. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more information if anyone’s interested!

My biggest advice to anyone starting or already going through their journey would be to try and learn to be consistently good rather than occasionally perfect. Your weight loss journey will most likely never be linear and the ultimate goal should be to create permanent lifestyle changes and habits that you’ll be able to commit to for the rest of your life.

Walking is a great starting exercise to anyone that doesn’t think they’re the type of person to enjoy exercise. You’d be surprised how something as simple a walk every couple of days can do both to your body and mental state. Today I’ve chosen to walk to the shop rather than taking the train. I had time to enjoy the weather, reflect on my week and listen to some really great music.

Being afraid of the scale won’t do you any good. Just because you can’t see your weight, doesn’t mean you’re healthy. I avoided weighing myself for over 3 years and would always just tell myself that I’m slightly overweight and there’s nothing I should be worrying about. Seeing my weight for the first time and realising I’m only 1kg away from being morbidly obese was a really scary experience. Once I started my journey, I started weighing myself every morning. I’m no longer afraid of the fluctuating numbers and even after reaching my first weight goal, I’m expecting to see weight fluctuations that will tell me otherwise for around a week. It’s a nice feeling not being afraid of something that used to be so scary.

When I was at my highest I remember stopping making new friends or seeing old ones as I knew they would notice my weight gain and that made me feel very self conscious. By becoming healthier physically, I have definitely become healthier mentally and I’m finally speaking to people. It’s very refreshing and something I honestly didn’t associate with weight loss.

These days, when I tell people I’m on a diet, they usually ask me why as they think I already look great and it’s honestly the best compliment I could ever get. I hope my success story can motivate more of you to either start or continue your journey. I would’ve never achieved as much as I did if it wasn’t for Reddit and subreddits like this one and for that - I’m very thankful!

Here’s some pictures of my progress over the months. My next small goal is to reach 62kg to which will finally put me in a healthy weight range! Also, here’s some food inspiration to remind you that weight loss food doesn’t have to be bland and boring. I’m happy to provide any recipes or share food ideas that helped me enjoy eating less, so ask away! And good luck, you can do this! xx

*The numbers in brackets are conversions to cm/kg!

submitted by /u/princessbrigi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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