Thursday, January 28, 2021

Stuff I kept in mind when I was trying to lose weight

FYI I was 16 and already somewhere between slender and average at that time but I felt like I had excessive body fat and almost no muscle.

My goal was to lose body fat and get more muscle and stamina without harming my health so I planned to take about 6~8 months but ended up losing 3~4 kgs in a month and a half (This is probably because it was my first and last time going on a diet)

Here is a list of the rules I made for myself..and a few tips too

  1. Try not to have meals after 6:30 pm and have heavy breakfasts and light dinners.

  2. Cut down on beverages, including stuff like orange juice. They’re high in liquid fructose..and the problem with liquid fructose is that it tastes sweet but actually doesn’t give your body sugar - so your brain will be like “WTF!!!!My stomach and I were expecting dare you fool us?!” and make you uncontrollably crave sweets.

  3. Take a walk at least 30 minutes a day. Make sure to walk in a good posture, and spread your legs a bit more than you normally do. I took walks from 30 minutes to 2 hours and a half. Don’t pass out after your walks, work out!! About 30 minutes~an hour of stretching and working out was enough for me.

  4. Slice almonds, roast them a bit on the frying pan with a tiny bit of olive oil and eat tiny amounts of it every day. It’s high in unsaturated fat so It’ll kidnap saturated fat (bad fat) when it travels through your digestive system.

  5. Don’t weigh yourself too often. Take closed up selfies that reveal all the details of your face(so def no filter) instead. Your goal is probably to look healthy and slender, not actually be light as a feather. We all know muscle weighs more than fat so having breakdowns about your weight is really..dumb. Just make an album for your closed up selfies and you’ll see how much weight you’re losing when you scroll by the photos.

  6. You’re probably sick of hearing this but drink a lot of water!!! Water burns fat and it’s good for your skin too.

  7. A few days after your period ends (Or when it’s almost ending) is the best time to exercise. But when you’re on your period just take light walks and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’s natural to have a bloated belly while menstruating so it’s definitely not your fault! If you’re a guy..good for you. You’re very likely to have a higher metabolism than your female peers and you gain muscles more easily. Maybe you should see it as a chance and build a good body.

I’m not a professional so if I did anything actual professional will point that out. Feel free to share this post at other platforms but you must credit me. Good luck on your weight loss!

submitted by /u/_Rose_22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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