Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Looking for an accountability buddy, specifically one that won't listen to any of my dumb excuses.

Hello; I'm fat.

I'm not going to try to fall myself curvy or chubby or whatever because I'm not interested in lying to myself anymore. I'm very overweight and it's a huge problem.

I'm a yo-yo dieter. At my thinnest, I was around 14 and had dropped 80-ish pounds and I'm currently at my heaviest. Every time I'd lose some weight, I'd gain it back with an additional 20 or so pounds.

I know HOW to lose weight. I've known my whole life really. The concept of losing weight is so simple, it's the willpower and the determination to stick to it that's hard.

My entire family is morbidly obese. My mom is a type 2 diabetic and my dad is the thinnest of us and he's at least a good 80-100 pounds overweight. I'm living with them while I try to find an apartment that I can afford, and having cupboards filled to the brim with Mac and cheese and ramen sucks.

But I say all of this because I don't have a support system for this. I know it's possible to do it alone, but I can't help but think if I just had a friend it would be easier. I can't relate to my skinny friends about this and my overweight family is constantly trying to undermine my efforts.

So that's where you come in!

I would LOVE to have a weight loss buddy. Or multiple! Someone who will check in with me. I would greatly appreciate it if youre a hardass, but a nice hardass. I would LOVE someone who will ask me at the end of the day if I exercised, and tell me to get off my lazy butt if I hadn't. Someone who isn't scared to ask me to send a picture of my meal and then tell me I probably didn't need that piece of garlic bread. Someone who would want to voice call while we go on walks or whatever it is.

I'm a super competitive person and I love gamifying stuff (being into video games is definitely one of the reasons I'm overweight xD) so if you're also competitive even better. If you had a higher step count for the day than me, that would be so motivating for me to get extra steps in.

Does this sound good to you? Then shoot me a message! Maybe tell me a little about your goals or what you're doing or just what you do for fun. I'd really like to be FRIENDS as well. Like, friends with benefits, but the benefits are weight loss accountability.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/thetelltale_hand
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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