Thursday, January 28, 2021

The week it all fell apart

I have been on a weight loss journey since August, when a particularly painful break-up triggered the realization that I had not been treating my body with the respect it deserves.

I dropped about 22 pounds between August and January, strictly through diet. I was following OMAD, not because I was trying to eat that little but because that’s what my body seemed to want.

In January, I decided to take a step farther and cut out soda, with the intention of weaning myself off of excess sugars in the next few months. Soda is single-handedly the largest barrier to my weight loss and the single biggest source of sugar in my life. I have a psychological dependence on the stuff— when I have a bad day and everyone else goes for a cocktail, I go for a Cherry Pepsi.

The first three weeks threw everything at me. A truck actually overturned on a highway near my house, spilling soda all over the road. I held on to my resolve and even stuck to my nutritional goals.

I started eating more, probably because removing soda removed some ~500 or so calories from my day (often more). Last week, after 20+ days of refusing to give in, I hit the scale and found I had actually gained weight.

There are a lot of factors that went into this. And I know that often water weight is temporary. The best thing to do is just stick to the program. But I couldn’t. All at once, I lost one of my jobs (temporarily but what I have left will not be enough), lost a bunch of money in the stock market, got into a big fight with my best friend, and had multiple huge projects all hanging over my head pile up my month with deadlines. I can’t even look at the scale because I know I definitely gained— I can feel it in my clothes. I gave up. I had fast food, bought a bunch of soda, stopped exercising, stopped getting enough sleep, and all around just tossed the whole thing out the window. My goals, before I gave in, were already starting to seem like they were getting farther and farther away as weight loss slowed down to a crawl. After giving in, they again felt impossible.

Normally what I’d do in this situation is I’d give up all together.

But not this time.

Tomorrow I’m going to face the music, hit the scale, bust out the tape, assess the damage. I’m going to again map out my meals, set my alarm clocks to regulate my sleep. I’m going to work out my budget, make my to do list and work through it steadily and sustainably. I’m going to take my dog out for a run no matter how cold it is (although I will bundle him up more if it’s real bad). I’m going to own up to this mess I’ve made and I’m going to clean it up. I literally threw out the soda in my fridge and said “NOT TODAY MF” as it was going down the drain. Tomorrow’s a new day and it’s the day I stop feeling bad for myself and get back on track.

submitted by /u/Jasmotron3k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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