Sunday, April 3, 2022

Week 1 Weight Loss

Day 7 and I’m down 7.4 lbs

Starting weight 283 Current weight 275.6

It’s amazing to me that I am actually able to pull this off. I’d never thought I could do it. But here I am. I have been struggling for so long, and I am finally doing it.

My goal isn’t necessarily a number goal, rather it is to fit into normal clothing and to feel good. I’m not sure when that will be. I will just keep going until I get to that point!

submitted by /u/cONnOR-0608076
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone come from an ethnic?? household and wants to do calorie tracking

I’m not sure if ethnic is even the right word but i’m pretty sure all of you know what i mean

Ive already had a mini weight loss journey but I didn’t change my diet much and all I did was run every morning up a hill near my house for like an hour. I lost quite a bit of weight but I want to actually get into a healthy lifestyle.

I see that the main/cardinal rule of weight lost is a calorie deficit. I can work out and know how much calories I’m burning but im having trouble knowing how many calories I’m taking in. A lot of the food that I prepare or my mom prepares, i have no clue how much calories are in it. And when I search it up, i don’t see any answers either.

I look up meal prep ideas and i get a lot of things but I really like the food that I normally eat and i’m hoping i can lose weight while continuing to eat the food that I am now. (As in type of food not amount).

Is there anyway to calculate how much calories I’m taking in when the actual dish isn’t available on google. Can i input ingredients or something in a website/app and get help with the calories in it.

I’d appreciate any help in general.

submitted by /u/yodindintoatto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 2, 2022

F/35/5'1", SW:200lbs > G/CW: 120lbs, 16 months; This Fat Drunk is no longer fat!! Hit my goal weight April 1, 2022 😁

Didn't forget about the Fat Drunk from the New Year did ya? 😜 Welln I'm back with n update!

This journey started January 1, 2021 and finally came to an end April 1, 2022. I have hit my goal weight of 120lbs!!! You redditors helped give that me that push from my last post, so thank you so much! 😁

This was accomplished with portion control, CICO, and exercise.

Full details are at this pdf link:

In this document I go over my motivation, diet, exercise, and feelings. I also share pics of my meals, exercise, and progress.

I chose to share my journey this way to keep from having an exhaustingly long post trying to answer everyone's questions.

Cliff Notes Version:

  • Eat whatever the fuck you want, watch your portions and track CICO

  • exercise at least 3x a week

  • track your progression monthly

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. I am proof you can have a laid back, lazy approach to weight loss and still see the results you want in a timely manner.

Thanks for the support everyone! Now to maintain and tone - December 2022 goals.

submitted by /u/Chef4disney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

need to lose 8 pounds and i will have lost 70 lbs and can finally walk comfortably!

hey everyone im feeling emotional today for good reasons

i posted on this thread 8 months ago when i lost 17 pounds

then again at 33 pounds im proud to say ive almost lost 70 lbs

im doing a uk diet called slimming world class was today and i lost 3 pounds and

got slimmer of the week cool thing with slimming world is you get awards for

every mile stone so half a stone or 7 lbs will get you your first certificate then another 7 lbs

gets you another and it keeps going! i did have a rough couple of weeks a few months ago

i couldnt control eating habits and quickly pulled myself back in because i didnt

want to throw away the progress ive made i did post on here how i was in a psychiatric ward

for 5 months and i put on 5 stone and 10 lbs... 80 lbs! in a matter of 5 months but i couldnt

walk without getting extreme back pain! it was horrific id sit in the car while my mam

went shopping i was miserable but im finally able to walk and thats whats making me emotional today

i walk to the shop i walk around parks i walk with my mother when we are shopping

im so happy! i started my weight loss journey at 318 lbs or 22 stone 10 and now i am 257! 18 stone 5 pounds i want to get to 12 stone.. 168 lbs i know i will have saggy skin but i cant wait because

it shows how far i have come! i wish everyone on a weight loss journey the best of luck!

i love reading all your posts! thanks for reading! <3

submitted by /u/GotchaMika
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm Struggling

Adopting skinny people habits has done nothing for me. 21 F 5'8 190 lb. I work standing on weekends and go to college. 5000 steps is average, I clean for my family of 5, I lift 20 lb weights and dance occasionally. Realistic changes I can make is 10K steps and daily 30 min workout.

My eating habits will scare you, I don't have breakfast and go to work/school, or sit on my bed doing hw typically eating my only meal between 6-9pm for the past 6 months till i chill/go to bed/pull an alnighter. I don't overeat I can barely finish a $3 bag of salad. I don't eat unhealthy, no fast/junk/takeout. Last week I had costco chicken noodle soup, smoked salmon poke bowl, pita with kebab (only 1 thing a day and 1 serving only)

I'm trying to add protein which I unintentionally avoided previously in the form of drinks, salmon, and greek yogurt.

There are some days I've been bad, eating mac n cheese, large bag of baked chips, bag of milano cookies (again only 1 thing a day) i recorded 7 days past 6 months i cheated, add 10 days i went to eat out with friends. This cheating should still keep me in a deficit, right? Even if I overestimate.

My point is I have seriously reduced my intake to the point I've lost my appetite I can't eat more than 1 meal heck I barely get hungry anymore, i make conscious choices to be more active. I have stopped bringing any kind of snacks at home. I prepare most of the food I eat.

I don't mind any of this but I just want to it work. I could eat only cucumbers but I just want it to work. Please don't tell me that I'm secretly overconsuming because "physics", it happened last time and it really hurt me. Like I couldn't even finish a cup of tea today because I just lost my appetite.

I don't binge, I take my supplements, people tell me to reverse diet because apparently I have metabolic adaptation. So I am trying to eat protein but even finishing one filet of salmon is hard. Yesterday I had 2 rusk with tea and 3 spoons of gyro w/ rice someone shared. I'm sick so couldn't prepare anything.

In my journey the only time I've lost weight was when i didn't eat anything for 2-3 days. To be diagnosed for an ED you had to have lost substantial weight which I didn't. Neither anything is wrong with my mindset, my adhd can make me forget to eat tho.

My eating habits do make me tired and recently i discovered bald spots but I don't lose weight. Even if I completely ditch my weight loss and start eating more I'll start gaining weight. Anytime I eat more than 1 meal a day I gain some. I don't mind it but I still believe something is wrong with me.

My doctor said my thyroid is okay. I'm planning to get a RMR check up.

submitted by /u/sadqayjawan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I (F20) am really worried for my husband (M21) about his spiralling weight gain and the health complications that may come with it. VENT/ADVICE(maybe?)

Hello, I recently lost 20ish pounds (5’7, SW 155lbs CW 135) and I’ve taken a love to fitness and nutrition. I get a lot of compliments on my new physique, especially from my Asian in-laws who used to point out constantly that I was fat (if you’re Asian or have Asian family, you will understand).

My husband has become self deprecating and scared of losing me since then. He’s gained roughly 50lbs from high school and is visibly chubby, about 220lbs. His mom constantly cries and begs him to lose weight, as she’s a bit of a worry wart and has a friend who’s overweight 18yr old died in their sleep suddenly. He feels like a failure and is embarrassed to walk beside me for fear of judgement from others because I’m in shape and he’s not. I’ve insisted that I still find him wildly attractive and that he doesn’t have to start his weight loss journey if he isn’t ready yet, but he still gets in his head about it.

Since, I’ve been supportive and have been gently pushing him to start working out or making healthier decisions. He strictly eats out, we don’t have a kitchen in our apartment but I’ve bought a mini fridge, airfryer and induction plate for this reason. Instead of insisting on radical diet change, I’ve instead tried to push him to choose healthier things on menus that he frequents but to no avail. He keeps trying to do radical diets like not eating 3 days a week but I strongly try to dissuade him from disordered eating and he can barely last a week into crash diets.

He’s been gaining, and gaining and gaining even more and I’m starting to get really really worried. I haven’t voiced my worries to him but he’s become so obsessed with food (specifically fat, he loves fatty things like red meats, oils and butter, etc.), that he eats close to 3500 calories a day. I’ve tried making him healthy food at home but he doesn’t like it very much and his mom pressures me to make him lose weight.

I’m just kind of at a loss for what to do. I understand the way I lost weight doesn’t work for him sustainability wise, and maybe he isn’t ready to lose yet. It’s clear there is some mental compulsion with high end restaurant food (he rarely eats fast food believe it or not), and he likely needs therapy to sort it out but we cannot afford it. I just try to support him and help him through this hard time but I worry he’s doing irreparable damage to his body. Anyway thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/throwawayyyyyyyun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Absolutely Ravenous after workout! Tips?

So I've taken it upon myself to begin losing all the Covid weight I've gained in the last 2 years (as well as before that), and I've begun being more active in the last 6 months or so.

I begun walking more and more (to school, work, friends house, the store) and I've built up my stamina enough to start reaching the goal of walking 8 miles a day at least 3 times a week. I've only just started and so far it's going great, although exhausting.

My only issue is that after walking/jogging so much, I come home absolutely ravenous. It's to the point where all I can think about is my next meal and I can't get anything done because of how hungry I am. I log every calorie I eat, and sometimes by the end of the day the next meal I'm allowed is the next day.

I'm not seeing any weight loss results and I know it's because I always give into the hunger pangs (I hate the feeling of being hungry! it hurts!) so does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this?

submitted by /u/coop-the-shoop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat