Sunday, April 3, 2022

Anyone come from an ethnic?? household and wants to do calorie tracking

I’m not sure if ethnic is even the right word but i’m pretty sure all of you know what i mean

Ive already had a mini weight loss journey but I didn’t change my diet much and all I did was run every morning up a hill near my house for like an hour. I lost quite a bit of weight but I want to actually get into a healthy lifestyle.

I see that the main/cardinal rule of weight lost is a calorie deficit. I can work out and know how much calories I’m burning but im having trouble knowing how many calories I’m taking in. A lot of the food that I prepare or my mom prepares, i have no clue how much calories are in it. And when I search it up, i don’t see any answers either.

I look up meal prep ideas and i get a lot of things but I really like the food that I normally eat and i’m hoping i can lose weight while continuing to eat the food that I am now. (As in type of food not amount).

Is there anyway to calculate how much calories I’m taking in when the actual dish isn’t available on google. Can i input ingredients or something in a website/app and get help with the calories in it.

I’d appreciate any help in general.

submitted by /u/yodindintoatto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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