Adopting skinny people habits has done nothing for me. 21 F 5'8 190 lb. I work standing on weekends and go to college. 5000 steps is average, I clean for my family of 5, I lift 20 lb weights and dance occasionally. Realistic changes I can make is 10K steps and daily 30 min workout.
My eating habits will scare you, I don't have breakfast and go to work/school, or sit on my bed doing hw typically eating my only meal between 6-9pm for the past 6 months till i chill/go to bed/pull an alnighter. I don't overeat I can barely finish a $3 bag of salad. I don't eat unhealthy, no fast/junk/takeout. Last week I had costco chicken noodle soup, smoked salmon poke bowl, pita with kebab (only 1 thing a day and 1 serving only)
I'm trying to add protein which I unintentionally avoided previously in the form of drinks, salmon, and greek yogurt.
There are some days I've been bad, eating mac n cheese, large bag of baked chips, bag of milano cookies (again only 1 thing a day) i recorded 7 days past 6 months i cheated, add 10 days i went to eat out with friends. This cheating should still keep me in a deficit, right? Even if I overestimate.
My point is I have seriously reduced my intake to the point I've lost my appetite I can't eat more than 1 meal heck I barely get hungry anymore, i make conscious choices to be more active. I have stopped bringing any kind of snacks at home. I prepare most of the food I eat.
I don't mind any of this but I just want to it work. I could eat only cucumbers but I just want it to work. Please don't tell me that I'm secretly overconsuming because "physics", it happened last time and it really hurt me. Like I couldn't even finish a cup of tea today because I just lost my appetite.
I don't binge, I take my supplements, people tell me to reverse diet because apparently I have metabolic adaptation. So I am trying to eat protein but even finishing one filet of salmon is hard. Yesterday I had 2 rusk with tea and 3 spoons of gyro w/ rice someone shared. I'm sick so couldn't prepare anything.
In my journey the only time I've lost weight was when i didn't eat anything for 2-3 days. To be diagnosed for an ED you had to have lost substantial weight which I didn't. Neither anything is wrong with my mindset, my adhd can make me forget to eat tho.
My eating habits do make me tired and recently i discovered bald spots but I don't lose weight. Even if I completely ditch my weight loss and start eating more I'll start gaining weight. Anytime I eat more than 1 meal a day I gain some. I don't mind it but I still believe something is wrong with me.
My doctor said my thyroid is okay. I'm planning to get a RMR check up.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
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