Saturday, May 14, 2022

Ten year weight loss journey

I started my weight loss journey 10 years ago, when was 19 I used to live aboard in another country, one that was so different from my home, it was a difficult time of my life for me and I simply found comfort in food, even though I saw myself in the mirror everyday I never noticed how much weight I was gaining.

one day a friend took a photo of me, it was the first I was looking at myself the way people around me did, it was quite shocking for me, I felt... disgusting, I was obese.

I didn't noticed my weight gain before that photo because all I wore at the time was stretchy pants, hoodies, and oversize jackets.

My starting weight was 90k(198lb), right now I weight 60k(132lb) and I have 28% body fat, I reached my goal weight like 6 years ago and maintained my weight at 56-57k (123-135lb) with little physical activity, all I did was walking from 10 to 20 minutes almost daily.

Then the lockdown began three years ago, and I ceased having physical activity, spent everyday sitting in front of my desk working, eating every food that was available at my reach, naturally I started gaining weight without noticing again.

Last year I went to a museum with a friend, I asked her to take me a photo and when I saw it I realized my weight gain, I went to my home and stepped on the scale, I was pretty nervous to see the number and when I saw it it marked 65k (143lb) it was the heaviest I had been IN YEARS.

All I could think of was that if I achieved my goal for a first time I could do it a second time, so I started going to the gym in November and with the help of a personal trainer started weight lifting.

In these months I have lost weight from fat and gained muscle, this is the best I have ever looked. I have learnt so much about myself and now my goals focus more on measures instead on numbers on the scale.

And I want to say thanks to all the people in this sub, because all of you motivate me to continue and never give up.

submitted by /u/SpicyBurrito17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“Soy boys” series on YouTube is a really sweet reflection on food, friendship, and caring for oneself and each other

In the first episode they introduce the series—Chris was hospitalized for heart problems and needs to lose weight and eat healthier, Brad is his friend who works on the Babish channel on YouTube and wants to teach him plant-based cooking. They share the recipe in the description and the videos consist of shots of them cooking together and talking about various things.

In the second episode they talk about stress and trying new things as Chris moves to a new city for work, away from friends. They are going to continue cooking the same recipes together from different places

In the third they talk about comfort, and how Chris felt a need for it because of trauma and depression and loneliness, but the eating habits he developed out of that need ended up causing him a lot more suffering. And how his journey to get healthy has given him new things to feel good about.

I’m really finding this relatable and moving so far. I don’t have the same health issues as Chris, but I do have health issues caused by my weight that have been somewhat of a wake up call that I need to change things with my health in order to live the life I want. And I’m not eating vegan, but I am cooking a whole lot to support volume eating, which has been what works best for me.

It’s a really sweet series and while people talk a lot about the emotional side of weight and weight loss, I don’t often connect with the ways they do it as well as I do with this series. It’s also really nice to see friends lifting each other up and learning better habits together without it being competitive or critical.

submitted by /u/BeauteousMaximus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My complicated relationship with food is sabotaging me but I don't know how to address it.

I have a complicated relationship with food. I lost weight and maintained it for around 8 years. But what I didn't realize is that I was maintaining a weight that was too low for me. After going off birth control I realized that I wasn't actually having a period so I decided to gain some weight until my period came back. I got my period back and thought, great I'll maintain at this current size since it seems to be a healthy weight for me.

But instead it was like I opened the flood gates and any sort of portion control or self control was out the window. I struggled for a good year or two and then decided to try intuitive eating to try and get a better relationship with food. That did not really work. I followed the book and tried to be ok with any weight gain or change with the process. I was miserable and felt sick the whole time. So I decided to stop.

I then thought maybe I can go back to counting calories like I had done in the past. This seems to blow up in my face though. Even when I'm eating at my maintenance calories my anxieties and desire to just say fuck it go way up.

My other struggle with food is that I emotionally eat. I eat to release and relax my anxieties. I eat to relieve boredom and dissatisfaction with my life in general. Eating brings me comfort and security so I struggle to not want to reach for food.

My main question is how do I work on addressing these issues? My end goal is I would like to be able to work on weight loss without causing a revolt in my brain. I want to be able to eat in a way that is nourishing and kind to my body but where I also feel like I'm not just stuffing my emotions with food.

Does anyone have techniques or resources that could possibly help me? I'm open to books, workbooks, podcasts, professionals that are reasonably priced, programs, or anything else that might help. My health insurance won't cover a dietician unfortunately, but I think my issue is more mental so maybe they wouldn't be as helpful.

I'm currently seeing a therapist but I can only afford to see them once a month and I get embarrassed talking about this in person. I have forced myself to but it's moving at glacier pace right now.

TL;DR: Under eating for years, without realizing it released the food Cracken within me. Just ate without worrying about it for multiple years hoping to heal myself mentally. I have honestly been miserable the whole time and now I can't seem to eat at a deficit. Also picked up some emotional eating along the way. Looking for advice on how to proceed.

I really appreciate any advice or tips. If there is a better subreddit for this please let me know.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/IJustLikePlants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight but still getting new stretch marks

So I've been losing weight (slowly- about a 1lb a week) but still noticing new stretch marks- across my belly. They are definitely new as they are pink, in comparison to my other ones (which are pale and longer). Does anyone know why this happens? Just wondering

To be honest they were there before I started losing weight and were one of the plethora of things that got my arse into gear. But these ones are new- there since the weight loss commenced.

submitted by /u/LA5E14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, May 13, 2022

Beginning weight loss again

23F CW:155 GW:125-130

After gaining 10ish lbs during COVID I have been incredibly self conscious of how my body currently looks. I went from 200lbs to 140lbs years ago & hovered around 140lbs for years until COVID. It’s so hard to start back again, after losing a significant amount of weight I don’t know why 25 pounds feels so much more daunting. I guess this post is equally for advice/accountability/encouragement. Anything anyone has to say is appreciated!

submitted by /u/memmii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey after two years

SW:170.6 GW: 160 Height: 5’9”

Hello, I’m 19F and I’m starting my weight loss journey after two years. A couple of years ago I was almost 200lbs and decided to change a lot of things, I got down to 148lbs. However when the pandemic started I gain all my weight back and felt really discouraged to the point I just was like maybe I’m just supposed to be 170. Well anyways I decided I want to try again especially since I’m going to be seeing my long distance boyfriend in a month and I thought a small change could be nice. He left yesterday since we are both in college. So far I am trying to eat 1600 or 1500, drink 64oz (I struggle with drinking water for some reason so I’m really trying on this one), and doing 30 minutes of exercise. I have not been doing any exercises for months now so I’m going to start off slow by going on walks and maybe do some type of YouTube workout. Does anyone have any other tips? I set my goal weight as 160lbs since I think if I try hard enough I can get close and not be unhealthy about losing weight because I did unhealthy methods to lose a lot of weight before. Thank you!

submitted by /u/BjorksDesertFriend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I hit my year's goal but got called "fatty" by friends

I don't know why I'm posting this, maybe I just need some comforting. I know it's stupid.

On Monday 16th, it will be my 28th birthday and a year will be passed since I decided I'd get to a healthy weight. I started from 87 kg -191 lbs (5'1) and today I'm 61 kg - 134 lbs, not bad since my birthday goal was to reach 60 kg. I'm very proud of myself even if I'm not """thin""" yet. My health did a 360°.

Yesterday I found out that two of my friends were joking about my weight (the most socially inept one of the two decided to tell this to me). Apparently one of them said that I'm "a fatty" (in my 1st language which isn't English).

He actually told me a couple of times before that I look good, my progress is showing, whatever. :/

After one day I managed to stop feeling hurt and not to cause any drama, but I can't lie, even if we're adults (25+) and it was clearly a joke, it kind of sent me back to middle school days where I felt like shit about my appearance. It took me a lot of years to gain self-confidence, and it won't be shattered as easily (if not at all, ever).

But yeah it kinda hurt and I wish they didn't have to be like this. Like, they know about my weight loss 360° and all. Why did they have to make such a joke and then tell me? I'm bummed.

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat