Sunday, February 5, 2023

I lost 10kg and gained back 17kg. Now I'm back on track to lose it all.

Typing on my phone, I apologize in advance for any formatting errors.

Three years ago at the start of the pandemic I (24f) managed to lose 10kg from my then SW of 83kg to 73kg. In the following summer my grandpa passed away from COVID complications and I momentarily stopped counting my calories and doing my daily workouts to grieve.

it turned out to be much harder to get back on track than I thought. The following two years were full of half baked attempts at getting back into the mindset and starting anew. During that time period I gained back all the weight I had lost plus some more. I was now at my heighest weight at 90kg.

I had never felt so miserable in my entire life. I struggle with depression and anxiety disorder since my teenage years and am currently in the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis. Gaining so much weight, noticing that my clothes don't fit anymore and that my mobility got worse really put me in a horrible state of mind.

Maybe that is the reason I managed to attempt another start to my weight loss journey. I'm not sure what it was, but this time i managed to stick to my resolutions again and I have since lost 4kg. It's not much, but it's more than I have managed to lose during the last two years, so I'm proud of how far I've come. I hope to lose all the weight I gained back and finally reach my goal weight of 65kg.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/lunetsoleil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pilates/walking macro question

Hi! I’ve been on my weight loss journey for a bit - started around 185 and currently 137 with a gw of 125. I want to tone my overall body but especially my stomach. Does anyone have any suggestions on how many steps I should be taking each day or how often I should be doing mat pilates each week? Also any input on macros is highly appreciated :) I’m 5’7, eat 1500 calories, and around 22% body fat if that helps.

submitted by /u/coldseason12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Need advice for weight loss and muscle gain for 26m

Hello, this is my first time posting here and to preface, this is for my husband. I am only posting for him because he is too nervous to do it himself and doesn’t like having an online presence. Also the below are things he has said to me and his own personal goals. I love him as he is but I want to support his goals I just don’t know how.

He is 26 just under 6ft and around 250lbs. We both have struggled with ED in the past and he has a habit of doing a lot of fad diets (keto, intermittent fasting, etc..) or trying to make himself only eat 1000 calories or less, he will lose 10-20 lbs really fast and then fall off and gain it back and then some. He always really wants to lose weight and go back to his college weight of 170 lbs or at a minimum 200lbs.

He also wants to gain more muscle, around a year ago he gained a lot of muscle in a short amount of time and when he did he got a lot of purple stretch marks on his arms. That ruined it for him and made him really unmotivated and upset. Went back on an ED diet and lost a lot of the muscle.

The things he struggles with are he says he never ever feels full. Even when I make him big meals. A typical meal for us is something like a meat (usually chicken or steak/red meat), a veggie (usually green beans, corn, salad, or peas), and a carb ( usually potatoes or pasta) I try to plan balanced meals. He always describes it as like a never ending pit like he can always eat more.

The other thing he struggles with is he wants to gain muscle but he said last time he felt stronger but just looked bigger like the muscles just pushed his fat out. He also is scared of hurting himself working out because he was doing squats wrong for awhile and messed up his knees. He also doesn’t want more stretch marks.

I have been trying to get away from diet culture and do more intuitive eating (I don’t think I’m doing the best at it but I’m trying) since my last stint with my ED caused me to lose 30 lbs in 2 months and I lost basically all of the muscles I once had. I would really like for whatever he tries to not be a fad diet and something that we can adapt to be a healthy lifestyle.

I would appreciate any help with supporting his goals if you guys need any more information let me know. I hope someone here can relate to how he feels so he can get some real help and achieve results that last.

submitted by /u/Masked_Mistress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[article] An Unbiased Guide to Ozempic Benefits and Mechanisms

So I recently stumbled upon a resource that I thought would be of interest to this community. is a website dedicated to providing information on Ozempic, a medication used for weight loss and management of Type 2 diabetes.

The site is completely free, has no advertisements, and is not affiliated with the Ozempic trademark so it's fairly unbiased.

I found the information on this site to be comprehensive, easy to understand, and helpful in making informed decisions about weight loss. I hope you all find this resource useful in your weight loss journey. Let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/IntelligentHome963
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don’t rush something you want to last forever

I’ve been on this journey for 3 years, I’ve lost 40lbs from my absolute heaviest, and would like to lose another 30lbs. I had lots of rapid weight loss in the beginning and have spent 2 years drifting between 12st and 13st… I’ve found that hard, felt like a failure but I need to recognise the NSVs I do have… just 3 years ago I had surgery for endometriosis that gave me my life back, I’d become bedbound and dependent on morphine. My weight ballooned when I was put into the menopause at 25 and things got real bleak for a short spell. BUT here I am, with freedom from chronic pain, a body that feels like my friend and not my enemy and I’m about to run a half marathon. I say so what if I’ve not made linear, dramatic weight progress, my progress is measured in the joy I get from running and the pride I take in nourishing my body. I’ll get there… we’ll get there. Please take a moment to recognise how far you’ve come. Don’t rush something you want to last forever. - this is 1 month of a refocused health boost.

submitted by /u/BheagSelkie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

12 tips to help you lose weight

  1. Set a clear and specific weight loss goal.
  2. Keep track of your daily calorie intake.
  3. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine.
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  5. Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods.
  6. Don't skip meals.
  7. Drink plenty of water.
  8. Get enough sleep.
  9. Practice mindfulness and stress management techniques.
  10. Seek support from friends and family.
  11. Don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up.
  12. Remember that weight loss is a journey and it takes time and consistency to see results.
submitted by /u/Joanne-Foster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maximum calorie deficit

I've been struggling with the binge-restrict cycle for the past few months and I wanted to share something helpful.

When I was at my highest weight, I decided on a 2000 daily deficit. It's high, I know. I would not recommend this approach. But that's what I did. I didn't rest until my FitBit showed that figures I needed.

In recent months whenever I've found I'm a couple of pounds up I would jump right back into that huge deficit. Things only got worse. I had horrible binges because I was restricting too much. I couldn't understand why it was so hard to control myself, I had done it all through my weight loss. What was different now?

About a month ago I read an article about maximum calorie deficits. It doesn't have many references and it may well be junk science but I used the equation to work out that if I want to lost fat but retain muscle I shouldn't go over an 820 deficit.

That was Earth shattering to me. My minimum deficit these days was 1000. No wonder I was struggling so much. I worked out my maximum deficit at my goal weight and it's 600. So I'm on a sliding deficit until I get back to my ultimate goal weight, cutting it down by 50 every few weeks.

I've been doing it for four weeks and I'm down four pounds. I've been working out consistently doing Pilates and lots of walking. My body composition is better than I've ever seen it.

I made myself a calendar to stick to my deficit until I'm back at my goal weight. I've been hovering at 10lb above my goal weight until now and in a few more weeks I'll be back there no problem. If anyone wants to make their own copy here's mine. You'd need to add your own target deficits, change the dates and remove my little workout prompts but it would probably be quicker than making your own from scratch.

I've been hovering at 10lb above my goal weight until now and in a few more weeks I'll be back there no problem. Maintenance is tough, but we have to find what works for us. I'm all about data, so I'm happy to do my calorie maths and make charts and excel spreadsheets. I'm just so glad I'm at a sustainable deficit (which I'm decreasing gradually this time) and that I'm finding it easy to have small amounts of junk food in moderation and still losing weight.

For fellow binge eating disorder sufferers, read as much as you can and listen to podcasts like 'Break up with Binge Eating' to help unlearn some bad habits. We're so capable of change. We're capable of anything.

submitted by /u/IlexAquafolium
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from loseit - Lose the Fat