Tuesday, October 2, 2018

24 yr old woman saying fuck you to sexual trauma and deep seated body issues to pursue healthy weight loss with PCOS for the first time...EVER

TL;DR: As someone who has had deep body issues for 20 years, I have come out on the other side of severe depression and sexual trauma to begin a healthy pursuit towards weight loss...while having PCOS. There’s a lot goin’ on here!

Hello everyone! Long time lurker, but never written (or even joined) prior to this. For a long time, on many different occasions, I’ve felt compelled to chime in or contribute my own post, but I did not, for whatever reason. I am now embarking on what feels like a complete over-haul in physical and mental health, and a complete lifestyle change to move towards genuine health and happiness. As such, I find myself at the bottom of what seems like a really fuckin’ tall mountain. I hope I can start utilizing the amazing community and support system places like this thread can provide. So, I want to just share my story. I hope that it finds you, and you find it helpful or moving or interesting-or something. If not, that’s okay too. :)

So, I’m gonna be as detailed as I can while attempting to keep this condensed. This is gonna be a long boi no matter what, but I’ll do my best to keep it reasonable.

I am a young woman, 24 years old, turning 25 next spring. For as long as I can remember-and I truly mean this-I’ve been aware of the space that my body took up. The first time I was around children who weren’t my neighbors or family members, the first day of kindergarten, I had an interaction with a kid named... Matthew. (fuck you, Matthew.) It should be noted that I was a mixed little girl (curly light brown hair, tan skin. My mother is mostly Italian, and some smaller degree Lebanese and Polish while my father is African American with a strong French/creole lineage from his mom’s side.) and I didn’t look much like my classmates. I already stuck out in many ways from the girls I shared play-time with. The black children didn’t believe I was black, and I wasn’t white enough for the white kids either. This is an entirely separate story in itself, but I think it’s important to mention because it instilled in me a strong sense of “outsiderness”. I never quite felt like I belonged anywhere. Still don’t, tbh. So, on top of that, I was a little chubby. It honestly pains me to have to even say that, because what was quite literally harmless baby fat was blown out of proportion for me in childhood, and kind of created a complex that grew and morphed with me as I aged. Anyway, back to Matthew. I was playing with a little girl on the first day who had offered to share the mini kitchenette privileges with me. We were pretending to eat those plastic McDonald’s hotcakes and chicken nuggets, for anyone who remembers them. I remember this really clearly. It was just she and I hanging out, minding our own fucking business, when Matthew comes over and asks what we’re doing, to which I or my friend replies something along the lines of “making lunch/dinner/whatever”. Mind you, Matthew is a marvel to 5 year old me. He’s blonde and blue eyed, and also a boy. I was an only child who was exposed to my artist parents and their adult friends. By 5 I knew my cousins and the boy next door. That was it. So he made my tiny heart pitter patter. Matthew, who was worldly and full of sage wisdom, told us something like: “You can’t play house without a husband”. Or a daddy. Or whatever other creepy sexist shit we were fed as little kids about domestic play. And my friend says, “Well which one of us is going to be your wife?” And Matthew points his finger at my friend and says, “You.” To me he says, “You’re kind of fat” I didn’t know exactly what that word indicated for me but I knew it was something that was “bad” to be. I went home and cried, then asked my mom what it meant. I don’t remember the conversation that would have followed. I do remember, however, my mom making me pick him out from her car while on the way to school and telling me to yell at him from her car window. I refused, and she ended up bringing enough popsicles for all but one person in my class like a day later to send the message that he was a punk. I learned to internalize two beliefs when I was 5. The first being that I was fat, and the second being that being fat was undesirable. It was the building block of my later damaging and distorted beliefs about myself and my value to the world (and, unfortunately, specifically my value to men). All it took was that comment. No amount of discussion or rage from my mother could fade the impression Matthew had made on me.

Soon after, when I was 7, my mother’s brutal and dangerous alcoholism started to gain momentum. She was hurling towards oblivion at great speeds and was almost completely out of my life by the time I was 10. I’d watched her have an affair with the neighbor, try to kidnap me and take me to live in California with him, found vodka bottles empty hidden in places in my room so my father couldn’t find them, watched her attempt suicide (she believed I was asleep, and she swallowed a bottle of prescription pills. My dad had to reach into her throat to physically scoop them out.) and finally, the end seemed to come when, during an asthma attack, I took a giant drink from her plastic water bottle and found it to be vodka, not water. My mother was a soft touch, but a deeply troubled woman. She was loving, affectionate, and positively affirming for me. She was exactly who I thought I was supposed to be when I grew up. She was devastatingly gorgeous and kind, and always taught me to root for the underdog. But she was really sick. And it was no longer safe for me to be around her. When she was gone, my dear dad was suddenly tasked with bringing me up all on his own. He was a hibernating punk rocker, a guy who fell in love and stopped living on people’s couches long enough to get a good engineering job and raise a family. When the support of doing this with his partner was taken from him, he was totally bewildered. I am now closer to my dad than anyone I know is with their own parents, and I think he did a fucking amazing job with me. That being said, I was on my own alot. He was extremely protective of me, so I wasn’t unsupervised-I was just alone. I played elaborate games of barbies, I wrote stories-I was deeply active in a fantasy life. I had a lot of friends, but I preferred my own company a lot of the time. So I wasn’t really exposed to the same things my friends were. By choice, but still. I guess this is getting ridiculously long, so I’ll speed up. I grew up with intense body issues. Deep, deep insecurities. And no female influence to guide me or diffuse the situation. I deferred to the outside world for this guidance, and therein lies my problem. I let the world form ideas about what kind of girl I was, how desirable I was, how normal I was. I was always the best friend, the late bloomer, the funny/smart/artist (insert whatever adjective you want there, they all served the same purpose.) girl. The one who was probably more fun to hang out with that the girl you wanted to fuck, but...let’s face it, was not as hot as her friend. At least I think that’s the mindset. I don’t really know. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphia at 16. I lost my virginity to my best friend’s older brother, drunk at a party. He treated me coldly after and I enlisted my older friend to buy me Plan B and spent the entire next day in bed weeping like my ribs had been cracked open. That was the pattern I created, and am still actively trying to break. I have never had sex sober. I have never had sex with someone who cared about me. And I have always, ALWAYS, associated my body with being undesirable and not good enough-which has seriously fucked up my approach to love and sexuality. You may wonder how this is relevant to weight loss. But the way that I viewed my body was that it was ugly and not deserving of real care. Not internally, not externally. I am 5’4 and curvy. I have big hips, a big butt, and a good sized chest. My waist is quite small, which has afforded me a very love/hate relationship with my body. Fast forward through to years and years of inadvertent sexual sexual trauma, a lot of old shit from the past I have to constantly work through, and a weird relationship with alcohol- thank you MOM-I have gained a lot of weight since highschool. About 60 pounds. Most people can’t tell how much I’ve gained because of the way my body distributes fat, but obviously I notice every single detail. It has, in the past, plunged me into deep, deep depression. I was truly suicidal on two separate occasions in the last 4 years, and found myself treating my body like it was a weapon to combat the brutality that was inflicted upon me. Men mistreated me, but I also perpetuated this mistreatment, and was in all reality, equally as brutal to myself as any man or woman had ever been. I have tried everything in the book since I was about 11 years old to try and be “beautiful.” I had eating disorders. I worked out. I went on fad diets. Blah blah blah. But I made no strides for mental recovery; fuck, I didn’t even realize I was in need of it. Since the second and hopefully last call I made to the Suicide Hotline- I have been on a deep journey for inner peace and the pursuit of being gentle with myself. I now feel, 2 years later, ready to finish up the last leg, the homestretch-physical weight loss. Though I am constantly focusing on myself mentally, I feel ready to lose weight in a way that is healthy and forever. I recently got a diagnosis of PCOS(poly cystic ovary syndrome. This fucks with your hormones and insulin response and other levels in your bod, so weight gain is easy peasy and weight loss is tough as shit. Lucky us!) -one which I was expecting and basically knew I had anyway-which is helpful, because I can finally understand why things that work for other people don’t work for me. I quit my office job that made me FUCKING miserable, and got a new dream job that begins in December. Thanks to savings, I have 2 months of rent taken care of and am free to stay unemployed (relatively; I am an artist and freelance writer who makes enough on the side for living modestly if rent is not an issue.) so I am using this time to FULLY dedicate myself to this journey. I don’t have a goal date necessarily, though I would like to ring in the new year with a lot of progress under my belt. I am currently using the bullet journal method which is great for me, because I fuckin’ love physically seeing things, filling up notebooks, making lists. The apps just don’t work for me and the way I respond to things. I’m also on low carb diet, starting today, and hormonal meds addressing the PCOS. So, things are looking up. This is my way of introducing myself, and I’m hoping that this can be yet another way to hold myself accountable and help me on my journey. I’m considering posting a before picture, but I’m quite nervous as it is. Thank you all for listening if you’ve gotten this far. I’m going to post this in a PCOS related weight loss thread as well, because I know I obsessively google things when I am struggling with something, and it’s majorly helpful just to read other people’s stories and identify or find inspiration from them. I’m hoping this could do that. I know it’s basically an essay, but I at least hope it does some good.

Feel free to introduce yourselves and share any insight or stories you may have. <3

submitted by /u/thisisnedschneeeebly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2zLiQnD

I finally feel like i'm going somewhere. One small step at a time.

So I've been on and off working out and eating better my whole life, a couple months ago i went to donate plasma and the scale said 310 lbs. During the donation i ended up clogging three times and had to leave before the donate was done because i popped a vein. Looking at my cholesterol and weight i knew something had to change. I spent a few weeks researching everything i could about weight loss and exercise, what works for some and not for others. i read a lot of posts on here and r/progresspics and figured out a plan for myself. i slowly got back into the gym and for the last 5 weeks i go Monday through Friday. I stopped going out to eat and cut down my carbs to minimal i eat a diet with more clean foods focusing on healthy fats and proteins. To keep myself motivated i started posting weekly pictures on a private Instagram account and update it regularly so i can keep myself accountable. So far i have lost 18 lbs I'm down to 292 and start heading to the gym after work by habit now, not because i force myself too. I'm happy with this personal growth I've done and hope that when this journey ends I can help others.

submitted by /u/RamblinThroughLife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2P43hg6

Monday, October 1, 2018


F/22/5'10"/sw 225/cw 216

So I don't know how self doubting you all are, but I sure am. I just recently (about a month ago) starting working out and eating better. AND NOTHING CHANGED. I was a major athlete in high school so I'm super competitive with myself and I've done this whole weight loss thing before but A LOT MORE INTENSELY. I felt like I was gonna die during my workouts - I NEVER MISSED ONE. I ate 1200 calories a day of just salad. I just constantly felt like I was never working hard enough. And I lost the weight. Real quick. I was miserable from the diet all the time. And suffice it to say, I gained it all back.

So back to present day. I started this fitness routine this time telling myself I really am just gonna do what I can. I'll eat 1700-1800 calories a day and I'll go to the gym every day, but I'm only gonna do what I can and not really push myself to exhaustion every workout like last time. In my mind, I could not put myself through what I had the last time. I was just too miserable and honestly if thats what it was gonna take to be a healthy weight again I didn't want it. I wanted to be able to eat pizza and donuts occasionally without feeling bad about myself.

I started at 225. So for two weeks, I stuck to a routine I was comfortable with. I lifted weights 5 times a week. Never REALLY broke a sweat. Squats got my heart rate up a bit but thats about it. I did cardio for about 15 minutes 3 times a week. Kept my diet to 1800 calories on days I got a workout in. So after these two weeks, on a completely empty stomach, first thing in the morning I weighed myself. 223 pounds. Only two pounds?!?!? for what felt like a drastic change from what I had been doing. And lets be honest, that weigh in was on a completely empty stomach first thing in the morning. One big dinner and I would have been back to my old weight. The thing is I STUCK TO MY ROUTINE. I DIDN'T BINGE. I NEVER BROKE 1800. According to myfitnesspal I was supposed to be losing 2 lbs a week!

It felt like not being miserable all the time meant progress just wasnt gonna happen for me.

I had read a post on here that said something along the lines of "if you start exercising and dieting at the same time - don't be surprised if you don't lose weight immediately." I chose to believe it. I don't think I ever really did believe it. But what choice did I have? I knew I didn't have the will to do 1200 a day and multiple hour long cardio sessions. And i knew even if I did I couldnt sustain it. So whatever. I guess this is my life now. So two weeks went by where I would weigh in (always on an empty stomach) and find I'd just maintained or even gained a half pound. I was weighing all my food. I was not lying to myself about my calorie intake. Maybe my body was just great at storing fat.


Point of the story, that post I read here... it wasnt lying. In the past one week (NOT CHANGING THE ROUTING AT ALL) I am now at 216 (on a full stomach). Thats 9 pounds in a little over 4 weeks. 7 pounds I lost in the past week. It feels unbelievable.

I know I'm still really early in my journey but I just wanted anyone out there that might be afraid of starting to know that you REALLY dont need to be miserable to see progress. SERIOUSLY, I ate three donuts for lunch yesterday. And also that if it doesn't seem to be working immediately, but you know you aren't lying to yourself about your CICO then just wait it out.

submitted by /u/mybadwolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2DLZ67x

Is it a bad idea to wait to date until I lose the weight?

Has anyone on here waited to start dating until they have reached their goal weight? Did you feel like it was the right choice to wait, or did you feel like you wasted time?

I'm constantly struggling with thinking I should be putting myself out there and get some dating experience, I'm 21f 185lb for reference, but at the same time I feel like I should feel happy with the way I look before I do, because I feel very unattractive currently. But I don't want to look back and feel like I wasted my 20's. Finding a partner is a huge reason why I started my weight loss journey, even though it's been something I've been struggling with my whole life. But I only became super motivated when I realized I'm 21 and still haven't had any romantic interactions with anyone.

So just wanted to get some insight from people who's been in the same situation as me before, thanks!

submitted by /u/flavortowns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RgWyAU

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OrI82i

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 02 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2y1EG44

[Progress] Weight loss takes dedication, hard work, and a solid plan.

Feel free to ask me anything.

Here's my weight last trend over the past year.

Here's a progress pic (240>192>170=70 Lbs)

Starting out

- No one is going to lose weight for you... you need to light a fire under your own a** and realize that it's only going to get worse if you don't be proactive about your eating and exercise habits.

- Make a plan. Stick to it. Make a plan for sticking to that plan. PLAN.

- Set a reasonable goal so that you won't get discouraged about attaining it. You can always raise the bar.

Calorie restriction (8/1/17-4/1/18)

- I always found myself hungry and wanting more, and I started to plateau HARD by February. I restricted my eating initially to 1800 kcal, then 1650 kcal, then 1500 kcal. This just wasn't sustainable and I searched for something that better suited me. After my due research, I also found that your body responds to restricted daily calorie intakes with multiple meals by reducing your metabolic rate. It was at this point in time that the discovery of the benefits of intermnittent fasting led me down a new and amazing path.

Fasting (4/1/18-10/1/18)

  1. Intermittent Fasting 16:8 (4/1/18-6/1/18) - This method is great for starting out on fasting. I found I was able to keep it under 1600 kcal if I was at least a little cognizant of how much I was in-taking. This method didn't fit me very well in the long run because I like to eat large meals.
  2. OMAD (6/1/18-8/15/18) - I cannot vouch for this diet enough. OMAD worked wonders for me, and really helped me get past a plateau and really kickstart my weight loss into high gear. If you stay hydrated, you hardly even get hungry after your body gets accustomed to this diet.
  3. ADF (8/15/18-10/1/18) - I LOVE IT. I can go from eating dinner on day 1 to lunch on day 3 no problem. It gives me mental clarity, I feel energized, and it works wonders for depression. I can eat like a fatass on my eating days, too, which is a great bonus.

Dr. Fung is a world-renown nutritionist who specializes in weight loss and intermittent fasting. This video shows why it works and why it is a great tool.


- My routine varied GREATLY. At the beginning, I was doing 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week with light weight training. Towards the middle it was more like 45 mins of cardio 5 times a week with no to light weight training. At one period of nearly 3 months I went 7 times a week and did 1 hour of cardio, lifting weights (with no particular schedule) at moderate intensity 3-4 times a week. I also started working on my core in the past 2 months, doing sets of crunches, sit-ups, cherry pickers, planks, side planks, bicycle kicks, and push-ups.

Intermittent fasting has changed my life, and I am so grateful for communities like /r/intermittentfasting, /r/omad, and /r/fasting, and other communities that encourage and assist with lifestyle changes like /r/loseit, /r/Fitness, etc.

What I learned

- The hardest part of weight loss is silencing that inner voice that keeps telling you "I'm not good enough", or "it's too hard". You are your own worst enemy. You are the only thing preventing you from reaching your potential. It's not too late to start now.

Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/BlackWhiteRedYellow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Iu3IOa