Thursday, October 18, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 19 October 2018

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Before and After 30 lb Weight loss!!

A few years ago food controlled EVERYTHING!

Before and After 30 lb weight loss!

I used to restrict my calories to almost nothing and then I would have bouts of uncontrollable binge-eating periods. I would almost literally black out while doing this as if I actually had no control over the food I was putting into my mouth.

There was a point where it got SO BAD that I had to start going to binge-eaters anonymous support groups. I did this for 2 years.

I had struggled with binge eating and calorie restricting for SO LONG that I started to BELIEVE that this was just a part of who I was and there was no way I could ever change.

But on the worst day of my life, after a full all-you-can-eat Hawaiian BBQ buffet and MULTIPLE desserts FOLLOWED BY going home and eating a family bag of Doritos, a whole box of cereal, 4 bowls of oatmeal and a pack of Sour Patch Kids, I sat in the middle of my living room and I bawled my eyes out.

The VERY NEXT DAY I went for help. I hired a personal trainer and I became a trainer myself! I knew I couldn’t do it myself because I had tried and failed so many times before. But slowly and surely I regained confidence, started healing my mind and, as a result, healed my body

If you’ve experienced an eating disorder, or have a bad relationship with food, and you feel lost like I once did, just know that I GET IT! I’ve been there and you are NOT ALONE! 💕💕

submitted by /u/Crisa90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't lose weight no matter what

I'm a 17 year old girl and I'm 5'3 and weigh 150 pounds. I've gained about 30 pounds since I was 15 and can't seem to get any of it back off.

I'm vegetarian and gluten free so I eat healthy natural foods. I usually end up eating less than 2,000 calories a day. I drink 2-4 liters of water everyday. I on and off exercise regularly but usually end up exercising at least 3 times a week. I do 15-45 minutes on an elliptical and do blogilates. I got my thyroid tested and it's perfect. I don't think I have any other health conditions preventing weight loss.

Is there anything I'm missing? I'm getting kind of desperate.

submitted by /u/robotvhs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Shocked to see the changes in my body when I took some progress pictures

I have been lurking for a bit in this thread and find it extremely motivating and encouraging. I have been losing 1-2 lbs a week on average since about July 2018 through tracking my food daily and walking/running. I feel really good about how I look in clothing, and I am about 20 lbs from my goal. But something happened this morning when I took some pictures to track my body changes. About 3 weeks ago I added a new strength training routine and I wanted to track the changes in my body so I figured I should get some pictures to track the changes.

The shock came when I looked at the pictures I took, they look nothing like what I think I look like...I felt so deflated when I saw the pictures, it took me all morning to talk myself out of this spiral I felt myself going into...When I saw the pictures, it's like all of the hard work I had put in so far was nullified by how much further from my "ideal" I am...I am just wondering if this has happened to others and how did you reconcile feeling good about your progress and still having so far to go...I am trying not to feel discouraged, but I am struggling here.

I honestly feel great about my weight loss so far, I like how my clothes fit, I am comfortable being naked around my husband and I feel sexy, but seeing my near naked body in pictures shocked me to no end...It looks nothing like what I thought it did. I feel like I got a dose of reality, and I am feeling more focused and oddly motivated to reach my goal, but whoa...what a shock! I would appreciate any words of wisdom from anyone who has experienced this.

submitted by /u/Lavabelle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Things to do for reducing appetite and hunger cravings

Increased appetite and untimely hunger is one of basic reasons to why so many people fail to lose weight. However, there are some things you can do in order to reduce appetite and hunger cravings.

  1. Eat High Protein Foods. Consume high protein food in your diet as foods rich in protein content promotes and prolonged feeling of fullness.
  2. Drink Plenty of Water. Drink sufficient amount of water throughout the day. Plus drinking water before having meal can really suppress your appetite so that you avoid overeating.
  3. Stress Management. Stress can increase the coristol levels which can induce excessive and emotional eating. Practice stress management techniques while you're on the verge of weight loss.
  4. Go For Portion Control. Portion control is the best way of avoiding untimely hunger. Instead of having bigger meals go for 4-5 short meals. This will ensure that you will have access to food after every short while.
  5. Drink Green Tea or Red Tea. Green tea and red tea are well renowned for their weight loss properties. They are power house of anti-oxidants and can help big time in reducing appetite and hunger cravings. Plus, they offer a whole lot of other health benefits as well.
submitted by /u/TracyMorgan105
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fallen off the wagon yet again... please help with motivation

I'm attempting to re-start my weight loss journey. I originally started out at 172lb in 2011 and went all the way down to 128 a year ago (my goal weight is 125lb), but here I am 6 months since I moved two states away from my mom's house (and her healthy cooking) and I've come all the way back up to fluctuating between 137 and 140 pounds. And I decided I had enough when my sister teased me about gaining weight when she visited me on Saturday and I saw the scale at 138.9lb on Monday morning.

I have fibromyalgia and hypermobility on top of a sedentary job, so activity is difficult. But I've been trying to walk at least 5,000 steps a day. I I requested for a stand-up desk (with a doctor's note) and finally got one delivered today. I had a kale smoothie and an egg for breakfast and a grilled chicken salad for lunch all week. But all I want to do is go home and crawl into bed and dig into a pint of chocolate ice cream that I can buy so easily from the CVS right at my bus stop. Like I did on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

I know I've already lost 30 pounds overall, but that seems like lifetimes ago now. How do you get the motivation to keep eating healthily? Sugar and fried things and flour taste so good... I've had problems with binge eating in the past, and I still struggle to stop myself from eating that next bite that would put me over the daily calorie limit. And once I've had the bite I give up on the goal and keep eating. Do any of you have any tips to make me stop binging??

submitted by /u/astoriali
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I kinda feel like I'm cheating.

I think this is my first post here but I've been lurking for a while now. That's because I'm finally making progress. In March of this year I weighed about 290(not my max of 310) and spent the next several months bouncing between 295 and 280. I started taking my ADHD meds again about a month ago because I finally accepted I need them for school. I've lost almost 20 pounds since then. I know I should be happy I'm losing but I kinda feel like I'm cheating. I know there are people that bust their asses to get in shape and all I'm doing is not eating because my medication takes away any desire for food... I don't feel like I've earned the weight loss.

SW: 310 CW:263

submitted by /u/IcyFantasia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat