Thursday, January 3, 2019

Progress and a reminder to myself. 411lbs>255lbs. Progress pic included.

It's been a real struggle for me since Thanksgiving to stay focused and motivated, at this time of year the nights are dark and cold in the Northern Hemisphere at least and with the Holidays it's been a real struggle to stay on track and get where I want to be.

I've got to consistently remind myself to stick with it and grind it out. I've not had a substantial weight loss since December 6th and that has been a little bit disheartening, but i've not gained which is a good thing.

It doesn't matter if you are on day 1 or day 501. You have to stay focused and keep those goals in mind to acheive them.

In March 2017 I was 411lbs, in January 2018 I was 300lbs. Today I'm 255lbs. If I'm lucky and work hard by March 2019 I'll be 250lbs.

To everybody who has just started the journey, you CAN do it. It can be slow at times, frustrating and annoying, but if you keep trying it will happen.

Before and After 420+>255lbs.

submitted by /u/notagoodtexan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 lbs so far! around 70lbs more to go (or less). Just wanted to say thanks to the community.

I've checked this sub mainly when it came up to /r/all but around last summer around June, I started my weight loss journey with keto (not super strict). I realized that I actually really enjoy a lot of food from that nutritional grouping, and I can manage the calories more easily with foods in keto than anything else. I've also lost all sugar craving around August when I actually cut sugar in its entirety for a few weeks (same with carb cravings).

Anyway, instead of a wall of text explaining every step of the way, just wanted to say thanks to this community for tips and constant encouragement from people who have made progress and warnings from people who have fallen back (those have helped me come this far as well).

Quick summary:

  • cut out sugar (after cutting out, it became so easy to not consume but hard to avoid - I gotta ask if there's sugar in everything)
  • very low carb
  • counting calories
  • just weight lifting (screw cardio, although I recently tried out HIIT which was kinda fun, and helped) - 3 on 2 off PPL 5 day cycle

I'm planning on getting to about 10-15% body fat for the goal and I have been gaining lean mass so I might be able to reach the goal before 180lbs. The weight is a rough estimate of where I need to be.

Progress pic: before ~310lbs, after 266lbs!

submitted by /u/davidjung03
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 04 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV: scale said a number i have not seen in years

I looked at it in sheer disbelief. Did it a couple more times to make sure it wasn't busted. 219. I haven't been under 220 in at least a decade. Holy crap.

I have struggled with food addiction for most my life and only recently have i managed to switch to seeing food as fuel rather than something else, and the past two months it's just been coming off. 16lbs since november. It feels absolutely unreal. Breaking the almost romantic connection i had to food feels so freeing. It's now a strictly professional relationship. I didn't binge on the holidays. And I didn't agonize over feeling bad about not letting myself enjoy holiday food, either. I was completely and genuinely okay with not eating the calorie dense food at the parties. I just took my fill, and didn't over-eat. I actually had some form of will power for the first time, it's amazing.

At this rate, maybe I'll be seeing onederland soon. I think digging up my original benchmark photos when i started my weight loss in 2016 and taking new progress pics is in order, i finally feel like i've accomplished something.

submitted by /u/Planetable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV - Finally able to feel comfortable!

tl;dr: 207lb to 177lbs (30+% body fat to 22%) in 6 months, 20lbs lost in the last 3 months as i started regularly going to the gym. 196lb in october to 177lb in january

Hey everyone!

I let myself go. Fresh out of college I looked at myself and realized I was in a spot with my body I didn't want to be. When you look down and can't even see your own junk, you know you've got a problem. In June I decided to change that. In June I weighed 207lbs with a body fat percentage of 30+%.

I was eating fast food every day I could afford it and overeating junk food in between those meals. So the first thing I did was download the app Lose It!. I started tracking my calories. I didn't change my eating habits immediately, though. What really motivated me to change was looking at how much I was eating and seeing my goal date get pushed back further and further in the app. Seeing the quantity of bad food I was eating helped motivate my change.

First thing I did was cut soda and juice and traded it out for water. I would drink a lot of soda pretty regularly. I limited myself to one a day and eventually down even further, later on. Now I have a soda only when I drink which is about once every two weeks, and much lighter than I was drinking before.

Next thing I did was hit up a gym. In June I started doing about an hour cardio 5-6 times a week. I did max slope and between 3-4mph each session. This was great because it boosted my stamina. No longer did I feel winded by going up a flight of stairs or walking for more than 15 minutes with people. By the start of september I weight about 190lbs.

Unfortunately I hit some struggles as I decided to move and the stress of that, as well as my inability to go to the gym made it very difficult for me to maintain my weight loss. By october I weighed 197lbs. This killed my motivation, but I was determined to change my body. I got a membership to the closest gym and started doing cardio again. That's about the time I found this sub as well.

About a week into going back to the guy I started going with someone else. He introduced me to lifting weights. I was incredibly self conscious and felt so weak. I went back to cardio after only spending a small amount of time with the weights. When I got back home I decided to start looking up "how to lose weight", "how to get muscle", "how to blah blah blah", you know the drill. I spent hours and days just reading articles and watching videos. This motivated the hell out of me.

In late october I decided I wanted to start doing weights in order to gain some muscle mass and strength. I wanted to focus on getting lean, losing body fat and gaining muscle. I fixed my nutrition to focus on my protein macro. I went from eating a lot of carbs, some fats, and some protein, to eating a lot of protein, some carbs and some fats. I think this really helped me stay on track.

So now, after what feels like forever, I love going to the gym and I love losing weight. I know I'm not where I want to be with my weight loss goals, but I finally feel confident enough to post my progress. I hope everyone else who set a goal is able to maintain it until they get to it. It's one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

Here are some things I've done that may help some people... I'm no expert so take it with a grain of salt.

  • Count calories, but don't change immediately. Take it slow and ease into it. You don't want to crash.
  • Set small goals. I don't think I'd still be actively trying to lose weight if I set my short term weight lose goal to 30lbs. Instead I set my goal to lose 5lbs. When I lose more than that I feel so pumped.
  • I never bound my goal to a time limit. I know some people like doing that, but I never wanted to feel forced to go to the gym or eat better.
  • I still eat junk food, just way less of it. I never realized how good some junk food actually is because I was just stuffing it down my face all the time. It's now more of a reward to myself. I love eating junk food, its just how I am, so I'm not going to completely stop.
  • Find something about going to the gym (or doing any physical activity) that you enjoy. I love the challenge of weight lifting and seeing if I can improve each time I get to the gym. I've gamify-ed my weight loss and I think that's the best thing that could have happened to me.

If you do end up doing weights, I suggest looking up the Jefit app. It's wonderful for tracking progress.

Thanks everyone for reading this stupid brain dump post. I'm just stoked that I finally weigh what I did before I started college (which was over 5 years ago) and I finally am starting to see the fruits of my labor. Keep at it and it'll pay off, trust me!

submitted by /u/Metiri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Secrets to make 2019 your healthiest year yet

Kicking off a new year brings plenty of excitement knowing we get 365 new chances to write 12 more chapters in the story called life. To help make it your healthiest and most fulfilling year yet, we put together 9 key areas to focus on in 2019.

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

135lbs Lost! Official 1 year weigh-in. Pics Inside.

Hey Everyone, it's been awhile since I have posted, but what better time than my 1 year weight loss journey anniversary? I can't believe it has been an entire year since I started this, but with the help of this community and my VLOG/Website I have been able to create an atmosphere of accountability that has been invaluable to my weight loss. I began this journey at 412lbs and as of this morning I weigh 276.2lbs, for a total loss of 135.8lbs! That is absolutely amazing to me, I never thought I would be able to pull it off, and it certainly hasn't been easy, but with perseverance and accountability I have made it to this point. Below is my side-by-side:


I have had a ton of NSVs as well. I started this wearing 60 inch pants and 5XL shirts. I now wear 42 inch pants and 2XL shirts. That's a freakin foot and half (18 inches) lost off my waist and 3 shirt size down. Everything has gotten much easier and I have been back in the gym for the last 10 months.

I have about 64lbs to lose to my first goal of 212lbs and about 86-76 to lose until I hit my final goal. I couldn't be happier with the progress to this point and I am optimistic for year 2. Thanks to you all for checking this out.

submitted by /u/NervousLawyer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat