Saturday, January 26, 2019

My boyfriend has helped immensely

He’s helped me gain 10 pounds through happy dates and cozy eating that relationships usually bring about, but he’s also helped me reject perfection.

I struggled so much with weight loss over perfection. I was so upset that the chances of me having a perfect body was slim and I already had a list of surgeries I wanted before I was 19. I wanted perfect shaped everything without any scars (even after surgery). I had drowned myself in sorrow and frustration over the female equivalent of Sisyphus, and it had always led me to give up.

Now as a 21 year old, I finally met someone who showed me a different aspect on things, instead of making me feel “good enough” like past, reckless relationships had. Even as I confided in close friends, they (the girls I had deemed perfect) also had these incredible issues with themselves.

I’m back to eating healthy and staying active, except now it’s easy. I had always imagined the negativity that plagued me as a demon, gripping on to me with little claws and attacking me when I was alone. But now it’s gone. And I don’t feel like a calorie counting circus freak like before. Instead I can make productive choices and form habits and feel like I’m living a fulfilled and balanced life. I’m able to improve myself naturally and at a happy pace without the feeling of a giant clock ticking above me, waiting to punish me for not losing my calculated pounds on time.

I’m happier and it’s easier than ever. I just thought I’d share.

submitted by /u/justherecauseyall
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss has stagnated and I am stuck fluctuating between 75kg/76kg but I am too tired to exercise and I am miserable.

Good morning (afternoon or evening) wonderful people!

My start weight was 82kg and I am down to 75kg/76kg now but I am just STUCK there. I am on my lowest calorie diet I can manage without feeling utterly terrible. My problem is that I KNOW upping my activity levels would help.

And it sounds like a terrible excuse "I am too tired" but it is the truth. Judge away because you can't judge me harder than I do myself.

I get up at 6am and do not get back from work until 6pm. Most of which is taken up by travel or waiting for public transport in all kinds of weather.

My job, though I love it, is very mentally taxing so I become not only physically tired but mentally tired too.

I have 3 hours to myself when I get home before I have to go to bed (or I feel terrible the next day, I am not a morning person).

So not only do I feel like I have no time at all to myself, but exercise just feels like too much on top of that. I feel like I am going to have an emotional breakdown. The thought of having to exercise in that 3 hours makes me want to scream. On the weekends I have that horrible "must relax, must have fun, must enjoy my like and do what I want to do" feeling that takes over. I do exercise occasionally with yoga but generally I just have such a block with exercise I can't get past it.

I do not know how to get past this psychologically or physically.

As I write this, it seems so pathetic and I can't stand that its true. I hate this about myself, but I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/Magikitti
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Speed of weight loss and loose skin

Not sure if this is 100% this right place to post this but I’ll try anyway.

Pretty much everywhere I have read has said that loose skin is worse/more common when the weight is lost quickly. Why is this?

I would have thought that when you lose it quickly, it initially seems worse and then gradually tightens up, and when you lose it slowly it tightens at the same speed but you never see it as actual loose skin because there’s still fat underneath?

Surely losing it quickly wouldn’t prevent the skin from tightening up eventually? It just happens after the weight is lost, rather than during?

Hopefully that made sense lol

submitted by /u/RorzE
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 25, 2019

non-scale gains

last august i got my first physical job. it's in a warehouse and i stand and walk all day, bend over at least five times a minute for a solid four hours, then again for the rest of the day and do light lifting the entire time. the job was full time for three months and it kicked my ass (it's only part time since november). i'm very overweight but even before this, last summer i spent almost all day every day on my bike. even coming in to work off of that level of energy the job was a whole other thing. i haven't lost a pound or a dress size but the job is now a breeze. my feet are never sore, i do yoga in the morning so i'm never stiff, my core is sooo much stronger to the point where i can sit comfortably on the floor and hold myself up for longer than fifteen minutes but, again, i'm the same weight and size.

it makes me feel like i just can't lose weight but i know that's not possible. i'm not some special exception to the laws of weight loss but i just never see the scale gains.

submitted by /u/fishnshrimps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back After a 2 Day “Cheat Weekend” and Not Giving Up

In the past I would have just completely binged all weekend, not made the extra effort to have been active, not logged anything and then just given up.

However this time around, yes I enjoyed pizza, beer and cookies and went over my 1270 a day calorie limit. BUT I logged everything and walked 5 miles along the beach both days. I’m finally mentally stable enough to realize that I won’t realistically even gain a pound from this, and I’m back on my 1270 calorie intake tomorrow and it’s okay!!!

This is a huge deal for me because in the past I would have just given up, but CICO and weight loss in general is more sustainable for me long term if I have cheat days. I wouldn’t have gotten to this healthy mindset without this community so thanks :-)

submitted by /u/Candyslave
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 26 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dating with loose skin advice

I’m a guy who doesn’t have casual sex because of excess skin from weight loss. I found out the hard way that casual sex just won’t go well for me.

Now I only seek sex in relationships. Over the last year, three women I really liked have ended up rejecting me because of my skin. The last one was just earlier today.

This one hurts a lot because I clicked so well with her. I talked with her about my weight loss and I even showed her a picture of me shirtless before it came to sex.

And to be honest I don’t even think my skin is all that bad. Maybe I have a skewed perspective but when I look in the mirror, I feel like my body looks pretty good given the circumstances.

To her credit, she tried, but just couldn’t get past it. I mean the poor girl even cried because she felt bad about it.

I feel pretty hopeless after this. What more can I do here? I’ve built muscle to try and fill up...I tried only having sex with people I liked and who liked me. I feel like I’m just gonna scare everyone away with my body.

submitted by /u/wingbark
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from loseit - Lose the Fat