Sunday, February 3, 2019

First time ever at a healthy BMI! 83 lbs down thanks to this sub

21F/5'9" 251lbs-->168lbs= -83lbs

size 18/1X--> size 8/M

It took me longer than I planned but I finally crossed over into the healthy BMI category this morning! I've been obese since childhood and I never thought that I'd be able to reach this point. I tried so many different diets in high school and did keto in my freshman year of college (spring 2016) for about 4 months but eventually quit during a plateau and gained all of the weight back plus an extra 25lbs. At that point I had given up on ever losing weight because keto made me feel horrible and I didn't think I would be able to go the rest of my life without eating carbs.

I am so grateful that I stumbled across this subreddit in Jan 2018! The keto subreddit back then had never really explained anything about calories or TDEE so I had no idea that I could lose weight without completely cutting out carbs. Under everyone's recommendations I started tracking calories with Loseit and was able to lose an average of 1.5-2lbs per week for the past 13 months despite a few plateaus. My tentative plan is to lose about 10 more pounds to get rid of some more lower belly fat and maintain around 155lbs. I'll decide once I get there since I've never been this small post puberty so I have no idea what I'll look like.

No matter what just don't give up! Sometimes weight loss stalls and and it feels like CICO isn't working but if you're confident in your tracking/deficit then you will get there eventually! There were some months when the scale wasn't moving and I felt like quitting but if I had then I would never have passed 220 or 200 and reached where I am today!

progress pics (underwear so NSFW)

Tldr- Lost 80+ pounds in the last 13 months by counting calories. Eat what makes you feel best/is sustainable long term (even if that means moderate/high carbs) and don't give up if you aren't seeing results yet!

submitted by /u/Depressingdreams
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where did you come from, where are you at, and where are you going?

I want to know about everyone's journey thus far, and things they have learned along the way. I also want to know what you see for your future.

Me: 32/f/5'3"/163 lbs

Where I came from:. 230 awful pounds in May 2018. Basic aerobic exercises were getting tough. Feet hurt after a day of shopping. Shoes were starting to get hard to tie.

I felt like I was just waiting around for the day I would need a seatbelt extender on a plane, or when labs would show me as pre-diabetic or worse.

I spent a lot of time in the contemplation stage of change, because I wanted to do setting I could stick with in the long term, rather than crashing and burning. Settled on CICO with a 1500 net calorie goal and a pledge to start walking for 30 mins 3 days a week.

Where I am now:. 163 lbs as of my January 15 preoperative weigh in. I am 3/4 of the way to my goal weight of 140, which would be a 90 pound weight loss. I recently had ankle surgery so it is not really logical to weigh myself at the moment. My activity is obviously less than ideal because I can't walk, but I have been making some arm gains by crutching myself around.

One thing I am blown away by is just how disciplined I am now. I have been in a 1200-1400 range since about month 3 of my weight loss journey. I am allowing myself up to maintenance right now because you need a little more post op, but my body is really used to that range and it is hard to get up there. I also used to be a compulsive snacker, especially while watching TV. I haven't done that. The idea of sitting around snacking all day just isn't an option for me, it is so out of the realm of what I am doing.

Where I am going: Before surgery, I was walking 1-2 hours 5-7 days a week. I had regular Fitbit challenges with my sister and some friends that I routinely crushed. I also mixed in hiking and Zumba classes. My first post op goal is to work my way back up to that level of activity.

I also get a free gym membership this year. I have been walking on lunch breaks, but my work is by some busy streets so it isn't exactly peaceful. I am going to go during my hour lunch break and try a few things. They have 40 minute cycling classes, or I might hit the treadmill or start weight training.

I still have about 25 lbs to lose but I really want to focus on starting to get things toned up in this final stretch. I have never seriously done weight training so I might hire a personal trainer for a few months to get me started. I am so inspired by the super strong women on the health and fitness subs I follow, and I would love to start my next stage of transformation.

I know I will need to log calories for most of my life to stay on track. I just need that level of accountability. It's part of my lifestyle change. When I get within about 10 pounds of my goal weight, I am going to start slowly increasing calories to maintenance, and will probably weigh myself religiously until I find a range that I am comfortable with.

submitted by /u/whytheaverage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Working with a doctor makes the difference for me

Hello fellow losers (is that right?). I'm 50 and know I've been overweight for my frame for at least 10 years. I've done low carb and tried to be disciplined in the past but would always bubble back up to a bad weight.

What changed for me? I got an excuse to lose weight: by sheer luck I got cast in a movie (entirely different story) and they need me to lose 20 pounds in a short amount of time. I told the movie folks that I was willing but would need help. That's when I got introduced to a weight loss MD.

Working with a physician has made a tremendous difference. To be sure, no one should lose weight as quickly as I need to without doctor supervision. I have to measure BMI, weight and blood pressure daily (thank goodness for Apple health app -- makes logging very easy). I have to drink TONS of water. I'm at 1100 calories a day and doing 60 min cardio daily. And for the first time in my life, my weight loss graph is consistently going down. I started January at 188.6 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 175.8. That's a weight I haven't seen in 9 years.

I've never been as disciplined in my life as I am now and I think this actually might save my life as long as one I hit target weight I'm able to reintroduce foods and stay active. Right now I'm able to do 60 min on the elliptical sustaining 139 bpm without a break -- also crazy for me.

I'm grateful I've been able to discover discipline and consistency. I've 30 days to hit target weight and I'm pretty sure I can make it.

submitted by /u/figarojew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

slow weight loss

unlike most people, I am trying to slow-walk my weight loss...down about 4-5 lb each month. The first 10 lb dropped off on schedule, but now it is going slow even by my standards. I am 64, 5'2" and weigh 127 with a goal weight of 115, which would be nice to achieve by May. I figure it took me a while to put it on, so it will probably take a while to get it off, too.

I am vegetarian, don't drink much alcohol (about 1-2 X per month) and prefer to reduce the quantity of food I eat rather than counting calories. Right now I eat 1 meal a day, usually lunch. Exercise is by walking 3 times a week, usually for about an hour or so. I regularly weigh myself each day when I get up to help remind me to stay on track. Do the fitness apps help? I do not want to do calorie counting...makes me want to binge!

submitted by /u/IndustriousWeaver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 60 pounds in 97 days!

Mobile formatting, sorry

I just found this group. I found out my wife wanted a divorce on October 26. On October 29 I began my journey to get back into shape and healthier choices all around. I quit drinking, I began to work out 4 days a week, and I started making much better choices with food. Yes, I lost weight too fast in the beginning (finding out about your wife’s new boyfriend has a few negative side effects) but my weight loss has slowed down the past month and I am managing it well. I am starting to get more cravings but I am good about only eating healthy food when I am hungry. I do allow myself one day to have a “cheat meal” of some sort but even then I do not go all out. I just keep track of my weight loss in my notes on my phone, I still need to get a tracker. I ballpark my calorie intake but it has been enough so far. Here’s my weights by day/week since I began this journey:

Monday 10/29 284.4 Tuesday 11/6 278.4 Thursday 11/8 274.8 Wednesday 11/14 272.2 Monday 11/19 268.6 Thursday 11/22 262.8 Tuesday 11/27 257.4 Tuesday 12/4 - 254.2 Tuesday 12/11 249.6 Tuesday 12/19 244.2 Tuesday 12/25 238 Wednesday 1/2 233 Tuesday 1/8 231 Wednesday 1/16 229 Wednesday 1/23 226 Wednesday 1/30 224

submitted by /u/dustanh1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 46lbs :) and wondering where to focus now

Hey Loseit!

Starting in August last year I decided to take better care of myself. Through the last 17 years I've been slowly putting on weight from around 185lbs to about 249lbs at my worst. So now with 35years, 6ft and about 235lbs I decided to do something about it.

Regarding weight loss, what I did was starting to track my calorie intake and aim at 1500 a day, and reduced the amount of candy/sugar/breads/etc. It was hard, often I feel a bit hungry and still have some cravings but I try to drink water/tea or have some small dried fruit or something and not candy/chocolate/sandwich like before. My meals are now almost half of what they were. Quickly I started to see some results and was losing about 2lbs per week in the beginning, now it's not as much per week but it's still close. After about 33lbs I started to notice a big difference, and it was giving me a lot of confidence and motivation to keep going. Throwing away most of my clothes and getting some good fitting ones was amazing!

It's important to note that this did not start because I wanted to lose weight. I knew I was overweight for a long time, but something shifted in my mind and I realized that I could be a better version of myself. So a lot of other things changed and improved regarding self-care, weight loss was just one of them. This may be relevant for you if you're struggling with weight loss, it may be just a symptom of something else that you have to address first.

Now, 5 months later I'm at 189 lbs I'm still keeping my current calorie intake although I've stopped tracking it around month 3 since I realized I was consistently doing 1500 without 'concerns'. I think I want to continue but I'd like to shift my focus a bit to body fat reduction. I did not do any training through the process so far, but have started doing some 30min workout sessions about 3 times per week. Based on my scale and some tape measurements I'm at about 19%. Ideally I'd like to go to about 14% I think, but I'm not sure exactly what to do now. I'm still a bit unhappy about some fat around the belly, but in general I now actually like looking at the guy in the mirror. Regarding food, I like the amount I eat now, but I understand 1500 a day is not healthy for me in the long run.

I know I should have my own goals, and the important thing is that I'm happy with myself but I was wondering if you'd have any insights/experience to share.

Tldr; Lost 46lbs in 5 months, wanted to share my experience, and I'm also wondering what my goals now could be.

submitted by /u/Mindvalve
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Two years ago today I made a choice to be healthy. 100lbs later... time to maintain!

Hey r/loseit!

Tl;dr at the bottom. Wall of text incoming.

Two years ago today I made the decision to change my life forever—to get healthy, to lose weight, and to conquer my year. 2016 was a year lived entirely lived for someone who wasn’t me. My best friend lost her entire immediate family in a really horrible way, and I ended up living my whole life for her—spending all of my free time (and a lot of time that was supposed to be for other things) with her and for her. I didn’t take care of my body or my spirit that whole year. So when the year anniversary of her family’s death came up, I decided that I needed to live that year—2017—for me. I decided I was going to lose weight, graduate from college early, and apply (and get in to) graduate school. And I did! That first year, I lost about 50 pounds, and the year following, I lost about 40 more. I started at about 264lbs (though my highest was in the 280s), and today, I float around in the 170s. You can see some progress pictures of me here. I am 5’10 for reference.

I thought that I needed to lose more weight the last couple of weeks. I’m on the edge between overweight and a “healthy” BMI, and I thought maybe I should get down to about 150lbs to be safe. But then, my girlfriend picked out a dress for me last night at a thrift store that was just GORGEOUS. And it was… get this… a size 6! I began at a size 18 on a good day, 20-22 on a normal day. The fact that I fit into a single digit dress, and a size 6 at that, is absolutely CRAZY to me. And it fits absolutely perfectly!

So I’ve decided, today, on my 2 year health-aversary, to begin transitioning to maintenance. I’d like to stay in the 170s or high 160s (once I get to about 182 I start feeling bloaty and uncomfortable, but I’m completely comfortable in the 10 pound range of the 170s) and I believe that this weight is not only maintainable, but healthy for me and my large/tall frame. I know it’s at the high end of my healthy weight range, but I believe that if I get any smaller, I will be both too small for my height and unable to maintain my weight. So here we go… maintenance time!

How did I get from there to here? Read on!

For the first 2 months of losing weight, I didn’t track a single calorie. All I did was write down everything I ate. When I look back on this journal I CRINGE! I was eating horribly! However, I lost a little bit of weight at this time. I thought it was important to learn how to be aware of what I was eating before I learned how many calories it was. This turned out to be a great decision for me, as I have had issues with secret eating and binge eating. Once I became self-aware of my food, switching to tracking calories as well wasn’t so bad. I would highly recommend this method if you have issues with binge eating and secret eating.

I didn’t put exercise as a primary point in my weight loss. As I’ve lost more weight, I have started to exercise more, but this is because I want to have good cardiovascular health and be generally fit, not because I wanted to lose more weight. I lost slowly, at around .8lbs a week over two years. I eat exactly what I want, just in smaller quantities. I have discovered what foods make me feel bad and what foods make me feel good, and I choose them (or don’t choose them) accordingly.

To the resolutioners and new members of r/loseit, here is my advice. Do not go on a diet you cannot keep up for the rest of your life. Eat foods you want, drink drinks you want, exercise in a sustainable way for you. If you don’t, you will fall off the wagon, hard. And you may fall off the wagon a few times, and that’s okay! What matters is getting back on the wagon again.

Best of luck, losers! Go greet the day!

Tl;dr: after a year of neglecting myself, I decided to lose weight and complete several educational goals (graduate early, get in to grad school—did both!). Ended up losing around 100-110 pounds from my highest, about 90-100 from my start weight, depending on the day, in two years. Went from a size 20-22 to a size 6-8, as of yesterday. Took tracking slowly by starting without tracking calories, didn’t make exercise a fixture point in the process until recently, eventually moved to tracking calories and losing weight slowly. Ate what I wanted in smaller calories, made a lifestyle change instead of a drastic, unsustainable change. Decided today, on my 2 year anniversary of health, to begin maintaining.

submitted by /u/kjacmuse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat