Saturday, April 6, 2019

Becoming my own superhero...finding the inner hero inside of me and not being afraid anymore...

Hello everyone here at /r/loseit! Long time lurker, first time poster. Super nervous doing this but I hit a huge milestone today in my eyes and I wanted to share and maybe even see if my story can inspire others.

So I am a resolutioner/New Year's weight loss journey player.

A little background about myself: 28/M/293 starting out. I was diagnosed with moderate obstructive sleep apnea at the beginning of the year as well as having high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I have had weight issues my entire adult life. I was a chubby kid that was bullied in high school for being gay, being overweight and being different. I hated myself for a very long time and I turned to food for comfort and because darn it, fried foods, pizza, tacos, etc. taste really good. I struggled with my weight in college and joined Weight Watchers throughout my 2013-2016 post-graduate life and lost 55 pounds but gained it all back when I moved out-of-state to pursue my career. It got worse in 2016. I lost my best friend to a drug overdose, I was working an overnight job I didn't like and I ballooned. I was able to get out of that job but I never could shake off my last few years of self-sabotage and just not feeling good enough.

I had enough in 2018. I was obese, I was miserable and I didn't want to end my life prematurely with the way I was eating. Whole pizzas, 20 piece nuggets with large French fries and a crispy chicken sandwich with diet cokes, eating till I couldn't feel feelings anymore, resigning myself to my fate as an obese man. I soon realized all this junk food was killing me and it was basically me telling myself: You're not good enough to be healthy. I was tired of this version of myself and I knew I had to make that change now or I am resigning myself to an early, painful and unhealthy death. The doctor visit really pushed me over the edge as I had to go do a sleep study and being diagnosed was the worst day of my life. But I knew it was a great start for me to get motivated.

I was always inspired by superheroes and all the movies I've seen. I even was inspired by a lot of cosplayers on Instagram and it looked like fun. I was always thinking that being a cosplayer was "not cool" and freaky for grown men to wear spandex and go to comic conventions. Inside, I wanted to be a superhero, my own superhero. Someone that was strong and could be inspiring to others and himself. I found a cosplayer on Instagram who was also a personal trainer (based in Australia, I'm in the US) and he offered a lot of guidance and support and I made a goal to save money up to be a client of his and to fight my weight loss villain once and for all.

I started on 1/1/19 at 293 and today, 95 days later, I'm down 40 POUNDS! I have been doing muscle workouts three days a week, cardio five-six times a week and managing my calories and macros through MyFitnessPal. I got interviewed about my weight loss journey by a cosplaying YouTube channel and I hope to share it to this subreddit when it comes out in a week or so. I've made so many amazing cosplayer friends through instagram and I even treated myself to my first pair of Superman boots and I'm looking to get measured for costumes towards the end of the summer when I lose more weight and go as Shazam for Halloween and go to my first con in costume next year.

It's been super helpful having this now fun goal to help motivate my weight loss. I can't wait to become part of the community even more and showcase my hard work and hopefully inspire people that they can do this, you can change your life. It is hard work, it is blood, sweat and tears but we only get one opportunity to dance on this earth and it was time for me to step up on stage and I may have two left feet, but I'm dancing through life now. I feel better than ever. I cannot wait for my doctor to see me in June and to get retested for everything and hopefully kick high blood pressure (and the medicine), my cholesterol and my sleep apnea off the stage.

My mantra this year is be your own hero and I really feel like I am. Thank you for allowing me to share.

submitted by /u/miketothefullest
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Superfood Saturday: Beets

“Time will pass any way” - reminder for everyone with a big goal or slow weight loss

I was feeling kind of down about slow weight loss and how much longer it will take me to hit my goals when I remembered this phrase - “time will pass any way”. Basically, if you’re alive a year or two will go by no matter what whether or not you lose that weight. So why not lose the weight? Maybe I won’t hit all my goals as fast as I want, but I’m still making progress.

I didn’t have to buy new bigger clothes, which was slowly happening. Now I even have some clothes that are too big! I’m a year and three months into my weight loss journey and I’ve lost about 25 pounds. Even if I’m not in the healthy BMI range yet, my joints are happier, I look better and my clothes do too. I could be the same age but not have lost that weight.

So whether you have a big goal or just are disappointed that you’re not keeping up with some of the amazing losers on here, it might help to remember that “time will pass any way”.

PS I think this comes from Gretchen Rubin’s podcast. I can not recommend her work on habits and habit change enough for weight loss. She’ll help you understand your personality and how to work with it to make change including weight loss.

submitted by /u/Sienna57
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Freezing My Eggs–The Night Before Surgery

My egg freezing experience series. I’ve decided to freeze my eggs and I’m sharing every step of the process as I go through it. I started thinking about this over a year ago and kept going back and forth not sure if I should or shouldn’t go for it. After hearing something that pushed me to go for it I decided to move forward and now it feels like it’s happening so fast! I’m nervous and scared and overwhelmed.

This is the night before my egg retrieval! I’ve never had ‘real’ surgery before so I’m not sure what to expect. And I’m also not sure how many eggs I can get or really should get. I have a lot to share and catch up on!! But that’s coming soon. For now I wanted to share my thoughts in real time and I made a video just talking about how I’m feeling physically and mentally.

freezing my eggs the night before surgery

Egg Freezing – The Night Before My Egg Retrieval Surgery


Egg Freezing Series:

Egg Freezing Day 1announcement

Egg Freezing Week 1 Update

Egg Freezing Week 2 Update

Egg Freezing – Doing the Injections myself

More info is coming soon! I’m going to go through WHY I decided to go for it… how much egg freezing costs and some other important points next.

Let me know if you have any questions!

The post Freezing My Eggs–The Night Before Surgery appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Slowly transitioning to maintenance and changing my mentality (Questions and progress pics)

So, I've done really well and lost a lot of weight (yay!). Last summer I was ~280 pounds, and I started with a vegetarian diet and calorie counting but didn't go about it in a very good way. I would eat under budget some days, but then eat up the deficit on the weekends, and was over-estimating my exercise calories so progress was slow. I'm not sure how much I lost over this period because to be honest, I didn't want to weigh myself. I made some progress, but It wasn't until the beginning of this year that I started taking things seriously - I've gone from having an obese BMI to a healthy one in the last few months.

I appreciate this may seem like I've done things drastically, and in some ways I have. But I've been balancing my macronutrients, getting plenty of protein, and eating a healthy but nutritious diet (lots of eggs, chicken, peanut butter, veggies, had carbs but not too many, tried to keep the fats 'good ones', salads and general healthier choices and alternatives). And I have had my treats. Plenty of pub trips, some McDonald's, pizzas, TGI Fridays, Nandos, even a Chinese all you can eat (although when I was there I ate mainly vegetables because not being able to properly log what I was eating made me nervous!). But when I have, I've planned for them accordingly and had a 3-4000 weekly deficit on top of LoseIt's two-pound-a-week numbers the weeks where these have happened. On average, I'd say I've been having 1200-1500 calories a day, with one 2000 calorie day a week and the occasional indulgence day. Swimming four times a week, and walking at least 7,500 steps a day.

As of yesterday, I weighed 193 pounds and I'm 6 foot 3. I'm SO, SO, proud of what I've done. And I can't really believe that I am less than a stone from my personal goal weight. I want to start to transition to muscle building, but am also comfortable with slowing down my progress for these final pounds as I start to transition to maintenance calories.

I've had a big, tough week this week (it's positive, I've essentially had two job interviews and been offered both of them, so have a difficult decision coming up!) and I decided that I'm going to try and eat at maintenance this weekend, with some treats. I've got myself some pringles (rice infusions, so less than 500 calories for the tube still), a tub of Breyers ice cream, and am totally intending to have a nice big McDonald's this evening. Tomorrow, I'll go swimming but eat back some of those calories and shoot close to maintenance, but try to do it with 'healthy' food.

I'm doing this because I recognise I need to change my attitude towards how much I'm eating, because I think I could be in danger of developing an eating disorder. Seeing the weight fly off so quickly (and relatively simply, to be honest) has kept me super motivated to keep going. I still have some unwanted flab and fat around my belly and my hips that I want to get rid of, but I'm happy with my body and I want to try and change my approach to losing this last bit.

Does anyone have any advice for going forward? Right now the prospect of eating at maintenance scares me, because there's a thought at the back of my head that I'm going to put all the weight back on - even though I know and have seen how the maths of CICO works! I've lost weight before, but never this much, and I've always piled it back on pretty quickly but this time has to be different so I want to approach it properly. For those of you who had similar experiences, how did you start to slow your weight loss and change your mentality? Did you just slowly up your intake, or did you wait until you hit your goal and enjoyed the glorious extra 1000ish calories in one hit? Do you allow yourself more treats (as long as they fit into your daily intake)? Do you stick to the exact same things you have been eating, just more of them? Any general advice or experiences/anecdotes would be much appreciated!

Progress (photo on the left was taken July 2018, photo on the right mid-March 2019, about 6 or 7 pounds ago):

submitted by /u/resogunner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 5, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 06 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vacations and Weight Loss

Hey y’all, so I’ve been exercising daily and being very mindful of what I eat since the new year. I’ve dropped 30 lbs with about 20 more to go. So far I’ve been successful because my environment is high regulated and I’m on a strict schedule.

Next week, however, bf and I are going to the beach for spring break. It’s only 4 days, and I’m super conflicted about what to do. Should I eat and drink with abandon? Should I stick to the diet? Should I plan for one or two cheat meals? It’s giving me a lot of anxiety. I want to enjoy myself, but I don’t want to reverse this hard work.

What are your experiences with dieting while on vacation? Any tips or regrets? Thank you!

submitted by /u/aglazeddonut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat