Sunday, June 30, 2019

It's tough losing your coping method, even though it's a bad method.

I'll start out by saying that this past Friday, I officially began a clinical weight loss program consisting of meal replacements in the form of shakes. I'm consuming calories at a huge deficit plus it's all medically supervised due to the liquid diet. The shakes are formulated and my consumption is scheduled all for the sake of resetting and reestablishing a healthy relationship with food, which I need.

That said, I'm an emotional eater. I would eat to deal with negative emotions like sadness, anger, or even boredom. It was never a binge. Meals were meal-sized, snacks were snack-sized and even my new doctors agree I don't have an eating disorder. I used food as a positive to counteract the negative. Now, I must not eat due to the program and I am realizing that I have no way to process negative emotions right now. Personal problems, relationship issues, financial and work stresses, I can't eat them away anymore so I've been marinating in them for the last day. It's hard.

I don't know if I'm looking for advice or ideas or anything but, if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears.

submitted by /u/themagicforloop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

felt absolutely amazing losing but it seems to have come with an unexpected downfall? hair..?

i went on a little weight loss journey. and i mean little it wasn't that long about a month and maybe 5-7 pounds and i understand ~1lb/week is safe? so i don't think I went too overboard....

I did not necessarily track macros but have a good idea looking back. what I did was ate to satiety but didn't seek to eat. the biggest thing I did was skip my morning oats each day to carry on an intermittent fast that took me into a cardio session of light jogging or brisk walking enough to get my heart rate up. thing is, even day one I felt great and didn't need to eat right after, it basically pushed my first meal back another 2 hours. I also cut out a lot of fruit snacking after realizing I was having like 2 apples and 2 bananas a day which I never knew was basically 300 calories mostly sugar. Basically stuck to berries and one or the other each day. And I cut back a little on meat, I barely eat red meat to begin with but I do eat chicken and fish. Just smaller portions of them basically.

So looking back I believe my deficit was around 400 or so calories. ~200 for my oats, 150 reducing on fruits, and 100 on meats.

But during this time I felt great. Rolling out of bed and getting a little sweat going seemed to give me more energy than coffee and oats. And I enjoyed what I was seeing on the scale. But suddenly my hair is thinning! bad, I now see a spot that looks like a valley with individual strands and a bald scalp. Running my hands through my hair feels different. And my hair also feels dull and limp.

I think it's diet related cause nothing else has been going on with me besides changing it up and adding IF. But could 4 weeks of not even too much deficit really do this much to my hair? And what gets me upset is I really felt great, which is off putting for the future if this is related. I don't think I had a crazy weight loss and my mornings felt better, it felt nice to eat and not feel bogged down with a heavy stomach.

submitted by /u/dryedoutmess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Leg 2 of weightloss journey - accountability post

In 2017 I lost 55lbs total and went from an obese 228lbs to an overweight 173lbs. I was proud of myself. But I was burnt out and lost motivation. I've decided to start finishing my weight loss journey starting this past week so I can give myself the gift of not being overweight for Christmas this year. I hadn't weighed myself since I started I stopped tracking my calories in fall 2017, so I was scared of what I might see on the scale. I weighed in at 185lbs (ouch) but not as bad as I feared. It's been less than a week and I've lost 5lbs of water weight, so a little motivation boost lol.

I have to get down past 168lbs to not be classified as overweight. I know I can do this. I've done it before. Tracking isn't hard. I just need to get back in the habit. I also need to start doing exercise. Get my road bike back down, hurch up the ride along for the kiddo and go for rides to the park. Fill my duffle bag with sand and start deadlifting, rowing, and pressing the thing (can't squat army killed the knees). I know what I need to do. I've done it before. But this time I'm staring at an undefined finish line. I dont know what my actual weight goal is going to be. I just want to wear my old pre-pregancy pants (sizes 4-6).

But the first hurdle is getting down past 168lbs before Christmas. I've got 25 wks til Christmas and 17lbs to lose. I should easily be able to hit goal by November but I know there will be bad weeks and there will be hiccups. That's just the name of the beast. Plus the loser your weight is the harder it is to lose. But I know I got this and it's going to a f*cking amazing Christmas!

submitted by /u/inkpoisonedsoul
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I went back to my old church after three years and almost nobody recognized me

This morning I decided to visit my old church for selfish reason, to show off my new body. I am hovering around 155 now, but I used to weigh 400 pounds. I stopped going to that church because at one time, two ladies, who told me they were speaking for the pastor asked me to. (Later I found out they had lied to me), gave me the very strong impression they wanted me to leave. It was my lowest point as a fat person. As a result I wanted to die, that day. I got in my car and i really wanted to drive it into the stone in from of the office. They offered to help me, which I had not asked for and didn't expect, then when I said okay help me, they told me they were too busy to help me.

I was so hurt that for a long time I didn't go to church. Then I decided to focus on my health, because my previous weight loss had led to disappointment because it didn't make my problems go away, as I had been promised. Finally I realized that the only problem I can improve by losing weight is my health and this time the improvement has not been disappointing.

I feel great and I look great. So I went to church this morning and a half a dozen people I knew didn't recognize me. It felt great!!! I will admit I just wanted to go to church to show off my new body and just soak in the compliments.

submitted by /u/BBFan1958
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Brother Called Me Overweight...When He Himself is Overweight

I just need a quick rant, since this has been bugging me in the back of my head since last night.

So, my older brother commented on my weight. He said that, despite my weight loss, I still have a belly, am overweight, and don't look as slim as I used to last year.

I'm 135 lbs. at 5'6'' with a 29-inch waist. Last year, I was 140 lbs. with a 30-inch waist. So...I don't know what he's going on about.

Oh wait, I know. He's mad that I'm actually sticking to an exercise routine, am in the process of changing into a healthier lifestyle, and seem a lot happier these days because of my weight loss and improved fitness levels. Meanwhile, he's gorging on midnight snacks and second dinners (and they're not small, either), half-assing his workouts, and talking about how hard weight loss is instead of, you know, just doing it.

I know I shouldn't be so hung up about this, especially considering my brother won't even consider CICO because "it's too much effort," but man, that really grinded my gears for all of last night and today.

submitted by /u/omegagiga23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

In need of a motivation buddy.

Hello! I (21/F) have been slowly losing weight for the past year. I started around 220 lbs and today I weighed in at 188.4 lbs. I haven't weighed below 190 since I was 17. I honestly have no idea how I lost this weight. I try running twice a week and my daily life is super active and busy working with kids and walking/bussing as my main transportation. I am not on a diet, but I don't like to eat a lot.

Now that I've lost some weight, I really want to push myself to be my most healthy self and be fit. I did an at-home workout today and I could literally only do half of it. It really crushed me because I thought I was becoming so much stronger from running and doing weights. So now I feel discouraged and like I've made no progress.

I really want someone to chat with and keep ourselves motivated, because I really have no one to talk to about weight because many of my friends have struggles with EDs and I don't want to talk about weight loss with them. I would love to hear your stories and what you do to stay motivated! (For example, I wanted to go to the gym today but since the 15 minute at-home workout kicked my ass, I feel like I would have a super shitty workout and feel even worse after)

Feel free to message me or comment!! I love meeting new people who are trying to lose weight!

submitted by /u/urnice2jk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally lost 50ibs and I’ve been through so much! I am finally proud of myself.

So I just wanted to say I’ve come so far and I’m proud. I suffered from anxiety and depression for too long and didn’t know I was masking it throughout the years. I was drinking alcohol nonstop and eating tons of unhealthy foods. I was so beyond lonely that I endured a 2 year break from college because I failed out with a 1.3gpa from not trying, being too depressed to leave my dorm... etc. For background: I’m 5’7”, a small framed ectotherm, and last year at this time, I weighed upwards of 175-180ibs. I was a size 32 in jeans and a size 13-14 in dresses. I didn’t clean up after myself. I slept until 2pm. Etc. I was in shambles just a year ago. I was essentially the size of my boyfriend when we met. My last relationship was extremely abusive. The man I’m with now essentially fell for me when I was at my worst without realizing it and the distance we have come together has been unbelievable. We have grown a much deeper level of trust, understanding, and love. It’s something I had to learn to give to myself and by body.

About a year ago I finally had enough...and 3 months ago I decided to spontaneously cut my lease and move from Tampa to Orlando to be with the love of my life who met me at my worst and pushed me for the better every day. It was a now or never type feeling. It felt like it was my time and it was the perfect time. It’s felt like the most right decision I’ve made yet.

Well, today I can proudly say I am down to a size 2-4 depending on clothing brand. I am a size 25-26 in jeans. I’m now 121 Ibs. I rarely ever drink. I went to a house party sober last night. I’ve been back in school and also maintaining a 3.9gpa. I’m going on 1 year with the man I want to marry. I am finally making new friends in Orlando and I’ve discovered many passions I never knew I had such as writing, gardening, and biking. I am in therapy and seeing a psychiatrist soon. I am getting less lonely every day and I finally feel like a new person. I feel like my life is coming back.

All in all, my General Anxiety Disorder. and Panic Disorder led to depression without me even realizing it. Masking it is what caused my Panic Disorder. It is was stemmed my obesity.

Moral of the story is it’s never too late to turn your life around. It’s never too late to take the first step and go on that diet and go on that bike ride. The weight loss really helps with the rest. It’s never too late to make your comeback and it’s never too late to succeed in silence.

80% was diet, 20% was exercise.

If you read this thank you. It’s never too late for you. I’m always open for discussion and helping others. It took me a long time to finally be ready. (3+ years).

submitted by /u/SonicDooscar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat