Thursday, July 2, 2020

It’s been one year and a day since I began my weight loss journey! (462lbs —> 265lbs)

Hey r/loseit, u/fyrewal here and I’ve been a long time lurker of this subreddit and several others including r/intermittentfasting and others.

I began my weight loss journey on July 1, 2019, with a plan to log my calories (in MyFitnessPal), create a calorie deficit, intermittent fast and begin exercising. Doing those three things for the past 367 days I’ve lost 197 pounds going from my beginning weight of 462 pounds to my current weight of 265 pounds.

People have been asking me recently how I “did it,” how I lost so much weight, and there’s no magic bullet or one-size-fits-all weight loss plan. It took me years of trying and failed attempts to finally get it right and my progress today isn’t without a ton of personal willpower and hard work.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that for anyone reading this who is unhappy with their weight but has tried before and failed, don’t let your past failures discourage you and dictate your will to try again. I wish I could go back and tell younger me that was struggling with losing weight and plateauing that it is possible to lose weight and that I just had to educate myself on how to do it. That’s what r/loseit and r/intermittentfasting helped me to do, to educate myself on how to lose weight and I’m forever grateful to the entire community for the role it played in my success.

TL;DR researching on r/loseit and other subreddits helped me lose 197 pounds in 12 months and you can do it too!

Obligatory before and after pic: before/after

Edit: I went from a BMI of 59.3 to a BMI of 34.0.

submitted by /u/fyrewal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I saw a registered dietician who prescribed intuitive eating. What is your experience with intuitive eating and weight loss?

I saw a registered dietician and she prescribed intuitive eating. No weighing food, no measuring, no counting calories or macros. Only listening to my body’s signals, eating half my plate in vegetables, quarter in starch, and quarter protein. Have you tried intuitive eating? Have you lost weight? I am 5’2” and have been 135lbs ( 10 years ago) up to 230 lbs. In the past 1 year I gained 80 lbs when actively trying to lose weight. I became very frustrated with this and decided to finally see a professional.

Trying intuitive eating seems scary. It’s day 2 of trying it- and I have no idea how many calories I have eaten, but I defiantly didn’t go overboard and eat like crap. Trying to listen to my body’s signals, just scared that this will not result in weight loss.

submitted by /u/etherealdaisy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Pee on the Run – Disposable Urinal Review 127

Need to pee on the run? Don’t want to duck behind a neighbor’s roses?? Here are my thoughts on the Travel Jane Disposable Urinal – Review. Plus a marathon training update! Go to for notes, links and photos. I didn’t mention it on the episode but I stepped up my mask game and have ... Read More about How to Pee on the Run – Disposable Urinal Review 127

The post How to Pee on the Run – Disposable Urinal Review 127 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Finally, finally, finally I love exercise!

You know how most people who start on a weight loss journey report that exercise is easier and you grow to love it, but it's the food moderation that's a pain? For me it's always been the exact opposite. Perhaps it's due to a history of EDs, perhaps it's due to the fact that I just don't like reps of anything and I tend to get bored.

So here I am, in my twenties, still having to force myself to work out - especially now in the era of quarantines and lockdowns. So when the quarantine began, I finally sat down and thought about my past with exercise. My parents made sure I was an active kid by enrolling me in dance when I was 7, and I stuck with that until I was 14. And here's the thing: I didn't even look at it as exercise. It was a thing I did after school, the same as painting or anything else. And perhaps it's for this reason that, dumb as it may sound, dance just didn't occur to me as a possibility. All I ever did was gyms and at-home aerobics.

So I got online, did some googling, and found Just Dance. And if you'd told me it would be a video game that would finally, FINALLY result in elation to work out, I'd have keeled over laughing. But I've been dancing to a video game for the past three months, and I feel better both emotionally and physically than I have in ages.

And obviously it wouldn't work for everyone. But I'm just so thrilled to have finally, finally, finally gotten to this place that I needed to share. And if you take anything away from this and you're in the same boat that I used to be, I hope you can take a moment to consider which activities you enjoy and try those out for size, even if you failed to consider them as exercise. I imagine most people have figured this out ages ago, but on the off chance that someone hasn't - it's my heartfelt recommendation that you do.

submitted by /u/NeedyPudding
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Comments regarding weight loss...

Do any of you feel uncomfortable when comments are made regarding weight loss? I have “only” lost about 10lbs (164-154), but have been exercising daily since November and really increased my activity even more since May. I know I look a lot different! I work in home health and since COVID-19, we are working out of cars 99% of the time and just go to the office for bathroom/supplies. That being said, not everyone has seen me for the last few months. Yesterday, I had a coworker stop me and say she wanted to ask me a personal question. She asked if I was sick because I looked “really thin.” She said she was worried about me. Honestly, I was shocked. Did she just say I looked sickly? Ha. I am 5’4, so at 154 am still considered overweight and my goal is 135/140. I can only imagine what they will say then! I have had a few coworkers say things like “skinny minnie” or just “you look like you’ve really lost weight.” How the heck do I respond to this?! It’s so uncomfortable because I feel like 1. They are assessing my body and 2. Was I really that big before? A lot of them have done keto in the past and I think they can’t understand that someone could lose weight with exercise and CICO (none of them do any physical activity).

submitted by /u/OT_Mommy12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Month Update: I’ve lost just under 50kg (110lbs); ran a 5k without stopping, walked a 25k walk; dropped 13 points from my BMI; walked nearly 2M steps; and had a beautiful baby boy!

Buckle up, it’s a long-ish post, sorry!

Obligatory before and after face gains picture.

M / 29 / SW: 153.2kg / CW: 103.6kg / GW1: 100kg / GW2: 90kg

Hello! Yes, as per the title, I feel like accomplished so much in the space of 6 months and can’t wait to see what the next 6 months has in store.


I’ve been tracking everything I’ve eaten and drank, my daily steps and my exercises in a spreadsheet to see the trends and for me to play with the data. I made a post about this at the very start of the year, but here's an update to my progress.

When I realised weight loss was pretty much science, that’s when it clicked for me and I found it easier to follow. I worked out my TDEE, chose my deficit and away I went. I didn’t eat back any exercise calories as I knew these weren’t 100% accurate.

I introduced intermittent fasting a couple of weeks into my weight loss journey after stumbling across it on Reddit. It is an amazing tool to help keep myself focused, disciplined and constrict the amount of daily calories I have. I do 16:8 but more recently have been doing 18:6 with the way our routine has worked out going back and fourth from the hospital.


To be honest, the food I’m eating hasn’t really changed, it’s mainly portion sizes that I’ve changed. Before, one of our favourite meals, cajun rice, would have been eaten up in two portions, but now, it does serve four. I’m still treating myself to the odd take out, having treats and candy but just not eating as much.

We shop for groceries online for click and collect and plan our meals out for the week. This is something we’ve done for a while and really helps in both keeping costs down and also not spontaneously buying treats as you walk round the supermarket.


I haven’t drank alcohol this year. I’ve never really been a big drinker anyway, I just enjoy the odd drink now and then, and especially cocktails!

I used to guzzle squash (cordial drink that you mix with water, for my American friends), like there’s no tomorrow, and I used to drink it very strong. I never liked water, really didn’t like the taste, but that’s now changed completely. I’m now drinking lots of water everyday, and I might have the odd can of Pepsi Max with dinner.


I use my Apple Watch everyday and close my rings every day. I have closed all three rings every day since January 9th. I walk the dog everyday at a brisk pace and would take longer walks at the weekend, like 10-20km walks. As my wife was pregnant at the time, I did this alone and just stuck on a podcast or music to listen to.

I try and play Ring Fit Adventure everyday, for like 30-45 minutes. It definitely gets me sweaty and I have fun playing it. It’s not like a gym workout by no means, but it sure does help in my opinion. I’ve got some muscles growing in (is that how you’d say it?)/getting bigger and noticing much more definition than before. Gyms are still closed here but I’m definitely considering joining one when I can to work on the strength training side of things.


Well, this is where it’s all over the place isn’t it? With coronavirus sweeping the world, things are so different! We have had our baby boy! He’s in NICU at the moment, but will be coming home with us in August. He's the biggest motivator for me, for sure. We haven’t been able to see family properly and they haven’t been able to see their new grandchild just yet, but hopefully not for too much longer.

Sleeping is so much different now! I feel like my knees are knobbly and all boney haha! I’m much more happier in myself, I have clothes that fit me better, I’m able to buy clothes in normal high street shops. My back doesn’t hurt nowhere near as much as it did before. I feel more confident, taller (is that possible?)

Sign off

Hopefully that sums up my last 6 months and hopefully there’s just one bit of info that helps you on your journey. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and hope you have a fantastic day!

P.S., I’m over on MyFitnessPal under the same name if you want to add me. Have a great day!

submitted by /u/KingBenneth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight causing family problems

Hello, It's my first post here and I don't know if I can explain my situation the right way, especially since English is not my first language, but let's give it a try. It's 3am here so I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes I've made but I'm too tired to correct them rn.

Till my teens I was really, really skinny person, but developing bad eating habits and no physical activity led to huge weight gain - at the age of 14(M) I was ~ 5'6ft 170cm and my weight was 209lbs 95kg. I was kind of fitting into my family tradition, because everyone around me was overweight or obese, and no one knew anything about good eating habits. Having no support I became "that obese kid" in a school and I was slowly loosing all my friends. I became really shy person and developed many strictly introvert behaviors that stick to me till today.

When my social life and health were completely ruined and I was about to go to high school my sister persuaded my mom to start a weight loss diet. As she says it was hard, because my mom kept saying that "yeah don't ya worry he will be fine he still has plenty of time to grow higher, it's obvious that he won't be overweight in few years". Well, no. I'd probably become damn walking ball (or not even able to walk, I'll mention it later).

First few months of the diet were hard - the only vegetables I ate were tomato and cucumber, so I was really struggling to stick to it, but I had no choice - I was surrounded by healthy food and support, mostly coming from my sister. I was really sceptical about the idea, but days have passed, first pounds have been lost and I started well, can't say I enjoyed the idea but following the diet became easier. After few weeks my sister moved to another country to study, so the hardest period of time has come - me and my mom, both fat and with no motivation and knowledge to follow strict rules from day to day became on our own.

We've managed to follow the diet for 6 months, so to holiday. Then something happend (can't quite remember what) and my mom stopped the diet despite the amazing weight loss success. I had to make a choice if I wanted to keep on track or go back to my shitty life. Because I had no friends and absolutely nothing to do during summer I decided to give it a try and start a diet on my own. During these two months I was cooking alone motivated by the weight loss which started to become visible and more importantly by conviction that I won't get any friends in new school. When school started I somehow managed to make few friends (only 3 but hey, that was a real success for me), and strated (at the age of 15) cooking for me, my mother (she's workaholic, works since 8am to 9pm) and my aunt (obese, whole day every day taking care of my 100yo grandma who's the only not overweight person in my family).

During that period of time I've been diagnosed with hernia in my spine that popped out (the disease is more complex) and overnight I became stuck to bed for few months. Every move I made caused huge amount of pain but rehabilitation helped and I could function normally. At this moment loosing weight was crucial in order not feeling pain whenever I sit or bend over. After a year everyday pain has gone away, but still after a moderate physical activity it was coming back. The next months of diet were passing, and now we are in 2020.

My mom and aunt had a break in the diet for 3 months, mainly because I wanted to give keto a try, but they went back on track after that. During 3 years I have become aware of what is healthy and what is trash food, started exercising and lost over 66lbs 30kg (5'10ft 177cm).

Now my mom and aunt are still overweight because of the habits they were developing their whole lives, but I have achieved success. Loosing weight helped me get rid of pain caused by hernia, made me more sociable and I've made more wonderful friendships but many behaviours I've developed being fat are still sticking to me.

Sorry for really long introduction to the whole situation but I wanted to give you a good picture of my motivations.

Rn I'm looking not so terribly bad, I've been exercising daily for few months but still following a weight loss diet but my (still overweight) family have turned against me. My aunt and mother are the biggest opponents - they say that I look extremely skinny and they can see my bones (they can't, collarbones does not count) and try to prevent my diet at all costs. It's even more weird, because I still cook for them and try to HELP them loose that damn weight.

I've had a long talk with my mom few weeks ago and it helped till now when again she wants to do everything to stop me from loosing weight (now I'm kind of skinny-fat so the more fat I loose the easier it will be to do the cut after bulking) (I just want to get down to the 132lbs 60kgs so only 10/5 lbs/kgs left). I know that she cares about me so I shouldn't be upset but I thought she understood everything when I explained my motivations few weeks ago (it was really honest and hard talk). I don't know how to calm them down and explain that I am definitely not going to become anorectic or anything like that.

I'm doing my best to change my and their lives but it has become extremely hard since everyday I hear that we should visit a doctor, they can see my bones or statements that I don't know when to say stop.

Everyone who is still there, please give me an advice on how I should explain to my family that I'm okay and that the healthy habits are really important to me as they changed my life and greatly improved my mental health. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/UltimateHorseChicken
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from loseit - Lose the Fat