Sunday, November 28, 2021

Can anyone tell me about their experience with Orlistat and exercising?

I am a 27f, 330lb. I have been strength training for 6 months now. I've lost barely 10lb, but have hugely increased my fitness ability. I am a lot stronger, doubled what I can lift, have better balance, my movements feel lighter and more controlled, which I guess comes from my muscles being able to support my weight more easily now they are stronger. I am also more toned, though being my size it isn't hugely noticeable.

My doctor is pleased with my exercise and diet progress and thinks that my PCOS is contributing to the lack of overall weight loss, as the condition does make it very difficult to lose weight. She recommended Orlistas 120mg for me to try. I've looked up all the reviews, but I can't find anything from people who combined Orlistat with strength training, or any exercise in general. In every experience I read about, no one mentioned exercising in any way other than they were thinking of starting.

If you have tried Orlistat combined with exercise, particularly strength training, can you please tell me your experience?

submitted by /u/Clopidee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm Committing to Start Today Despite the Upcoming Holiday Season.

I've been 'trying' to lose weight for years now. I keep telling myself that today is the last day, or that I'll start on Monday, on the 1st of next month, on the weekend, ect. Basically any future date that wasn't the current day would be a license to binge and not pay attention to what I was eating. I know that I need to stop starting tomorrow, and start today, right now. With Christmas coming up it is tempting to postpone until new years.

I am saying NO. I am starting NOW. I don't expect to drop a ton of weight over the holidays, but I am aiming to kickstart my weight loss journey by losing 5 kg (11 lbs) before the new year.

My current weight is 109 kg (240lbs). My ultimate goal weight is 65 kg (143 lbs) for now but once I reach 65kg I'll reassess and adjust up or down for maintenance with what suits my frame. I haven't been a healthy weight for 7 years now, so I don't know what my ideal size is yet. Currently I am tired all the time, have deep red stretch marks all over my stomach, thighs, and arms from gaining weight, have awful chubrub between my thighs, and developed anterior pelvic tilt due to my size which causes lower back pain and other posture issues. I need to lose weight for my future.

I'm wishing strength upon anyone else choosing to start their journey just before the holiday season :) Let's do this.

submitted by /u/TheFirstTacoSlice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Highest weight in my life

Yesterday i measured myself at night and i weighted 100.9 Kg (222.4 lbs). First time ever i have seen three digits on a scale. First time in the obese BMI category.

Now 19, i've been struggling with weight since about when i was 12. Although i reached what i thought was the end of my weight loss journey last june when i hit 70 Kg (154 lbs), i gained the weight i lost and a lot more.

I somehow got into a negative spiral at the beggining of this year when i gained some weight back, combined with depression. Got into binge eating that even occured today. Promising every night that i won't get back into it, while breaking it every single day.

I'm sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy. This time i'm making a permanent change in my eating habits and i will excercise more. Weighting myself when possible every monday until reachingm my ideal weight range and taking pics to compare. I got to say, the time when i was at my goal weight, that was so satisfying and life was genuinly easier those few months. It's more than worht it to have a healthy weight, believe me. Now good luck everybody and let's get to work!

submitted by /u/Zindaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

To those worried about being judged

I’m on my second round of weight loss about ten years ago I went from 270-190. I was a big fat dude. This time I’m from 293-223 currently. I trained at planet fitness until I was fit enough to even try to run, then I started running the same path in a park, a beautiful two mile loop.

Anyways the only people who ever and I mean ever had anything discouraging to say were those closest to me. My gym staff was hugely supportive and a complimented not only my weight loss but my work ethic. Strangers would approach me and compliment me, not because I was super fit, but because they saw me putting in work. At one point I got stopped mid run by a random guy who was a regular at the store I worked at to comment on the change.

People aren’t judging you if they see you doing work. We all do have to do it and go through it. I found so many supportive people out there, and made friends along the way.

Don’t be worried about what people are thinking because if they are paying any attention to you at all most of them are thinking you’re kicking ass.

submitted by /u/Physical_Selection88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

27 pounds down and still unhappy (need advice)

So im 23 5'0 and I'm weighing 158 pounds. I haven't been around that weight in a long time and I'm proud of myself. I used to weigh 185 pounds. At the same time...i don't feel happy and I feel more hesitant when eating any kind of food. Yesterday i overate and today I'm at 160 which i know is just water weight that will go down once i get back into my routine but still. I was really happy during my journey but even with the continued weight loss I've lost the excitement. I think its due to the stress of finals but also because i don't see the physical changes yet. i do feel smaller in my clothes and i see some changes but..i still have my belly. Sometimes, on dating subreddits i see girls asking if guys will date bigger girls. Some say yes, some say no, all with valid reasons. And then some guys just say that chunky girls are turnoffs and are grossed out by their bodies. It makes me look at myself like I'm gross. I'm ok with people having preferences, but when people insult body types similar to mine it makes me feel bad. IDK does anyone have these mental struggles? Feeling pretty down.

submitted by /u/Inevitable-Tomato-81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get energy to exercise when always sleep deprived?

I am 32F weigh 177 lbs and am 5'2. My goal weight is around 130 lbs.

I understand CICO and I know most weight loss has to be done in the kitchen...

But I need to exercise too. My parents both have coronary artery disease and my dad dropped dead of a heart attack at age 58. I feel my health is at risk and I need to incorporate real exercise.

The problem is I'm always so exhausted. I work three 12 hour shifts a week as a nurse. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and neither of them sleep through the night. On my days off I'm just trying to get to nap time so I can lay down for 45- an hour most of the time.

I just don't know how to find the energy and motivation to even exercise.

Any advice ?

submitted by /u/Mcnursekat48
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being tall is a... Mood... (23F)

Last January I was 78kg, I wasn't too overweight for my height (178cm) but I felt sluggish, unhappy and just... Not great. I decided to watch what I eat and to exercise regularly (which I did do quite regularly until June) and ended up losing 8kgs this year! The last few came off randomly but I suspect the reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depression due to me taking steps to overcome a severe B-12 and Vit D deficiency have helped!

Overall I feel more confident, clothes fit better and I would like to get back to my exercise routine soon. However, the weight loss isn't really evident on my frame. Maybe it's just the way I'm built, but do the other tall women here maybe feel the same way? Let me know!

submitted by /u/sunsetbarrage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat