Thursday, January 13, 2022

Getting some mixed input on the “mom apron” issue, need help with this problem area…

SW: 260lbs CW: 190lbs GW: 150?

Anyway! I lurk here and there often but don’t post ever. I started my weight loss this round in August 2021 and I’m down 70 lbs right now.

Here’s some appropriate progress photos, if you’re interested

I talked with my doctor and he got me started with an appetite suppressant and put me on the good old calorie count, log your food and exercise 2-3 times a week regiment! It works for me, which is wild. Without the appetite suppressant to start me off I don’t know that I would have lasted so I’m honestly stoked I got the guts to ask Dr. Thin Athletic man I just met for help. I was a 26 in pants and I’m a 16, starting on 14 now. A 3X to a Large/XL depending on the brand.

Anyway! Some of my skin is starting to not quite bounce back as much as the other parts of my body has. I knew this was going to happen. I’ve not only had 2 kids but I’m also short and have been obese my entire life. Puberty hit me at about eight (lucky gal) so I’ve been overweight since about eight and a half. In short I’ve had this belly for a long time and in its tenure it’s done quite a bit of extra stretching with gain loss and two full pregnancies…. The apron doesn’t seem to deflate.

I’ve done some googling I’ve looked everywhere online and I feel like most things are a gimmick or are for people who don’t really have much of a overhang to work with. I’ve been doing plenty of varied exercise and don’t understand if I’m not doing the proper work. Will I have to get surgery to make any progress on the mommy apron? It’s held on to seemingly all its fat deposit and honestly seeing that through a dress is what made me start acting on losing weight. It’s really disheartening to do so much, to LOSE so much and then still have the one thing you really have a hard time with not change a bit..

So if there’s something I can do that’s not gonna take the lottery to afford to fix this flabby thing let me know folks!

submitted by /u/catsilikecats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] January 13, 2022 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

Welcome back to the Century Club!

The Century Club is a regular weekly thread that I have been hosting since mid-2020 that started as a bit of a running gag. I often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays, and that joke has evolved into this regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way as well as anyone who is just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Each week I will usually provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by recent posts or comments. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Starting 2022 - 2021 recap - 2020 recap

Mind Games

This week's post arises from a recent post by u/gretro450 who posted that despite going from 300 to 180 lbs they have never felt fatter despite objectively being much smaller than before.

I'm going through that a bit myself right about now. I know that I'm objectively still right around 110 lbs lower than my HW, but just carrying about 5-6 lbs more than my average maintenance weight feels like A LOT. I feel FAT, even though my brain tells me that objectively I'm really not. My clothes feel noticeably more snug, but are they really? Or it is just a trick my mind is playing on me because it's cold and I'm dressing up in layers. So I'm just cutting back a bit being a bit more careful for a couple of months to get back closer to the center of my maintenance range. No target for a particular deficit, just looking to shed 4-8 lbs in January and February.

Many of us also struggle with a form of body dysmorphia that still has us mentally thinking we're "big people". I look at my clothes when I'm not in them and think that there is no freaking way that I fit into that, but still I do. I can squeeze behind a chair at the dinner table or in a conference room at work despite hesitating because I'm NEVER going to fit in there.

There's a little voice in my head that often tells me that "I'm a BIG guy." It sounds like me, but whoever it is, he really doesn't know much.

Of course there are other kinds of tricks our minds play on us, like believing that we are "destined" to be fat due to our genetics, economic situation or environment and so we simply don't ever really TRY to make a real, lasting change. Why bother? You can't fight destiny...

By far the most disorienting mind game that many of us experience in one form or other is dissociation of self-image. It's very disconcerting to look in the mirror and frankly not recognize yourself. Or to spend several minutes looking at a group picture and being unable to find yourself. It's even worse when you look at an old picture of yourself and don't immediately associate that with "you". This happened to me when a High School friend sent me a picture of me from High School weighing close to what I do now and I could swear it was my son. It couldn't be me. What was he doing with my parents though? Fortunately that phase dissipated after a few months, disorienting as it was.

So how about you Centurion? What games and tricks has your mind played on you that have interfered with starting, continuing or maintaining your weight loss journey? Have you found any techniques to help retrain your mind when it tries to mislead you?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How many calories in air fryer chicken wings?

I’m making 8 of them for dinner (half drums, half flats) and am having the hardest time finding calorie information online. Everything I’ve found ranges from 60 to 120 calories per wing.

They’re skin-on, dry rub only, made in the air fryer. Can anyone provide a guesstimate?

I’m new to this whole weight loss and calorie counting thing so I don’t wanna screw it up off the bat. My current stats are female, 5’10, 185 pounds.

submitted by /u/letsgetabus1232
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question for the ladies

We all know the joke that weight seems to leave our breasts first. Anyone remember that cartoon commercial?

Ladies, have you noticed inches coming off of other areas in a specific way? For me, it's usually: breasts, waist, calves, thighs, and then butt. The hips seem to be the absolute last to register measurement changes as the lbs drop. In the past when I lost 30 lbs, my butt and hips took till the final end to see a drop in pant sizes, even though everything else had changed.

This is not a fat target weight loss question, since that doesn't work. Just curious how other ladies experience changes in overall fat distribution over time.

submitted by /u/BizarroBenes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hydrate Your Hustle! Try Our NEW Hydrating Energy Boost

Give your water an energizing boost with our NEW Hydrating Energy Boost supplement! Stay hydrated with a refreshing burst of strawberry lemon flavor and essential energy.

Specially formulated with caffeine, this mix-and-sip solution helps you feel more energetic and supports a healthy metabolism.* Simply stir it into 16 fluid ounces of cold water to hydrate your hustle and energize your day!

Featuring the delicious flavor of strawberry lemon and 25 calories per serving, the Hydrating Energy Boost is crafted with caffeine to invigorate your body and support a healthy metabolism.* It also contains electrolytes to support hydration and make your water work harder.

It’s no secret that hydration is essential for healthy weight loss. If you struggle with the boringness of plain water, this supplement can help you achieve your daily hydration goals by adding delicious flavor to your glass. Even better, it contains 2g added sugar and no artificial sweeteners!

Hydrate your hustle with 28 ready-to-scoop servings! Click here to try our Strawberry Lemon Hydrating Energy Boost >

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product has not been shown to increase the efficacy of the Nutrisystem program.


The post Hydrate Your Hustle! Try Our NEW Hydrating Energy Boost appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I’ve read online that weight gain and loss can mess with your cycle, is it possible in my case?

I’m 23F. My cycles have always been inconsistent at best but usually land around 34 days or less. However, I’m currently on day 45 with no sign of a period yet. I took two pregnancy tests last week and they came up negative (may take them again because anxiety lol).

I’ve been doing some reading on causes of delayed periods, and I noted that weight loss and gain was a common theme on the lists. However, they usually had the footnote “in extreme cases,” and I am not sure what makes that threshold and if that might be affecting my cycle.

Since the beginning of my last cycle, which was on November 28 or so, I gained nine pounds between holidays, my usual shitty eating habits, and an ill conceived “food funeral,” and then, since the first, lost three and a half of them with mostly diet but some exercise as well. While these aren’t the most extreme, do you think that the rapid changes could have had an affect? Should I go take another test? Gah lol

submitted by /u/fashionbackwards
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

How do you pick a target weight?

My stats are 35 years old, F, 5’3”, SW: 143, CW: 123.

I’ve been going through the weight loss journey for a bit over 3 months now, averaging ~1.2lbs per week and just hit 20lbs lost today! As a lurker, I’ve found this community extremely helpful, especially with the mental game. The key pieces of advice I got from here are (1) focusing on “volume eating”, ie eating lots of non-calories dense food and (2) daily weight tracking but not getting caught up in the occasional upswings (3) taking a sustainable long term approach - if I’m hungry, I eat.

However one thing that I’ve been struggling with is picking a good target weight stopping point. I always assumed that as I got closer, I’d just pick whatever looks good. But now that I’m just 16 lbs from the bottom of the healthy weight band, I’m having trouble making the call on a particular number and feeling a slight bit of body dysmorphia - some days I look in the mirror and feel that I look great, other days I feel like there’s still a ways to go. Any advice on this front? I think it’s worth mentioning that for the next stage, I’m planning to do a very slow lean bulk, focusing on weight training to build up some muscle mass.

submitted by /u/52weeksofavocado
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from loseit - Lose the Fat