Saturday, July 30, 2022

33F CW 220, GW 160 looking for accountability partner

I’m hoping to find another female preferably to message on here or text just about daily or every other day with weight loss motivation, goals, challenges, etc. Just a weight loss friend! Preferably someone who has a bit to lose like me and wants to share back and forth about both of our journeys. I’m in the Pacific time zone (near Seattle). I’ve had accountability buddies in the past and really enjoyed it. Let’s get to losing!

submitted by /u/suckafree66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What Keeps you Motivated!

I'm currently going through a weight loss journey where I've lost 18 pounds. A lot of you guys would say it's not that much but it's a lot for me. My goal is to get to 30 and I wanted to hear about what people do to remind them of their end goal. Personally, I've tried the motivational wallpaper, post-it, and all this flafla which didn't really do it for me. I recently started wearing some simple wristbands with motivational quotes on them. They are very subtle but very effective for me. Everytime I don't feel like doing something, I look down to my wrist and these couple words remind of my "WHY". I'll put the link to get them but I want to know what you guys do to constantly remind yourself of your objective? I'm open for suggestions in this journey that is only getting harder from here! Cheers

submitted by /u/Jimmy_Dangles2121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am considering weight loss surgery. Can i hear some of ur experiences?

I (22f) am regular at the gym, eat healthy and am mindful and can also lose weight when i put the work in, but fact of the matter is my mental health dictates my life whether i like it or jot and if my brain decides its too overwhelming i stop actively losing weight and just focus on being healthy.

I recently got diagnosed with Bipolar DisorderII that means theyre still experimenting with medication and honestly ive been wanting to lose weight permanently. Because of my PCOS i can never keep it off.

I figured im 22. Nows the perfect time to get this in place so in the long run i can be the healthiest i am. Ive quite smoking, i eat very minimal red meat, i am physically active, very active for someone my weight, and i dont thankfully have ajy diseases caused by obesity yet. However i cant keep ignoring that im 290 lbs and this is the second time ive gained all my weight back. I lost 50 lbs when i was 16, gained it all back and then some more, then lost 80 lbs at 19 only to gain a 100.

I plan on speaking with my GP in 2 weeks time on my appointment but is there any pointers anyone can give me? In terms of preop and post op and what your timeline looked like

I am 5’4, Body fat is at 49% and BMi is 49.8


submitted by /u/True-Shoulder-700
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there an "awkward" phase during weight loss? Like the embarrassing teenage years?

Starting weight : 190lbs
Current weight: 130lbs
Goal weight: 120lbsish?

I've lost 60lbs in about 2 years, this has been without exercise (I do stretches and some basic yoga but thats all I can handle due to spine issues and a hefty chronic illness). Anyway, I am 5'6 and have a very small frame/build so never carry weight that well. My weight loss is very noticeable in my face, shoulders, upper chest, legs and now starting on seeing it in my arms, but my belly, hips and under my boobs is still carrying noticeable extra lbs and lots of wobbly floppy bits. Im doing quite well regarding loose skin as I seem to have minimal (touch wood I havent just jinxed that). The parts that still carry this extra lbs are very noticeable compared to the rest of me, which now shows off my small frame.

Does everyone go through an awkward stage when losing weight, when some areas are lagging behind and need to play catch up to actually match the rest of your body? I know you can't spot lose weight, so im guessing this is the case. I dont really want to lose any more weight in my face or chest, but I still need to lose lBS in the areas that are annoying!!!!!

submitted by /u/Feisty_Foxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best online healthy weight loss meal delivery company?

Sadly at times I dont have the time to cook or make food but I know companies do that for you.

For someone trying to lose weight and eat healthy is there a company that mails meals to you that are healthy and lose weight based on the portions mailed premade?

If not I understand but was curious. But I want to pay for a service that delivers me fresh food for the week or days that I can subscribe to if possible is there that option?

submitted by /u/IntelligentBeyond830
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 29, 2022

Getting real about my apron

Hey folks, I’ve (37F) had an apron developing since I was 15, even though I wasn’t obese at the time, just a bit overweight. Guess I have a predisposition to it. It’s been my most hated part of my body for as long as I can remember. It ruined my perception of myself during my pregnancies and finding underwear that makes me feel sexy has always been a challenge. No matter what I wear I feel it gives me a visible bulge. I’ve realised recently that this is what contributed to my BD.

Progress pics NSFW

There is 37kg difference between these two pics and on the left is the lightest I have ever been as an adult at 85kg. I’m 5’6”. Whilst I was so excited to finally make it out of the obese BMI I just couldn’t see the weight loss at ALL because all I could see was that I still had this big horrible apron. The loose and bumpy skin doesn’t even bother me it’s just the way it hangs over my thighs. I had worked so hard for 18 months to lose this weight and was so disheartened that I ended up ballooning back to 102 within 6 months.

I started getting back on track again a few months ago and am down to 95, in a much better head space and intending to work steadily down to 70. For those of you who have the panniculus issue - what should my realistic expectations be about it when I get into a healthy weight range? Is it gonna hang around until I can afford surgery or will those extra 15kg make a big difference to it? Any other tips for dealing with it in the meantime appreciated, both mentally and physically.

submitted by /u/Glad-Improvement-812
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When will I see a difference?

So I just recently started working on losing weight. My starting weight was 350lbs 3 weeks ago. I’m currently down to 331.6 lbs. I mainly lost weight because I didn’t eat for roughly a week because I was so sick from covid and I’ve slowly been gaining appetite back. So my real question is at such a high weight when will I notice any weight loss physically and not just on a scale? Will I notice it after 50 pound loss increments?

submitted by /u/tlinde20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat