Monday, August 22, 2022

Facial changes?

Another post! I was looking in the mirror this morning, and I noticed that I have a slight dimple appearing my right cheek when I smile. I’ve never had dimples, I’m pretty sure I would have noticed this before, so I’m assuming it’s a result of the weight loss? Even though my loss is slight, about 13 pounds (haven’t weighed myself in 2 weeks so most likely around 16-18 pounds now) I’m super surprised to see this.

Anyone else discover something similar like a hidden dimple? Or am I hyping myself up too much๐Ÿ˜‚

submitted by /u/jetflag3242
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, August 21, 2022

i’m afraid to weigh myself.

okay, so i really want to lose weight. i’ve wanted to for a long time but i feel like now i am finally at a point where i feel like it’s feasible. here’s the issue: i need a starting weight. the last time i went to the doctor (around several months ago) i weighed around 195. when i saw that number it sent me into a downward spiral mentally and i was SO ashamed of myself. but in order to keep track of my weight loss, i feel like i need a starting weight. but i’m afraid if i weigh myself that the number might be higher and i think if i am in the 200s i would actually have a mental breakdown. i don’t know what to do and i was wondering if anyone had any advice?

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Weather_50
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Gained 80+ lbs in 3 years with "intuitive eating" and now I have to lose it again

I've always struggled with obesity, for the entirety of my life. In 2019, I worked extensively to become healthier and lost a bunch of weight (not sure the exact number, I only have the weight I was a bit after starting intuitive eating and my current weight to go by). I worked out (cardio and strength) 5-6 days per week (exercise 3 days, rest 1, repeat) and wasn't tracking calories or macros, I was just making an effort to gravitate towards whole foods, not overeat, not binge, monitor intake of dairy and wheat products. Of course I lost weight because I was burning more than I was eating, that's science, but I wasn't actively calculating anything. I would say what I was doing at that time is the REAL intuitive eating, which I do stand behind (self-monitoring, self-discipline without micromanaging), but that's not what I'm referring to in this post, obviously.

I stopped doing cardio and strength exercises and stopped self-monitoring to manage my binge eating disorder. I read the book "The F*ck It Diet" by Caroline Dooner and believed every word (I was still new to weight loss and the science, despite having success dropping some weight). I'm going to say right now that if you like this book or the woman who wrote it, I'm sorry in advance; I'm not trying to be rude or be a bully, just writing about my frustrating experience. Basically, I believed that exercising 5-6x per week (for about an hour per day) was making me binge. And that I was binge eating because I was self-monitoring. So I stopped. I also started watching Stephanie Buttermore and how she was doing her "All In" thing and got inspired by that. I unfollowed almost every fitness/beauty influencer, I stopped being a vegetarian, I ate carbs carbs carbs (because "carbs aren't the enemy and we need to make peace with them"). My diet was flour and meat, mostly. And I truly, honestly thought I was getting better. I wasn't binge eating anymore because I was allowing myself to eat anything and everything I thought I wanted, in whatever quantity I desired. So instead of binge eating, I was simply over eating, all day every day. In my naive and weird mind (what was I thinking??), I was "healing" myself, but in reality, I was only getting sicker and weaker.

I won't sit here and say this whole intuitive eating trend doesn't work for ANYONE. But I will say, knowing what I know now, if you have struggled with obesity and/or binge eating, there is a very high chance that this "diet"/way of eating/lifestyle is NOT for you. Our stomach organs are stretched out, so without monitoring, we will overeat. Of course we crave sweets and carbs and things like that -- we are ADDICTED to it. Listening to that voice in your head that says "let me eat 4 slices of cake because that's how I FEEL" is self-sabotaging, addictive, and ultimately doesn't care about you, I promise. That's not your "authentic self" you're getting in touch with, it's your impulsivity and addiction. I'm not saying never eat sweets or cake, but MONITOR and CONTROL YOURSELF to lose weight. Instead of four slices of pizza, eat 1-2 max. Instead of cake every day for dessert, swap it out for greek yogurt or fruit 3-5 days of the week. It doesn't have to be super strict and crazy, just a bit of structure and self-monitoring for your overall health and wellbeing. Us overweight and BED peeps are highly likely to use intuitive eating as an excuse to compulsively and regularly overeat. Even when we use the "intuitive eating fullness scale", it's not accurate because our stomach organs are stretched, like I said before, leading to overeating anyway. What I needed to manage my binge eating in 2019 wasn't this intuitive eating BS, it was therapy and a visit to the nutritionist and doctor's office to find the root cause and solve it so that I could have successfully continued on my journey to a healthy BMI. Protip: Whenever someone says that monitoring yourself is "toxic diet culture", run. Literally.

Anyway. Fast forward to August 2022 (now). I can barely get out of bed without heaving myself, walking up the 15-20 stairs to my bedroom which aren't even that steep makes me out of breath, my double chin can be felt even as I type this. My skin has broken out in acne spots, my hair is greasy even when I wash it, and I can barely reach my toenails to clip them on my own. I feel like crap 24/7. I can't sleep well, I'm always exhausted and bloating, my stomach hurts, I have indigestion. I outgrew my clothes. I am embarrassed to leave the house and my self-esteem, which was never amazing to begin with even when I dropped weight in 2019, has hit the lowest it ever has been in my entire life, while my weight is at its highest.

Stepping on the scale (can't get myself to publicly announce that number, but I'll say that it starts with a 3--) was a huge wake up call for me. Somehow, even though I noticed my physical health declining, I was also in denial about it. "It's not that bad", "I'm not binge eating anymore so it works", and "I've probably only gained 20 lbs at most" became my daily comfort phrases to keep me from looking too close at and changing my behavior. I broke down, I cried, I felt betrayed by all the intuitive eating BS I'd bought into, but mostly by myself.

So now, this brings us to what I'm going to do about it -- and that is to go back to what I was doing before, when I was losing weight, because I was doing everything right back then except for going to therapy for my BED. I'll self-monitor, exercise regularly, and take care of my mental health. I hope to update as time goes on and show you all my progress, as I undo this nightmare I've gotten myself into.

submitted by /u/ZzzNapGirl
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A small step in my movie theater popcorn downfall

I posted earlier about how I was worried that my love for my weekly tub of popcorn + refill + m and ms would hinder my weight loss goals. Tonight I was at the theater and I threw out the bucket after I was finished the first time ๐Ÿ˜ it sounds dumb and you’re probably like girl, why were you eating that much, but it’s delicious so leave me alone. I got a lot of conflicting answers on my post so who knows what is right, but less is never bad in this situation so I’m proud of myself for taking this step ๐Ÿ˜Š

submitted by /u/thraw11223344
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will movie theater popcorn seriously hinder my weight loss journey?

My fiancรฉ and I go to the movies every Tuesday night for date night and part of the reason I love it is the movie theater popcorn. I usually get the bucket and a refill ๐Ÿ˜… and m and ms, though granted the bucket is smaller than other places. I don’t get butter and I always get water. Is doing this once a week really bad? I’m starting to count calories for the first time ever and I’m under no impression that it’s healthy really by any means, but I’m wondering if doing this weekly will make a huge affect on trying to lose weight

submitted by /u/thraw11223344
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My 8 year struggle with weight loss

I'm not necessarily looking for advice, just wanted to air this out.

8 years ago is 2014. I've been journaling since then, and it dawned on me that I've been "calorie counting" since 2014...

For most of my life I've been overweight. Growing up, I never paid attention to calories, ate what my Mom made me, and just stayed like that. I was never comfortable with my body.

In 2014 I entered college. While people got their freshman 15, I got 30 pounds in one semester.

College in general was a depressive 4 years for me which I won't get into now, but I've long recovered since then. After gaining that much weight in freshman year, I pushed back with a heavy cut and calorie counting. The thing it, I was a complete beginner at this point. Paid no attention to nutrition, my calorie cap was about 1200, and my diet consisted of soup, cinnamon rolls, and a musketeer bar. Of course I had hardly any energy to do anything but I could get away with this because college. I didn't do any weight lifting, only jogging.

Over the course of sophomore year I went from 191 to about 148 lbs, my lowest weight every. But I wasn't happy, my body looked the same (fat to skinny fat) and I looked sickly. My memories if foggy from this time, but of course I regained the weight. Due to depression I developed a nasty habit of cutting during the week, then binging on junk on the weekend. I tried adding weight lifting because I realize at this point I also needed to build muscle if I wanted to change my body, but again, as a novice and frankly anti-social introvert, I ended up hurting my shoulder.

I think it was around junior year (2017) that I hit rock bottom. By then I added alcohol to the food binges. I'd go without eating the entire day, using coffee as an appetite suppressant, then binge at the end of the week. One night I drank a six pack of beer while gorging on food, it was late at night, I was lying on bed then just turned over and threw up on my bed. The smell that lingered was the worst part. I sincerely considered sleeping outside of my dorm instead.

I don't think I necessarily changed much from this incident though other than taking it easier on alcohol. I had resigned to my depression and knew I was stuck in a cycle, using food to make myself feel better, but I at least had a confidence it'd end upon graduation. By graduation my weight crept back up to 165 lbs.

Post graduation I just focused on fixing my mental health. I did lots of jogging, I hadn't introduced weight lifting yet. As I heal from the past, I started weaning myself off my binging eating, though never entirely, just less drastic. Around 2020 I tried keto, and it worked. But again I didn't do weight lifting. I got down to 150s, I went off keto then regained the weight. My Dad was a big fan of keto, and got my on the diet again in 2021. In both of these instances I was unemployed. Again, I didn't do weight lifting, I did started doing speed walking that jogging, but it was such a time consumer, and my thighs would chaff. I got success with keto again (went down to 158 lbs), but then went off of it again. Regained most of the weight

Now it's 2022, my weight is ironically at about 188 lbs. But some of it is muscle this time, other parts of it is water retention due to creative. I've got a big gut because of the beer I drink, and I think my body's just prefers allocating fat there. Odd enough I don't feel that terrible about my body, the little bit of muscle that I've added is all the difference. My shoulders look wide, my biceps have some substance to them.

I'm clearly fat, but with some muscle, and that makes me feel good.

I wanted to write this out because it just dawned on me what a journey I've been on, yet I still struggle. I've at least learned that my goal shouldn't be to "lose weight". My goal is body recomposition, always has been. My body fat percentage is about 31%, I want to get to 15% to see abs. I know that I still need to calorie count, but I need to do that while 1) eating enough protein, 2) and lifting weights at the gym, while ALSO 3) not using food anymore as a reward, and instead turning to other things as a reward

I also wanted to write this out because I fell of the wagon. I tried a 1500 caloric cap, but dieting while working a full time job is very tough. I wish I got is down pat back during college when I had so much time. But this time, instead of reactively lashing out at myself, I'll be kind to myself and say "hey, maybe 1500 calories was too steep, let's try 1700 calories max"

But even if I have success with dieting, I'll need to consider my plan for keeping the weight off. I've made a couple permanent gains to my diet and physical health though. That's 1) consistent gym attendance, 2) eating more protein than in the past, 3) consistently drinking water.

That's all, just wanted to get it off my chest.

submitted by /u/walk-in_shower-guy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Skipping a family reunion because of toxic relatives, and I’m afraid of attention.

Everywhere I go, people talk about my weight loss. They ask questions. They give compliments. They give concerns. There’s jealousy. People treat me completely differently, which I hate. I hate attention. It’s too the point where I’m more anxious now than I was before - I thought it was going to be the opposite. I thought it was going to get better eventually, but it’s not.

It’s officially to the point where I’m skipping family gatherings because I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I’m too anxious. I don’t want the attention. I just want to enjoy myself, but I can’t. I don’t remember the last conversation I had with a relative where my weight wasn’t brought up.

submitted by /u/throwanon31
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