Saturday, October 15, 2022

I’ve gone down a shoe size!

I put on a pair of size 9 leather shoes that I hadn’t worn for over 6 months, during which time I lost 35lbs. And the shoes didn’t fit me, like at all. I must have done down a whole shoe size. This is certainly an unexpected consequence of weight loss for me.

Altogether, I have going from 153lbs to 118lbs in the last 6 months (I’m a guy who is 5’7”). I have to say, losing weight has turned out to be a lot more expensive than I thought it would be - I have had to replace every pair of jeans and trousers I own!

submitted by /u/bio345d3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s The Lowest I Can Go In Cals And Remain Healthy? Female. 33. 5’4.

Originally, I started this journey at 317. My highest was 335. I got down to 297 and to remain losing 2 lbs per week, I would have been around 1,400+ calories. It felt unsustainable, though I was doing great in the 1,500 cal range. I put myself at a 1 1/2 lb per week loss to stay in a calorie range that felt more sustainable and went up to 1,700ish calories. I feel like I’ve been struggling since. I don’t like the extra calories. It’s like it gives me too much room to mess up because I can eat more. Im sure that’s not exactly a healthy take, but my weight loss has been incredibly slow to none (and recently gained about 2lbs — 294 to 296). It’s like I don’t like just losing 1 to 1 1/2 lbs a week.

Reasonably, how low can I go without medical intervention? I was working out regularly and stopped. Will get back to it soon enough.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to start my journey

Hey, I'm looking for advice on how to start my weight loss journey! I'm female and 18 years old, my weight is 132 lbs and I'm 5ft on the dot. I know I'm not majorly overweight but I would like to get down to around 120/125 lbs as that is where I feel most comfortable (my clothes fit me really well then, and still had my curves lol). I have a gym membership so I know that's a start and I'm a student who makes all of my own meals. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on exercise and what I could be doing at the gym? I love the bikes and walking, but I'm a bit nervous about weights and running. Food wise, my diet is good and balanced, I eat my vegetables and all kinds of meat but I also don't restrict, if I want chocolate or fizzy juice I'll have it and that works for me. I feel like I have the bare bones of how to start but I'm just not sure how to put it into practice. I'd really appreciate any tips if anyone has them! or even just some words of encouragement!

submitted by /u/EntertainerSuch1468
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need confirmation I'm losing weight incorrectly

Context: I'm M26, height 5'9", CW: 190 lb, GW: 165 lb. My main goal is to lose weight. My watch says I have a BMI of 31%. I have a sedentary job (office desk). I have gone to the gym 5 days a week since September. The routine is 20 min on the treadmill (run 1 mile, cooldown for the rest), do a beginner workout program (I'm almost done with one, day 16/21) on a yoga mat, then leave. I plan on transitioning/incorporating machines and going into a machine-focused workout program. I'm also thinking about drinking protein shakes, as one of my secondary goals is to get stronger and look good. I haven't committed to that yet.

I have been trying a 1350 cal/day deficit since the beginning of the year, but I only really took it seriously starting at the beginning of August. I usually do not eat dinner. I consume these calories via breakfast and lunch. So I eat from 8 AM until about 2 PM. I consider this intermittent fasting. I'm also very snacky, so at work, I eat various snacks but still make sure I am logging the calories.

Problem: I have not been noticing substantial weight loss. I have been consistent in the calorie deficit of 1,350 cal/day. I log my calories every day, though not my macros. I also do not account for the calorie loss from my exercising, I mostly just tell myself "oh I lost about 250 calories exercising, so I can probably eat 250 calories". This past week, I have not lost any weight, even though I have stuck with my routine. I would say that I have lost some weight since I started in August, but I have recently plateaued.

Solution: I need to eat more. The calorie deficit is too low. My TDEE from online websites states that it is around 2,300-2,500 calories, and if I want to be losing weight, I should be eating 1,700-1,800 calories instead. I should also be accurately counting my macros. I currently eat more carbs than I should, and I don't eat as much protein as I should. I should split my meals into equal portions throughout the day. I should only eat when I'm hungry. I should stop being snacky. I should be doing longer cardio sessions. Strength training should not be a focus for now.

Background: I have lost a lot of weight before. About 8 years ago I went from 230 lbs to 170 lbs with a combination of calorie restriction and heavy gym cardio. 4 years ago, I was the fittest I was, when I actively participated in a sport (fencing). I was very decently strong, doing various strength workouts, and hitting PRs (albeit low PRs). These attempts had a method: lose weight first, gain muscle after. I have been trying to mirror my previous attempts, but this time around it isn't exactly working for the losing weight part. During these times, IIRC, my calorie deficit was at a similar amount (1200-1500 cal/day).

Question: Is my proposed solution accurate? All the online websites tell me yes, though it is not what I did in my previous attempts. I have never counted macros before. Also, what else about what I am doing is wrong? Am I doing this incorrectly?

Thank you in advance for the advice. I genuinely want to improve my health and well-being. I will take your criticism with an open mind.

submitted by /u/liberatelatios
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 14, 2022

You often hear that we notice our own weight loss before others do…but I’ve had the opposite experience. Anyone else?

I started getting comments at around 20 pounds lost. Family members & friends were telling me that I looked like I lost weight. I couldn’t see it though. I felt as if I looked the exact same as I did at my heaviest.

At first I even thought people were saying that just to be nice. But then I realized, 60% of the people complementing me, don’t even know that I’m on a weight loss journey. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t see it myself.

It wasn’t until I hit about 30 pounds that my eyes caught up. I looked in the mirror one day and thought, “Damn, I do look thinner!”

I often hear people say that we see our progress before others do. I find it funny that my experience has been the opposite. Was it like this for anybody else?

submitted by /u/Terrible-Highway5379
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I broke my metabolism... how do I fix it?

Hi everyone! I started 2022 on a weight loss journey. I am 43M and 5'9". I started at about 280 lbs. In March I learned I needed to have surgery on my back and decided to lose weight in preparation. I started on WW and lost about 40lbs before my surgery in May. After the surgery I decided to switch to a plant based diet and weight started to drop even more. In July I ended up messing up my digestion with the abundance of plant foods and ended up eating very little for a few weeks while I recovered. I was taking in less than 1000 calories for a couple weeks. Slowly getting back to my average of 1500 calories which is what I was at before the stomach bloating issues. After July I started to have problems with dry skin, coldness, fatigue, etc. My RHR went from 64 to 54 and my BP dropped to 115/78. I attribute these drastic changes to my huge dietary change from health concious WW to plant based no meat no dairy no oil no sugar ( macros like 80 carb 10 fat 10 protein).

I believe this is due to my prolonged caloric deficit and huge dietary change. How can I help recover my metabolism? I assume I just slowly increase the calories?

submitted by /u/FixitFelix2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for experiences with the sleeve

I (27F) have been thinking of getting the gastric sleeve surgery to help me with my weight loss journey. I’ve struggled my whole life with my weight and think that normal dieting and exercise isn’t a realistic answer for me because every time I’ve tried, I’ve failed after a few months.

While my weight has fluctuated, I’ve consistently had a BMI of 40 or above. I’m on the shorter side (4’10) and am now at my heaviest (220). It feels impossible to even get to where I want to be without a more permanent change.

I feel like sometimes I physically need to be stopped or it will never happen.

Would love to know is anyone on this sub has tried it and what their experience was.

submitted by /u/sparkymp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat