Friday, November 4, 2022

does fat loss reflect on the scale?

My weight on the scale ranges to 85kgs then stops at 80kgs. It confuses me but i think i lost 5kgs. It used to stop around 83-85kgs.

I lost two inches off my waist and measurements with inconsistent exercise but this august i stopped altogether for being discouraged and now i see my waist gained another .05 inch.

A commenter here said that the fact i lost 5kgs and some inches mean i lost fat.

Is fat loss different from weight loss?

submitted by /u/Euphoric_Bluebird710
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Not sure what to do

I went from cutting to maintenance in the past week because I felt like I needed a diet break but a big problem came up.

I've been hungry on a surplus.

It feels like my body is like trying to eat back it's calories and stockpile for winter or something. I've been binging a lot the past week...So my TDEE is 2500 and I've been eating roughly 2000 for weight loss but during "maintenance" this past week i've consistently hit 3000.

it feels like my leptin is all out of wack or something and I'm still hungry after full meals. :( any help would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/Klauslee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No such thing as targeted weight loss…how do I make my arms look better?

I’m 5’6 and 143lbs right now. I’ve lost a bit over 10 through CICO. My goal weight is around 133, then I want to focus on being more toned.

I’ve been 130ish lbs before but the weight loss never seems to effect my arms. I have broad shoulders and I’m most self conscious about how big my arms are (especially in the back). I’ve read there’s no such thing as “targeted weight loss”. How can I help myself make my arms leaner? I’m naturally an athletic build and lifting weights makes me think I’ll gain muscle which won’t make them smaller.

submitted by /u/beigewoodtable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Honest Question: Does anyone else dislike talking about their "journeys" with friends?

My friends are all on various "journeys." Weight loss journeys, fitness journeys, health journeys, wellness journeys, etc etc. They all have different names for their "journeys" but it's all the same thing: lose weight, exercise, drink less alcohol. They all have varying degrees of success, but they can't seem to stop talking about their "journeys." They're very encouraging of everyone and their own individual "journeys" and are all very very supportive.

Personally, I don't like telling people that I'm trying to lose weight. That I'm keeping sober. That I get over 10k steps in most days. I feel like it's very personal. And I (personally) hate using the word "journey" for this kind of thing. I'm not a Hobbit venturing across Middle Earth, ok? I'm just doing my thing. If they want to call their thing a "journey" then ok fine. You do you. But I personally don't like talking about my thing. And I personally feel uncomfortable when EVERYONE in the group is talking about their "journeys." And I feel very uncomfortable when people bring up my "journey" and tell me that I'm doing so good on my "journey" and want to talk about my "journey." It's PERSONAL. But people just want to talk about it, don't they??

Sorry for the rant..... I guess that's just part of my "journey" lol

submitted by /u/wontsettle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Realistic weight goal

I am 25, 6 foot 3 and I weight 109kg after a few weeks of weight loss. I’m Not overly fat but I’m definitely way too chubby and I’d like to lose as much weight as I can in the next 8 weeks. What is an attainable goal provided I run 1/2 a week and remain in a calorie deficit of around 1500 a day?

Iv always struggled with weight loss and after becoming an absolute stick in college iv slowly been putting on weight for the past 3 years due to a poor relationship with food.

I don’t necessarily have a sweet tooth or ridiculous cravings but when I do break my diet streak I tend to fall off the deep end and think I may aswell eat everything now that iv broken the diet.

Iv been fighting this fight for way too long and I just wanna be healthy so badly I feel like I’m wasting my youth being overweight.

I know everyone gives advice which is very extreme and I wish I could be one of those gym heads who lives in the gym but I’d just be kidding myself as I am inherently lazy and I can only really commit to 1/2 gym sessions a week mainly running with abit of strength training to finish off.

Any advice from this lovely community??

submitted by /u/CzatheGenius
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it ok to do only cardio?

Hey, 17F/5’7/108lbs here! Not really looking for weight loss advice more of a fitness advice, hope y’all can still help.

For a long time I have wanted to become fitter. I felt skinny-fat and I didn’t like the way I looked so I decided to try resistance training and upping my protein.

I had a massive problem sticking to a resistance training routine though. I did it at home since I don’t have access to a gym and I found it nightmare-ish. I couldn’t stick for more than a week at a time. I genuinely hated it and thought I hated exercising in general. That was until I discovered running.

Only a few weeks ago I picked up running a bit and I found it really fun and rewarding. It actually gives me energy and reduces my anxiety as a direct opposition to the weight training. I actually like exercising now!

But, reading a bunch online everyone basically says cardio is useless if you want to look more toned (less of that skinny fat)… I don’t know what to do… is it really that bad?

submitted by /u/Radiant_Mycologist46
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much does exercise increase your weight loss?

A month ago I was stuck in a plateau of sorts so I started to really focus on my calorie counting. I started making sure to weigh every single thing to the g and put in extra research to make sure all my MFP entries were accurate. It did help and I started losing weight again.

Over the past month I have only been losing 1 lb/wk. I aim to eat 1,200 calories/day. I am 5'4 and weigh 185 lbs. When I calculate my TDEE, at 1,200 calories/day I should lose 1 lb/wk if I'm sedentary.

But I'm NOT sedentary. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. 3x a week I Iift weights with a trainer for an hour and 2-3x a week I walk at least 2 miles on the treadmill, at least 1 mile at an incline of 8-9. I have been lifting for over a year. I recently (past 2 months) switched from walking outside to walking on the treadmill. I actually find the treadmill more difficult because I can increase the incline.

I never assumed I was burning thousands of calories when I worked out but I knew I was burning some. My weight loss is making it seem like I hardly burn anything. With my activity level I thought I would be losing closer to 2 lbs/wk instead of 1. My 'lightly active' TDEE according to calculators is ~2,100 which would put me at a 900 calorie deficit through diet alone.

submitted by /u/Gingerhaze12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat