Thursday, November 3, 2022

Realistic weight goal

I am 25, 6 foot 3 and I weight 109kg after a few weeks of weight loss. I’m Not overly fat but I’m definitely way too chubby and I’d like to lose as much weight as I can in the next 8 weeks. What is an attainable goal provided I run 1/2 a week and remain in a calorie deficit of around 1500 a day?

Iv always struggled with weight loss and after becoming an absolute stick in college iv slowly been putting on weight for the past 3 years due to a poor relationship with food.

I don’t necessarily have a sweet tooth or ridiculous cravings but when I do break my diet streak I tend to fall off the deep end and think I may aswell eat everything now that iv broken the diet.

Iv been fighting this fight for way too long and I just wanna be healthy so badly I feel like I’m wasting my youth being overweight.

I know everyone gives advice which is very extreme and I wish I could be one of those gym heads who lives in the gym but I’d just be kidding myself as I am inherently lazy and I can only really commit to 1/2 gym sessions a week mainly running with abit of strength training to finish off.

Any advice from this lovely community??

submitted by /u/CzatheGenius
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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