Monday, November 28, 2022

I feel like I'll never lose weight

I'm going to allow myself to be vulnerable on reddit of all places; hopefully I don't get torn apart!

I'm 38 years old, 6' tall and 280lbs. Recently completed labs for my physical and of course my cholesterol is high and blood sugar is at the upper end of the recommended range. I feel the steady decline of my health, I know I need to change, but I feel like I'm a lost cause.

I've tried weight loss before but always end up quitting. I have serious laziness and motivational problems. Worst of all, I'm a really picky eater and afraid to try new things. I don't know if it's my ADHD or what, but once I find something I like I pretty much stick to that thing. I don't eat vegetables, and I'm pretty sure that won't ever change. Fast food is a huge problem for me. Portion management is a huge problem.

Here's some things I've tried: - Counting calories with an app. I love technology and I find it very motivating. It's fun at first, but over time it stops becoming fun/interesting and I eventually give up on entering meals I eat. - Reducing or stopping the amount of fast food I eat. I have only a few things I eat at home (grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, tomato soup with crackers, frozen pizzas). There's always that tendency to eat out. The longer I've been away from Chickfila or fast-food burgers, the more I think about and crave them. - Appetite suppressants. I've had the most success with this. Eliminating hunger feelings has been the best experience so far. My doctor recommended Saxenda but unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover it. And I didn't want to spend over $1000 a month for it. I ended up using Phentermine. The side effects sucked, but I stuck with it. I ended up losing about 25 lbs (got down to 250lbs from 275) and it was a great feeling. However, the medication started to become less effective over time and I eventually went back to my old habits. I stopped taking the medication at that point.

Here are my struggles: - I have a sedentary job. I sit at a desk all day. My hobbies happen to also be sedentary and involve sitting. About the only time I really stand up is to do chores around the house, mow the lawn, etc. - I'm lazy. It's hard for me to start a task, but once I'm doing it, I can stick with it. This especially applies to exercise. - I don't exercise. It's not fun at all. It's exhausting. It feels punishing for no benefit. And I'm not motivated to stick with it. I could probably do some weights/workout equipment at home but you would never get me to drive to a gym and pay a membership. I think my laziness is a big part of this. - I'm a picky eater. Love fried foods. Hate veggies. Some fruits are OK (I like apples but not bananas). This is a gag-reflex / texture / taste issue and I'm 100% sure I will never eat vegetables.

Here's some things I do or think I would enjoy: - Cycling I love. But I won't do it in cold weather. It requires getting dressed up and stuff which just makes it harder to be motivated and get it going. Once I'm on the road, though, I can go forever. - I have a wife and she's very very supportive and encouraging. I feel like I want to do everything with her, so I'm hoping doing some activities together will help motivate me and hold me accountable.

I've done a lot of googling/searching about this and most of the advice comes down to: - Don't like food, too bad, you have to eat those things - Stop being lazy - You're just being a child

I mean, I'm sure a lot of this is true. I fully acknowledge that I have problems. But the idea is to get some encouragement and ideas to help me improve my lifestyle which hopefully results in a healthier me. Part of my hesitation in opening up here, especially on Reddit, is that I'll get roasted. But I'll take the risk...

If anyone has advice, I'd really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/anime_daisuki
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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