Saturday, November 26, 2022

I've lost 50 pounds to finally be under 300!

I don't have anyone to share this with, so forgive the life story. I just had to write this out. Maybe someone else will connect with it? Sorry about the length and lack of concrete meaning behind it.

I've been constantly gaining weight my entire life, besides a brief stint in high school with extreme cases of strep (basically couldn't eat for months and lost about 30 pounds). Otherwise it's been constant due to never learning appropriate eating habits until I made it all the way up to 350 pounds. I couldn't want more than a few hundred steps without having to stop and take a breath, I needed seatbelt extenders to fly on a plane, sitting on my desk chair (instead of a well cushioned couch or recliner) for too long would hurt my tailbone, and looking in the mirror disgusted me so much that I stopped doing it except to look at specific features (like making sure hair is not too messy or my tie was straight, things like that), ignoring the bigger picture of how I looked as a whole.

At the beginning of August, I moved to a place very high in elevation so even for those in shape, it's noticeably harder to breath and for someone as out of shape as me, I could barely walk 10 steps without having breathing difficulties. It was what finally provided the impetus to change. When my household goods arrived, 2 days after my 28th birthday, I used the scale and saw I hit 350 pounds. I didn't make any significant changes for a few weeks, but just the increased activity from unpacking and rearranging everything brought me down to 345 at the end of August, where I started my weight loss journey in earnest.

I started tracking the calories I'm consuming (got a kitchen scale and everything, surprisingly nice!), going on walks, and more than anything, developing a healthier relationship with food (not eating because of boredom, eating until I'm satisfied not stuffed, etc.). There's still a lot to go and I know at some point I'm going to have to start working out in earnest and eat even healthier, but you have to start from somewhere.

My goal is to not be overweight by my 30th birthday, 189 pounds. Losing 161 pounds in 2 years, from the initial weigh-in. It's so daunting, but as of this morning, I'm at 299 pounds. Being almost a third of the way there already after just a few months is a pretty great feeling.

submitted by /u/Gr3ylock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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