Sunday, January 1, 2023

Can someone suffering from Hypothyroidism share their weight loss tips? I'm at my wits' end!

I have been asked to lose around 10 kilos this month by my doctor. I currently weigh 95 kilos. As per instructions I'm eating clean not more than 1500 calories and working out an hour everyday, mix of weights and cardio. Lost only a kilo in a week. I know hypothyroid patients lose weight very slowly. But I would be really grateful if someone who has lost weight while having hypothyroidism could share some tips. I'm freaking desperate now!

submitted by /u/wouldntitbeloverly_6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: January 1st, 2023

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support, and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for January.

How was your December?

You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weight loss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?
  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?
  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?
  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?
  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also the goal-setting day for January!!

If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.
  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day
  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?
  • What are some non-weight/exercise-related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junk food, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My daughter wants to go swimming

My daughter really likes swimming and she has done kids swimming school and classes at her school, but now she's basically past kids swimming classes but not yet old enough to just go by herself so she keeps asking me to take her swimming. But because of my weight and anxiety I've been making excuses for a while about it.

So I guess what I'm hoping to find in 2023 weight loss journey is the confidence to go swimming with her.

Anyone doing swimming while they are overweight? Is this a good thing to pick up or does it really spike anxiety to be in a swim suit?

submitted by /u/finallyMorgan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Progress Update

About a couple weeks into my journey of getting back on track to my weight loss goals. Just recently started a job that involves heavy lifting and has me constantly on my feet. Also I bike on average 65 miles a week on my bike. So needless to say my calorie burn is very high. Best thing is also keeping my calorie count around 2,000-2,300. Might seem like a lot but with the amount of exercise it’s actually not bad. My main focus is to lose weight slowly and steadily. It’s much easier to reach a goal when allowing oneself time to mentally and physically adjust over time to a new lifestyle choice. My goal is 165 and I’m currently at 192. 27 more pounds to go but I know I’ll get there soon enough!

submitted by /u/cuddlypenguin7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get more protein?

I’m a pescatarian who is also dairy free and gluten free. How am I supposed to get 150g of protein while eating 1,500 calories a day?

I did the math and it turns out that (on a good day) I’m only eating 60 grams of protein. Today I had about 46g of and I don’t feel agitated or hungry but I know I can’t build muscle like this. I’m told muscle is crucial to the weight loss process.

I don’t like thinking about too much what I’m eating because too much of that can cause me to spiral (I have a binging disorder.) I don’t like eating three meals a day. I’d rather have one meal in the afternoon with some snacks and then a smaller meal a few hours later.

I like fruits and they make up most of my diet but I am willing to cut some out if anyone can suggest some ideas on how I can get my protein up without having to change my diet.

submitted by /u/heebergeeber
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

We did it!


Me - 177 pounds Lost!
My Wife - 168 pounds Lost!

2022 has been an amazing journey of discipline and strength! We started our weight loss journey on the first of the year and have lost a combined weight of 345 pounds! I'm so damn proud of us! I've never been this thin in my life!

I'll spare you the details in this post except to say Keto + 20mins of aerobics + 10k steps a day. I have no problems answering questions in the comments or DMs.

Happy New Year Everyone!

submitted by /u/fragdemented
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What “unconventional” Weightloss foods are your favorite?

Hi there! If this is a common reoccurring question please feel free to delete but with a lot of people starting health journeys for the new year I thought it might be a fun and resourceful thread.

So I’ve been on a slow and steady Weightloss journey and have discovered a few things about my food preferences. I have a good friend who is starting his journey for New Years and we started discussing diet foods when he said to me “I just hate salads, and I’m not looking forward to eating salads for 6 months straight”

I told him I’m also not a fan of salads and really only eat them occasionally in the summer time. I get most of my veggies through SOUPS, stir frying, steaming/sautéing and raw snacking (where my baby carrot fans at???)

Please note: I’m not saying salads are bad or that I don’t like them, I just prefer other types of ways to get my veggies in, I have found salads don’t keep me full for a long time but soups do!

He seemed surprised and expressed he hadn’t thought about soups and stir fry as being healthy or good ways to get veggies in. There’s obviously ways you can make those things super unhealthy but it’s really easy to make them healthy, especially soups where I can add a scoop or two of unflavored protein powder.

But that poses the question, what other “unconventional” types of food do you all use for weight loss?

submitted by /u/ConfusedMidwesterner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat