Friday, January 13, 2023

need motivation to keep losing weight after a pause

I've lost about 10kgs last year between start of September and end of November. I did it by CICO but now I have no motivation to do counting again and I just crave so much sweets atm.

I know alot of it contributes to me being bored as I'm on a job hunt atm does anyone have any advice what to do from here on out. I probably should start tracking again but has anyone had the same experience where they've lost the weight but paused and had no motivation how'd you get it back? I've maintained the weight loss but varies between 2kgs which I'm fine with but I would like to lose more now

submitted by /u/pinnochios_nose22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loosing progress, Loosing Motivation.

I'm new to reddit and extremely new to this thread so I hope I've put this is in the right place.

I'm feeling especially frustrated right now with my journey and just want to vent a little.

I decided that my weight had gotten to a point that was out of control - I'd finish Uni which left me depressed, binge eating takeouts at least three times a week, cooking meals that were way too large for myself, at least a large chocolate bar and a bottle of coke a day - you get the picture.

I (F24) weighed 266 when I started my journey and at 5'4 that meant I was a chunkyyyyy gal. Doesn't help that I have PCOS but that isn't an excuse anymore.

I thought enough was enough when I came home and decided to do some calorie counting. When I started, it was the middle of lockdown and I was unemployed so I took the opportunity to try and better my health by exercising and try to get a hold of my binge eating issue.

My approach was not to cut anything out - still enjoy the occasional chocolate and treat provided it's in moderation and honestly as difficult as it was, I somehow stuck to it. As I lost the weight, I would slowly cut back on calories. I think part of the issue here is that I was consuming just about 1.4k cal, and would burn at least 400-600 calories a day meaning I'd lost it quickly and in an entirely unsustainable way. Somehow though, those were the days I felt the best as i felt like i was achieving something (obviously not good in the long run.)

I originally started the journey by walking through the local meadows, at home exercises and occasionally going to the gym when possible.

I got a full time job for six months, weight stagnated, quit my job (for separate reasons) and did my best to loose some weight again (and it was slow but sure process)

I got myself a part time job 2 months later and while the weight loss slowed down (retail sucks ass and so does standing on your feet for hours at a time but burning nothing) I still managed to loose it slowly.

I actually got to 195lbs which is a rounded 70lbs loss (5 stone). I felt the difference and was so happy with myself. While loose skin isn't exactly the most attractive physical consequence of my weight lost, I was still happy.

I've since accepted a full time job (which mostly involves mostly sitting at a desk and in those six months of being here, I have now gained back 27lbs since starting this job.

I feel devastated - I've tried time and time again but my will power and my motivation has just disappeared. My binge eating is back and when it's in walk I just feel defeated.

I am so mentally tired that I find myself truely struggling to do anything after work at this rate.

I wake up at 6:15, get into work for 8:15, finish at 4:50pm and don't often get home until 6/7pm depending on travel and bus issues. I am tired. I love my job but I am so mentally exhausted during and after the day as it's certainly intense.

I also struggle doing my walks as they roughly take me 1hr30/40 minutes (burning roughly 400cal a sesh at my current weight) which leaves me such little time to socialise, meal prep, get my shit sorted for the next day and shower etc.

Winter has been especially hard - I hate the cold and with the massive weight loss, I feel it tenfold. I also get hives when cold (even during the summer) if I forget to take my antihistamines tablets which happens a lot.

I know that ultimately I have the time to do it, and that I could fit it in, and people have lives much busier than mine but I don't know where to find the motivation any more. When I'm trying to avoid eating, I actually grind my teeth which makes me think of it more lmao. I feel like I'm back at my original spot.

I can little feel my double chin again and I've never felt so heartbroken, frustrated and quite frankly ugly. I don't even want to go back into the office at this point.

It's like my only choice is to go part time which is not financially viable nor is it an option for my current job.

I'm not really sure what else to say, I just wanted fester in my own little pity party and maybe vent to someone who might have similar struggles. I'm hoping I can get my ass back in gear but with my progress loss I feel like I already know what will happen.

Has anyone managed to get back on track after such a massive loss of progress?

submitted by /u/xElectricCherry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's tough when the pounds stop falling off as easily

I started my weight loss journey (this time) about 4 months ago. This is the longest I've ever committed. I'm down 40lbs to 200lbs. 5'11 M 31. At first the pounds came off quick. Then I added in strength training, and while I wasn't losing weight as fast, I was gaining muscle so there was a lot of progress there.

Now I'm still going to the gym 4-5 times a week, cardio and strength. I'm still eating a deficit, and my body has felt stuck for about 3 weeks. I feel changes happening much slower and some days it's tough to find the motivation when I'm not seeing the progress I used to.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?

submitted by /u/PalindromemordnilaP_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, January 12, 2023

i lost 20lbs , but cant seem to shed anymore.. help

im so excited when i got on the scale to see i was 20lbs less than when i started this... that was almost 6 months ago .. i haven't been able to drop anymore.. but at least i haven't gained it back ! ..

27f . 5ft 3in , and currently 220 , my goal is to get down to 150 no real time restraint. i just wanna do this as healthily as possible. with the least amount of sagging skin as well.

i have a few food restrictions, peanut, egg, and shellfish allergies.

i tend not to eat pasta or bread often. maybe once a week or less. i allow myself to eat anything i want, but tend to stick with meat. veggies and rice. and a little bit of fruit. on the rare chances i bring junk food into the house as i still crave it, i wont binge eat it. i limit myself to small portions just to satisfy the craving.

i switched from regular soda , to diet. and hope to be able to wean myself off it and replace it with tea or flavored water. i like my caffeine. but cant stand the taste of coffee.

i work 3 days a week , and on my feet for the full 8 hour shift, but on my days off im pretty stationary, since i draw and crochet as hobbies/ side hustle. i do get up and clean for about an hour to two hours a day off and on depending on what needs done.

i dont count calories. or carbs. because i dont know how exactly how to do that, and then how to balance it with burning it off... but i feel like i eat less than i use to. and make sure to stick to serving sizes.

i eat twice a day most days.. i do have a few days that i will nibble throughout the day. some days it could be junk food .. some days it could be fruit, jerky, or even air fried veggies.

i just feel like i hit a stand still when it comes to losing weight and need a push to resume the process. i know i need to cut out the junk food. but i also wanna be realistic and not end up giving up completely since i want my snack foods occasionally. not like im sitting there eating a cake everyday . just a portion of chips or few cookies here and there. im afraid if i cut it all out and not allow it at all. ill give up this weight loss thing up.

i just order a few vitamin gummies that may satisfy one of my "candy" cravings while also getting something my body may need. apple cider vinegar, d3, b12, woman multivitamin with dha, and biotin.. is there anything else i could consider adding to the vitamin list?

any advice to get this weight loss started back up ?

submitted by /u/catbloopers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accomplishment: My journey maintaining healthy weight loss. Over 300 to 175lbs.

In July of 2021 I started my weight loss journey well over 300lbs.

By January of 2022 I weighed 246lbs. In June of 2022 I weighed 200lbs.

It is now January 2023 and I can now happily report I weigh 175lbs!

I feel great!

Feel free to ask me absolutely anything!

The only “diet” I have stuck to consistently since 2021 is that I no longer eat mammals. That means chicken and fish only.

Besides that, my current diet has been fun and diverse with minimal calorie counting. I counted calories religious for two weeks to get a sense of what I eat and the calories of my most commonly eaten foods then completely stopped calorie counting.

My strategy has been literally trying to eat as little but as healthily as possible, knowing that I will have inevitable cheats like pizza on DnD night or dessert after Sunday dinners.

That means just water, plain black coffee, tea, and the occasional diet soda for beverages.

That means just a single, sugar free pastry with coffee until I have some nuts and carrots for lunch. I’ve learned to embrace hunger as the feeling and sensation of weight loss so I’m used to feeling it everyday.

I’m always very hungry when I get home from work, so I normally have pasta or Mac n cheese. I’ve never given up my pasta and Mac n cheese, I have only reduced the portions. Love me spaghetti.

I try to only eat salads (making sure to avoid sugary dressings) or vegetarian items when out at restaurants to reduce temptation.

In terms of physical activity, when I first started losing weight I went to the gym very often to do cardio and weight training. Lots of treadmill running and racing to beat my best mile time.

Since dropping below 200lbs, however, I only go to the gym once a week. I just make sure to walk a lot as much as I can and stick to my diet. At work (desk job) I take regular walking breaks to keep moving.

I’m lucky I live within walking distance of things like groceries and restaurants which forces me to walk if I want food.

I have a loving and supporting fiancé that loves me when I was fat and still loves me now. Relationship has only grown stronger and more honest.

I’m over all very happy with my life. I’m finally excited to take pictures and to share my weight with my family.

This sub Reddit has been very helpful and inspiration so thank you!

Best of luck on your journeys!

Ask me anything you a

submitted by /u/randoweightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Short Review of Latest Maintenance Phase Podcast Episode

The last time I reviewed an episode of Maintenance Phase (it was the CICO episodes) it was well-received here, so I thought I'd do another review. This one isn't as in-depth as it didn't quite raise my ire the way the CICO episodes did, but this one hits on a few points that I think are important to highlight.

The episode in question: "Glorifying Obesity" And Other Myths About Fat People (link goes to Apple Podcasts - sorry for that, they don't seem to have a neutral episode list on their website).

Their description:

This week, we're talking about Aubrey's new book, "'You Just Need To Lose Weight' and 19 Other Myths About Fat People." And we're yelling about Piers Morgan as a little treat.

In short, it's a publicity piece for Aubrey's new book, but they do actually talk about some things of substance rather than a fluff piece promoting the book, which I appreciate! Immediate positive points for doing that.

Overall, I think it was a good episode. Aubrey and Michael engage in a reasonably good discussion about some of the issues and concerns a lot of fat people experience, and they promote healthy discussion about these things. Most importantly, one of the best nuggets I took out of their discussion was suggesting that one look at the questions they ask and determine why they ask a specific question, to examine the biases they are applying to certain things.

That in itself is something everyone should be doing most of the time anyway, not just surrounding the discussion of weight loss and fat people (their emphasis in this episode is on "fat people" and not necessarily weight loss, so I'm just sticking with that term). In general, too, I think Aubrey does a good job illustrating that the "Fat Advocate" side of the Internet is probably a very loud, vocal minority, and that most of the time, fat people are reasonable, sensible people that are trying to go about their lives and not get ostracized for being fat. This to me is a reasonable expectation.

The sticking points though is when Michael jumps in occasionally and throws in things like "set weight point" (which is absolutely not a thing) and there's no refuting that. I wish I could have provided notes and time stamps, but I was shoveling snow while listening, so I'm doing my best here. Throughout the episode there were little things like that from both of the hosts where they throw shade at CICO, while promoting similar HAES talking points to the idea of a set weight point.

But since the focus of the episode is on Aubrey's book, I am not really surprised they didn't go in-depth into a lot of topics like that. The bulk of the discussion is about the very real side effects of how bigger people are treated in society and online. Aubrey refers to an incident earlier in her life when she posted a picture of her in a new bathing suit, and was immediately subjected to some ugly comments on her public LiveJournal page. Also discussed was the notion that people are "glorifying being fat by simply posting a picture online" - I agree that this isn't really what's going on - Lizzo wasn't glorifying being fat by showing up on a scoreboard at a basketball game, she was just attending a basketball game.

At the same time, there is that loud vocal minority out there subverting the HAES movement that ARE trying to glorify fatness that was not addressed at all in this episode. I doubt that there is much content in Aubrey's book about it.

I'm sorry for the lack of cohesion in this review, I am going off the top of my head rather than notes as I did the last time I reviewed an episode of their show.

If I were to rate this out of 5, I'd give them a 3.5. Definitely a better discussion than their CICO episodes, but missing the point on a few things. If this was your introduction to myths around weight loss and fat people, it's not the best starting point in terms of debunking these myths. Discussions about examining biases (like why some people think they need to be thin to succeed in their career - which is a real thing) was the strong point of this episode.

submitted by /u/broomlad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss has stopped. So frustrating. 2 month weight loss plateau. Has anyone actually gotten through a plateau?!

I’m 26 M 5’10” and started on January 1, 2021 at at 251 lbs and now I’m at 229 lbs. At one point during the summer I was down to 224.6 lbs. But with the holidays and some loss in my family, I’ve been stuck in a plateau for 2 months now at 229 lbs and it’s so frustrating. I’m starting to feel like I’ll never get that joy of losing weight again. Has the last year of losing weight all been a waste? Has anyone actually broken through a weight loss plateau? Because now I’m starting to think it’s never going to happen.

I’ve been doing hiit classes at my gym for an hour on Monday and Wednesdays for a year now, play full court basketball on Sunday mornings for 2 hours and do sprint intervals on the treadmill for a 5k like twice a week and also doing major calorie deficit according to my TDEE which 3142 calories burned so I’m eating over a 1000 calories under that on days I workout. Sometimes over a 1500 calorie deficit. I’ve also been intermittent fasting where I fast from 10pm to 1pm the following day to help restrict calories 5 days a week for the last year. I’ve read that lifting weights helps with the weight loss so I’ve included lifting weights with the Cardio and I weighed in this morning for the first time in a month and I gained 1.5 lbs but my stomach feels flatter and waste is thinner. Starting to feel that everything that helped me lose 22 lbs last year isn’t working anymore.

My goal is to be under 200 lbs by July 13th. Any tips on breaking through the frustrating plateau would be appreciated. Thanks

submitted by /u/brianb48
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from loseit - Lose the Fat